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Teens react: As enter 

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1 Teens react: As enter 

2 Homework in! Read a peer’s homework and grade as below: 1.A/A* - Explain how their religious beliefs have influenced them to be a pacifist 2.B – Explain their work and what religious beliefs they hold 3.C – State a little about who they are, their religion and their pacifist acts

3 Learning objectives: 1. To understand Buddhist views on peace 2. To evaluate the belief: pacifism

4 Recap…

5 What is….  A pacifist – someone who is against violence!  Are you a pacifist?  Famous pacifists – Malala Yousafzai, Jesus, Martin Luther King, Gandhi  A Quaker – A Christian who is a pacifist (against violence)  Jesus said – Blessed are the peacemakers (True or false?)

6 Line game: ‘True’ stand on line 1.War is wrong as it damages the environment. 2.War goes against Christian teachings and the example of Jesus. 3.Wars can bring out the best in people 4.War is wrong due to the sanctity of life. 5.Quakers are pacifists. 6.Evil people /rulers ignore non violent protests

7 Recap…  What is pacifism?  Give two different views on the use of violence  What reasons do you have?

8 Mid unit assessment: Answer the 2 questions on the lined paper. Don’t forget to write your name and set. USE BECAUSE AS MUCH AS YOU CAN Guidance for question 2: In you answer consider:  Reason why you shouldn’t use violence  An example of pacifists e.g. Quakers, gandhi (use homework)  Jesus said ‘blessed are the peacemakers’  What about an alternative view? Reason why you should use violence.

9 Buddhist beliefs… 1.Go to ‘’ – search Buddhism alien 2.Watch the clip 3.Summarise in a newspaper headline the core Buddhist beliefs. 4.Read the following ar.shtml or Read page 102 ar.shtml 5.Imagine your mate has text you the night before the exam freaking out about Buddhist views on violence. They have completely forgotten! How would you respond in order to help them with their exam? Write them a text back explaining Buddhist views on violence – you can use emojis 6.Extra challenge – add religious beliefs (ahimsa/ eightfold path/samsara) to support

10 Share your updates…

11 Plenary…  True of false (stand or remain seated) 1.Buddhists believe in ahimsa (non-violence) 2.All Buddhists go to war 3.Buddhists believe that life is special 4.Buddhists believe in the sanctity of life 5.Buddhists believe we should hate our enemies 6.All life is part of the cycle of samsara

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