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QUARTUS II Version 9.1 service pack 2 Gregg Chapman Spring 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "QUARTUS II Version 9.1 service pack 2 Gregg Chapman Spring 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 QUARTUS II Version 9.1 service pack 2 Gregg Chapman Spring 2016

2 BACKGOUND The Demystification if Digital Circuitry in 2 Minutes or Less

3 Diodes

4 Transistors

5 Logic Gates

6 R-S Latch and D Flip-Flop

7 Register (Memory) One 8-bit Memory Address

8 Logic Cell Look-Up-Table Combinatorial Logic Latches

9 Field Programmable Gate Array

10 DE2 – 115 Board

11 Cyclone IV E – EP4CE115F29C7 FPGA

12 QUARTUS II Version 9.1 service pack 2 Gregg Chapman Spring 2016

13 PROJECTS Creating a New Project Archiving a Project Restoring a Project from Archive Opening an Existing Project


15 CIRCUITS DESIGN New Schematic Sheet The MegaWizard Making Connections Rubber Band Mode Busses verses Wires Generate Pins Creating Blocks Copying Blocks Compiling Programming What to select if your windows get messed up


17 Troubleshooting Checksheet □ Have you chosen the correct FPGA Cyclone IV E, EP4CE115F29C7 □ Is what you wish to compile at the TOP LEVEL □ Have you performed ALL 3 STEPS for setting up pin assignments Copy the.csv file to your Project Folder Add the.csv file to your Project Import the.csv pin assignment file to your Project NOTE: If you only import the pin assignments, they will appear but the compiler won’t use them. (90% of problems are caused by one or more of the items listed here. Please go through the checklist before raising your hand for help.)

18 Troubleshooting Checksheet (90% of problems are caused by one or more of the items listed here. Please go through the checklist before raising your hand for help.) □ Under the Files Tab: Do you show any files that are preceded by..\ This mean that you have added files OUTSIDE of your Project (The program will behave erratically or not work at all until this is resolved) □ Did you compile □ Did you reprogram the board after you compiled

19 Troubleshooting Checksheet □ Have you chosen the correct FPGA Cyclone IV E, EP4CE115F29C7 □ Is what you wish to compile at the TOP LEVEL □ Have you performed ALL 3 STEPS for setting up pin assignments Copy the.csv file to your Project Folder Add the.csv file to your Project Import the.csv pin assignment file to your Project □ Under the Files Tab: Do you show any files that are preceded by..\ □ Did you compile □ Did you reprogram the board after you compiled

20 Other Common Problems Bad Project Locations Anywhere but the Z Drive My Documents Projects inside of other Projects Bad Naming Conventions Spaces and Apostrophes

21 The Red Error of Death

22 Bad Writes to ROM and Constants

23 Quartus Tools

24 In System Memory Editor Under Tools pull-down menu  In-System Memory Content Editor In Instance Manager window, select a Constant or Memory  Read Data from In System Memory To write a Constant or Memory, edit the number (changes BLUE) and Write Data (changes RED again if successful). If memory is changing dynamically. Select the Continuously Read Button

25 Select Tools pull-down menu  Signal Tap II Logic Analyzer In Hardware  Setup  Select USB Blaster  Add Hardware  Close Select a Clock: Signal Configuration  Clock  List (add clock pin if needed, i.e. CLOCK_50) Set the Sample Depth Set Filter to Signal Tap II: pre-synthesis Select List Add the Clock signal Under Data, Select a Sample Depth Signal Tap II – Clock Set-up

26 Signal Tap II  Change to the Signal Tap II Analyzer Window by selecting the Data tab.  Right click and select Add Node.  Click List  Highlight signals and add by pressing > button  Clear the checkmarks in Trigger enables (unless otherwise specified)  Recompile the Project  At.stp window -> OK  No triggers -> OK  Enable STP file -> Yes  Wait for Compile to complete  DON’T FORGET TO REPROGRAM FPGA  Run Analysis

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