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Hayati Abdul Resource Librarian (Sociology) SEARCH LIKE A PRO! Library Tutorial for Social Work Honours Year Students.

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Presentation on theme: "Hayati Abdul Resource Librarian (Sociology) SEARCH LIKE A PRO! Library Tutorial for Social Work Honours Year Students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hayati Abdul Resource Librarian (Sociology) SEARCH LIKE A PRO! Library Tutorial for Social Work Honours Year Students

2 Agenda Search strategy Boolean Operators & more Search databases Scopus, Social Services Abstracts, Social Work Abstracts, PERIND, EndNote Other Sources Newspapers, Statistics, Theses & Academic Exercises Getting Help Document Delivery Services, New Books (E-Forms) Proxy Bookmarklet June 21, 2016 2


4 Build your search List keywords, synonyms that describe your topic: E.g. social support for the elderly Social support, social network, living arrangements Elderly, older people, aged… Refine or broaden search using: Boolean operators Truncation/wildcard features Parentheses ( ) June 21, 2016 4

5 Boolean operators AND OR NOT Social support Aged Social support Social network Parenting styles Academic outcomes Both terms must appear One term may appear but not the other June 21, 2016 5

6 Truncation Use asterisk * to retrieve variant forms of terms: counsel * = counselors, counseling (anything that comes after ‘counsel’) teen * = teens, teenagers, teenaged (anything that comes after ‘teen’) June 21, 2016 6

7 Parentheses ( ) Use ( ) for grouping words or phrases that are to be processed first, examples: (low income OR single) AND families = low income families single parent families (teen* OR adolescen*) AND pregnancy = teenage pregnancy adolescent pregnancy June 21, 2016 7


9 Databases for Social Work Scopus Social Services Abstracts Social Work Abstracts PERIND Sociological Abstracts PsycINFO Access from portal June 21, 2016 9

10 Databases: Search for sources of information Source BooksArticleThesisNewspapersStatistics Patents, Standards Diaries, memoirs, recorded oral histories June 21, 2016 10

11 Social Work Databases Multidisciplinary Indexing database (no full text) Usually offers links to full text Good design, useful tools and easy to use Scopus June 21, 2016 11

12 Let’s search Scopus Discuss the application and usefulness of enactment in strategic family therapy enactment AND family therapy enactmentfamily therapy June 21, 2016 12

13 Search Scopus June 21, 2016 13

14 What is EndNote? A software that: stores and organizes citations inserts citations into a Word document Format references in a predefined citation style For more on Endnote All technical queries regarding EndNote (e.g. installation) should be directed to IT Care at tel: 6516 2080 or email June 21, 2016 14

15 Exercise Is Singapore a welfare state? If yes, why and from which perspective? If no, how would you call the Singaporean social policy regime? welfare state OR welfare society AND singapore welfare state welfare society singapore June 21, 2016 15

16 Databases Social Services Abstracts Good for literature review in Social Work Provides abstracts of journal articles, book chapters, conference papers & dissertations Coverage: 1952-present Search LINC for full-texts Access from Library portal June 21, 2016 16

17 Let’s search Social Services Abstracts (aging OR retirement) AND (government OR family) AND singapore Aging retirement government family singapore Successful ageing for Singapore: the roles of the government and the family June 21, 2016 17

18 Social Services Abstracts June 21, 2016 18

19 Databases Social Work Abstracts Focuses on Social Work research Coverage, 1977- Provides abstracts of journal articles, dissertations, & citations to book reviews Some overlap in literature coverage between this database and Social Services Abstracts. June 21, 2016 19

20 Social Work Abstracts – Advanced Search Racial and ethnic barriers in family therapy and counseling work (race OR racial OR ethnic) AND (family therapy OR counseling) race, racial ethnic barriers (optional) family therapy counseling June 21, 2016 20

21 Social Work Abstracts – Advanced Search June 21, 2016 21

22 Social Work Abstracts- Basic Search Mentally ill persons: their parenting styles and attitudes mentally ill AND parenting mentally illparenting June 21, 2016 22

23 Social Work Abstracts- Basic Search June 21, 2016 23

24 Databases PERIND Periodical Index to articles relating to Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei & ASEAN Coverage, 1980- Humanities, social sciences, business, medicine architecture, building, science, law Journal articles, book chapters & book reviews, conference papers June 21, 2016 24

25 Let’s search PERIND What potential economic problems does the existing social security system in Singapore pose? social security AND singapore social securitysingapore June 21, 2016 25

26 PERIND June 21, 2016 26


28 Newspaper Databases Straits Times Before 1990 Search in NewspaperSG NewspaperSG 1990-2006 Search in NewspaperSG. Find full text in Factiva*, Lexis-Nexis Academic* or MicroformsNewspaperSGFactiva Lexis-Nexis AcademicMicroforms After 2006 Search in Factiva* or Lexis-Nexis Academic*Factiva Lexis-Nexis Academic June 21, 2016 28

29 Let’s search Factiva/LexisNexis Discuss the extent to which the Workfare Income Supplement scheme reflects a major change in the welfare policy of the government (workfare income supplement) AND singapore AND (welfare or recipient) workfare income supplement singapore welfare recipient June 21, 2016 29

30 Factiva June 21, 2016 30

31 LexisNexis Academic June 21, 2016 31

32 Search NewspaperSG June 21, 2016 32


34 Theses & Dissertations ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Covers North-American Masters and Ph d theses NUS Theses Print copies ScholarBank June 21, 2016 34

35 NUS Theses & Academic exercises (Print) Search LINC, by call no, HV13 200* (for year 2000 onwards ) in NUS (Theses Collection): Search LINC, by keywords in NUS (Theses Collection): June 21, 2016 35


37 Statistics Databases EIU Country Data Inter-University Consortium for Political & Social Research Singapore Statistics World development Indicators Yearbook of statistics, Singapore June 21, 2016 37


39 Subject Guides June 21, 2016 39

40 Library FAQ June 21, 2016 40

41 Library Instruction ONline Click here Or click here June 21, 2016 41

42 Materials Not Found in Library Document Delivery Services (DDS) Journal articles, Book Chapters, … Request via E-Forms (Library Portal) All requests must be approved by Supervisor June 21, 2016 42


44 Proxy Bookmarklet Search for proxy bookmarklet in Library Portal Install it on your Internet browser in favorites folder or on your browser tool bar How to use video on YouTube (sorry, no narration or captions yet) 7c&feature=player_embedded 7c&feature=player_embedded June 21, 2016 44

45 We are here… Advisory Service at Information Desk, Central Library, Level 5. Email us: Tel: 6516 2028 June 21, 2016 45

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