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Mineral Water In Hungary. In general  Mineral spring  Two groups:sparkling still mineral water  Specific flavour, healing effect  Comes from floodplain.

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1 Mineral Water In Hungary

2 In general  Mineral spring  Two groups:sparkling still mineral water  Specific flavour, healing effect  Comes from floodplain well or spring  Half of the hungarian drinking water considered mineral water

3 Favourable circumstances in Hungary  extensive underground water reserves  high mineral content positive effects on metabolism   Carpathian Basin   Unique in sedamentary rocks   the water reserves are penetrated by extremely high heat  Consequence: Hungary is abundant in termal water mineral water termal water mineral water

4  Nearly 100 wells springs produce natural mineral water –45 of these are bottled

5 Characteristics of Hungarian natural mineral waters  Total mineral content: from 500 to 4600 mg/l cure water20000mg/liter  Frequent minerals:  sodium hydrocarbonate (NaHCO 3 )  sodium hydrocarbonate chloride (NaHCO 3 Cl)  calcium magnesium hydrocarbonate (CaMgHCO 3 )

6 Little Chemistry  Calcium(Ca)  Teeth  Bones  Nervous system  Magnesium(Mg)  Metabolic functions  Muscular and nervous activity  Iron (Fe)  Good for children, pregnant women

7  Sulphate( SO 3 )  strong hair, nails, skin  Hydrogen-carbonate (HCO 3 )  Useful for gastric acid  Blocks the formation of kidney stones gastric acid

8 Hungarian regulation  Very strict  Natural mineral water if satisfy the following criteria: –Stable composition within the limits of natural variance –Microbiologically pure (limits similar to those stipulated by EEC Directive 80/777) –concentration of components considering the allowed fluctuation must be constant, –must be bottled at the water source place –does not suffer any treatment, except breathing fresh air, –always comes in for an official acknowledgement.

9 Bottled Water Advantage –Convinience –Pure, clean –No contaminations Disadvantage –Expensive –Waste, goes into landfills –Takes 300 years for plastic to degrade

10 Hungarian Mineral Water Brands Szentkirályi   Natural mineral water from Szentkirály Spa   Found in 1989   Real Hungarian speciality   Symbols represent: – –Saint Crown – –King Saint Stephen

11 Fonyódi   July 1957   Aquaculture since Roman times   rich in minerals   born 500 meters deep   balanced mineral composition   graced by unique flavour   The trade-name and the label evokes the atmosphere of the Lake Balaton

12 Visegrádi  1300 metres deep  1297 mg dissolved particles in one litre mineral water

13 Theodora Quelle  flourid and magnesium content  1,5 L of Theodora Kékkúti mineral water covers 52,5% of the recommended daily amount of calcium and 28,5% of magnesium.

14 Naturaqua  High quality  Perfect mineral content  Cleaned and filtered for decades  Enriched with mineral substances  Well-balanced mineral substance  600m depth

15 Parádi  Originated from the Parad Csevice II. Spa  Contains some natrium and magnesium  Saturate the body with minerals  Abundant in mineral salts, trace element  Daily water output of the spring is limited


17 Conclusion Water is a fundamental human need. Each person on Earth requires at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water a day for drinking, cooking, and simply keeping themselves clean. Water is a fundamental human need. Each person on Earth requires at least 20 to 50 liters of clean, safe water a day for drinking, cooking, and simply keeping themselves clean. We need to protect and care for our water, our survival depends on it We need to protect and care for our water, our survival depends on it

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