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Becoming Allies for Inclusion, Equity, and Excellence Gary R. Howard.

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Presentation on theme: "Becoming Allies for Inclusion, Equity, and Excellence Gary R. Howard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Becoming Allies for Inclusion, Equity, and Excellence Gary R. Howard

2 Cultural Competence The will and the ability to form: authentic and effective relationships across our differences. Gary R. Howard

3 Culturally Responsive Teaching Teaching and Leading in such a way that: more of our students across more of their differences achieve at a higher level more of the time Without giving up who they are. Gary R. Howard

4 Fundamentalist White Identity –– Denial –– Blame –– Supremacy Integrationist White Identity –– Acknowledgement –– Guilt –– Paternalistic Compliance Transformationist White Identity –– Authentic Engagement –– Humility –– Systemic Power Shift Gary R. Howard ≥ White Identity Orientations

5 Becoming Allies for Real Change Shifting the Emotional Paradigm FearDenialHostilityBlame Guilt Humility Honesty Empathy Advocacy Action Responses That Heal Killer Emotions

6 Diversity Criteria:25% Students of Color 25% Low Income # of Schools left:32 Enrollment Criteria:Open Enrollment # of Schools left:5 Size Criteria:1000 students # of Schools left:0 Gary R. Howard America’s 100 Best High Schools? (According to U.S. News and World Report)

7 Excellence for Whom? Excellence without Inclusion is… … Segregation Excellence without Equity is… … Elitism What do we have? “America’s Best Segregated/Elitist High Schools” Gary R. Howard

8 A Well-Educated Human Being Identity –Uniqueness –Belonging/Connectedness –Worth/Respect –Key concept: “Anam Cara” Celtic/Gaelic “Soul Friend” Gary R. Howard

9 A Well-Educated Human Being Cultural Competence –Knowing and valuing my own culture. –Having the will and the ability to develop authentic and respectful relationships with people who are not like me. –Key concept: “Bien educado(a)” Spanish “Knowing how to be a good person” Gary R. Howard

10 A Well-Educated Human Being Vocation – Fund of Knowledge and Skill – Sustainable success –Lifetime of learning –Key concept: “Ubuntu” Xhosa “Life force” and Unity “I am, so we are” Gary R. Howard

11 A Well-Educated Human Being Meaning and Purpose –Capacity for reflection: Why am I here? –Sense of stewardship Self, Family, Community, Planet – Key concept: Bodhichitta Sanskrit “Noble or awakened heart” Gary R. Howard

12 A Well-Educated Human Being Social Justice –The good of the many over the greed of the few. –Multiple perspectives over single dimensional truth. – Humility rather than hubris. – The alchemy of privilege. Key Concept: Matua Whanau Maori “All the children are my children.” Gary R. Howard

13 A Well-Educated Human Being Identity Cultural Competence Vocation Meaning/Purpose Social Justice Gary R. Howard

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