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TRT TRASPORTI E TERRITORIO SRL The development of the high-speed rail services and its intermodality with the local transport supply: critical elements.

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1 TRT TRASPORTI E TERRITORIO SRL The development of the high-speed rail services and its intermodality with the local transport supply: critical elements based on the analysis of a sample of Italian medium-sized cities Barcellona, 11 March 2013 Alessio Sitran Jean Monnet Conference

2  Presentation of the speaker  Introductory remarks  The development of the HSR in Italy: main elements  Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: general observations  Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: the case-study of Bologna  Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: the case-study of Florence  Discussion and main conclusions Summary 2

3 Presentation of the speaker  Alessio Sitran  TRT Trasporti e Territorio (transport consultancy based in Milan, Italy)  MSc in Transportation Sciences  Senior transport policy expert on sustainable mobility and EU legislation on social and working conditions in the road freight transport sector 3

4  Encouraging interconnectivity amongst different modes of transport operating at different travelling distances (long, medium/short) is crucial in order to:  Make better use of the existing transport infrastructures.  Relieve congestion.  Improve the environmental performance and overall quality of transport operations.  Interconnectivity (further backed by the notion of co-modality: an optimal and sustainable combination and integration of different transport modes) is a core theme in the development of the EU transport policy since 2001:  objective: design of a comprehensive EU transport policy aiming at easing travelling conditions and modal transfers by securing adequate and efficient accessibility at different governance levels. Introductory remarks 4

5  Focus should be on how macro (long-distance) and micro (regional/local) networks and infrastructure are integrated.  Accessibility is key as an efficient infrastructure is a pre-requisite for securing the overall efficiency and sustainability of a transport system.  Role of interchanges, which should ne designed as a core and functional part of the network as a whole.  Degree of interoperability of both infrastructure and services in terms of:  Integration of the different transport services (different operators)/modes (air/rail, rail-urban PT)  Integrated timetables.  Quality of design of interchanges.  Quality of services for making interconnection workable and attractive to customers. Introductory remarks 5

6  The attributes of a well-connected system relying on an effective interconnection between long-distance and local transport networks have being significantly emerging with the increasing expansion of the HSR over the last decade.  The development of HSR links is potentially capable to generate a new dynamism expected to bring forward a new perspective of a medium and long-haul transport system favorable to middle-sized cities as well.  Challenge is maximising the benefits of high-speed rail services through coordinated transportation and land-use planning, and strengthening integrated mobility options. 6

7 The development of the HSR in Italy: main elements  The concept of the Italian high-speed network (referred to as ‘Alta Velocità’) dates back to 1990.  The HSR network has a total length of 1.342 km and has been designed as a rail system independent from the rest of the conventional rail network (the so-called ‘T’ concept) organised around two main routes:  a north-south rail line (Turin-Salerno, via Milan, Bologna, Florence, Rome, and Naples. This line is entirely operational.  a west-east rail line (Turin-Trieste, via Milan and Venice). This line is under construction in parts or still in a planning stage. Comparison between high-speed, medium/long-distance and local rail services 7

8 The development of the HSR in Italy: main elements HSR network in Italy (latest updated: October 2012) 8

9 The development of the HSR in Italy: main elements  The development of the HSR is the principal innovation that has:  Has profoundly reshaped the Italian national transport system over the last decade  Is changing the traditional platform of transport links and services provided to travelers between the main metropolitan areas of the country.  Is experiencing an continuously increasing competition after that a new operator (Nuovo Trasporto viaggiatori- NTV) has entered the market since April 2011.  Has considerably fuelled the demand for HSR service in Italy which, over the period 2001-2009, has increased by 59% from 6.76 Mpkm to 10.75 Mpkm.  Has correspondingly allowed HSR to rise its market share in the total rail market from 13.5% in 2001 to 22.3% in 2009. 9

10 The development of the HSR in Italy: main elements Share of high speed rail transport in total pkm in rail transport: comparison between Italy and selected EU countries (in %) Growth of high-speed demand: comparison between Italy and selected EU countries (in Mpkm) 10

11  Progresses in terms of expansion of the HSR have not been accompanied by a parallel increased efficiency in the interlinkings between the HSR and the rest of the network, in particular at local level  At present, connections at local level still remain characterised by:  Low speed and poor reliability.  Almost inexistent operational and fare integration with the HSR services.  Construction of new HSR stations also serving as hubs for rail links among the metropolitan areas has been recently viewed as an opportunity to:  Encourage a general improvement in the overall functional efficiency of the interchanges.  Secure a better integration with the PT supply that necessarily requires a parallel re-organisation of the urban transport networks. Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: general observations 11

12  Two selected case-studies: Bologna and Florence.  Bologna:  Administrative capital of the Emilia-Romagna region.  Approximately 386.000 inhabitants.  Florence:  Administrative capital of the Tuscany region.  Approximately 378.000 inhabitants.  Reasons for selections:  Major HSR nodes along the main Italian HSR itinerary  Integrated planning approach in interlinking HSR and local PT  Major urban redevelopments are underway (construction of new HSR stations). Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: general observations 12

13 Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: the case-study of Bologna  In Bologna the functional node of the city’s main railway station has undergone since 2004 a major process of restructuring to allow a new and sustainable mobility concept where: national/international traffic, HSR, regional and metropolitan rail networks, and local PT should converge.  This is part of the Regional integrated transport plan 2020, which considers the interlinking between the HSR services and rest of the PT system as a strategic priority for:  Increasing the global efficiency of the regional transport system.  Reducing the global costs of transport through a rebalancing of the modal shift.  Increasing reliability and patronage of the local PT system.  The HSR is an integral part of this process: a major opportunity for:  Diversifying the overall transport services supply on the medium.  Encouraging a greater degree of modal interconnectivity 13

14 Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: the case-study of Bologna The new Bologna HSR railway station: intermodal exchange node with the regional and metropolitan rail systems Source: Ferrecchi, P. (2011) 14

15 Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: the case-study of Bologna The new Bologna HSR railway stations and the interconnection with the airport (‘People Mover’) Source: Ferrecchi, P. (2011) 15

16 Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: the case-study of Florence  Main reason for constructing a new dedicated HSR railway station was tied to the conflict in sharing the same (conventional) tracks by both high-speed and regional trains that over the time has growingly generated an overload in the capacity of the network.  The new railway station will:  Make possible to free capacity on the conventional rail network.  Push a reorganization of the rail regional services in the view of the creation of a metropolitan rail system integrated with the road local PT transport supply.  The new HSR station will also acquire a new centrality with respect to the local mobility patterns that in the future will be structured around the following three interlinked components: (i) the urban tram system, (ii) the regional and national rail and the HSR services. 16

17 Interconnectivity between HSR and local PT networks in Italy: the case-study of Florence The new Bologna HSR railway stations and the interconnection with the airport (‘People Mover’) Source: RSI 17

18 Discussion and main conclusions  In Italy the HSR segment has experienced significant progress over the past ten years as witnessed by the progressive expansion of the network and opening of the market.  Further growth of this transport market calls for, and provides potential to, a re-organisation of the regional and local PT supply. Goal is achieving a higher/better degree of interconnectivity between HSR and regional and urban public transport system.  Presented case-studies have shown how the construction of a new HSR station may contribute to, and provide with an opportunity to, encourage a mobility and planning approach aiming at re-organising the existing intermodality around new interchanges. 18

19 Discussion and main conclusions  These interchanges can serve as real nodes for improving distribution, quality and reliability of the local PT services, while securing at the same time their interconnection with HSR ones.  However, the creation of a multimodal system combining long-distance and local networks will only be successful whether the infrastructure integration will be complemented by a functional integration (for instance, fare and booking integration, interoperable journey planner) that will rely on a common platform that is capable to offer passengers intermodal products. 19

20 TRT TRASPORTI E TERRITORIO srl Milano | Via Rutilia, 10/8 | 20141 | Tel. +39-02-57410380 | Fax +39-02-55212845 Bruxelles | Rue Vilain XIIII, 5 | B-1050 | Tel./Fax +32-2-6479100 | | Thank you for your attention Muchas gracias por Su atención Alessio Sitran TRT Trasporti e Territorio Via Rutilia, 10/8 20141 – Milano Italy 20

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