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Starter Pick up a worksheet from the round table. Answer the questions, using the political cartoon on the back. You will have 10 minutes to complete the.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter Pick up a worksheet from the round table. Answer the questions, using the political cartoon on the back. You will have 10 minutes to complete the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter Pick up a worksheet from the round table. Answer the questions, using the political cartoon on the back. You will have 10 minutes to complete the worksheet from the tardy bell. ***THIS WILL BE COLLECTED FOR A CLASSWORK GRADE AND GRADED FOR ACCURACY***

2 Agenda Go over TDIH- new quarterly ‘project’ Alexander Hamilton bio  summarize Hamilton’s Debt Plan (finish) Whiskey Rebellion Two political parties that emerge Letter to the Editor

3 What is a Letter to the Editor? Used as a way to express viewpoints Written with proper language; flows coherently Generally has a catchy title/tagline General Format: 1)Introduce yourself. 2)What is the point you are trying to convey? 3)Provide evidence. 4)What can others do? 5)End it with a formal acknowledgement, usually thanking the Editor for printing your letter.

4 Your Letter Put yourself in the position of someone from the 1790s, taking into consideration the events of the time period. Your letter should support or defend one of the two emerging political parties. Who do you want others to support? Why? Letters should be roughly 3 paragraphs. Keep it brief, but make your point! If you do not finish this in class, finish it for homework and turn it in first thing tomorrow!

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