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PROJECT PromoBio BARTŁOMIEJ ASZTEMBORSKI, Eng. Project Assistant The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency.

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Presentation on theme: "PROJECT PromoBio BARTŁOMIEJ ASZTEMBORSKI, Eng. Project Assistant The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROJECT PromoBio BARTŁOMIEJ ASZTEMBORSKI, Eng. Project Assistant The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency

2 Achievements 2 „Bioenergy Development Plans: one for the Ostróda Poviat and one for Olsztyn Poviat, both in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship” „Guidebook on local bioenergy supply based on woody biomass” – co-authors and translate 5 feasibility studies = 5 projects supported 50 hours trainings and conferences 2 study visits (Jeziorany, Barczewo) More than 150 local stakeholders 16 meetings with biomass producers, heat plant users and potential biomass entrepreneur

3 Installed nominal capacity bioenergy heat plant on Ostróda Poviat is 18,2 MW Installed nominal capacity bioenergy heat plant on Olsztyn Poviat is 17 MW For the heat production in Poviats wood chips and wood from cleanings of roads are used Sources: photo - author archives How biomass is consumed in target regions?

4 Biomass resources in poviats: Energy crops Private forests State forests Managing greenery on Poviat roads Straw Fallow land Sources: photo - author archives

5 Biomass potential of the Ostróda Poviat Energy cropsFallow landState forestPrivate forestRefuse woodStraw Value 441,5 [ha]6 209 [ha] 113 336 [m3/year] 3 036 [m3/year] 5 338 [m3/year] 60 517,7 [Mg] Energy potential [TJ/year] 1031365560,61526,9 667,8 Nominal Capacity of the heat plant [MW] 14,6193,279,32,133,8 95,9 Total Nominal Capacity of heat plant [MW] 388,93 Source: „ Bioenergy Development Plan for the Ostróda Poviat and Olsztyn Poviat, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship,Poland” Wnuk, Kloth, Asztemborski, 2013

6 Biomass potential of the Olsztyn Poviat Energy cropsFallow landsState forestPrivate forestsRefuse woodStraw Value99,91 [ha] 4 246,1 [ha] 36 507 [m3/year] 5 414,14 [m3/year] 5 816 [m3/year] 7 998,68 [Mg] Energy potential [TJ/year] 21,97933,7180,644,528,7 639,05 Nominal Capacity of the heat plant [MW] 2,83120,123,25,73,7 90,4 Total Nominal Capacity of heat plant [MW] 245,9 Source: „ Bioenergy Development Plan for the Ostróda Poviat and Olsztyn Poviat, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship,Poland” Wnuk, Kloth, Asztemborski, 2013

7 Project titleChanging the heating system in the Szyldak Social Welfare House, Ostródzki Poviat Currently used heating technologyHeating oil installation, nominal capacity 440 kW Primary energy demand per useful area268,2 kWh/m 2 Currently primary energy requirements by Polish Political at 5 July 2013 for New Multi-Family Buildings 105 kWh/m 2 Total fuel costs – wood chips(170zł/t)24 682,50 zł/annually Currently total fuel cost heating oil (3840 zł/m3)101 817 zł/annually Total Investments costs (boilers: 100 kW i 200 kW, silo, fuel) 227 200 zł Additional costs (electricity, management, etc.)25 000 zł General cost over 20 year period1 540 195,28 zł 1 EURO = 4,2 zł Source photo: acces

8 Project titleChanging the heating system in the Dąbrówno educational Institution, Ostródzki Poviat Currently used heating technologyCarbon technology 2 boilers - 0,120 MW, 0,180 MW Primary energy requirements251,1 kWh/m 2 Currently primary energy requirements by Polish Political at 5 July 2013 for New Multi-Family Buildings 105 kWh/m 2 Total fuel costs - wood chips (170zł/t)15 283 zł/annually Total Investment cost (boilers 2 x 200kW, silo, fuel – wood chips) 227 200 zł Additional costs (electricity, management, etc.) 25 000 zł General cost over 20 year period1 071 045 zł 1 EURO = 4,2 zł

9 Project titleChanging the heating system in the Barczewo Welfare House, Olsztyński Poviat Currently used heating technologyNatural Gas 2 condensing boilers 2 x 186 MW Primary energy demand per useful area710 kWh/m 2 Currently primary energy requirements by Polish Political at 5 July 2013 for New Multi- Family Buildings 105 kWh/m 2 Total fuel costs - wood chips (170zł/t)39 386 zł/annually Currently total fuel cost natural gas (3,56 zł/m3) 178 778 zł/annually Total Investment cost (boilers 2 x 200kW, silo, fuel – wood chips) 262 200 zł Additional costs (electricity, management, etc.) 25 000 zł General cost over 20 year period1 551 156 zł 1 EURO = 4,2 zł Source photo:, access

10 Project titleChanging the heating system in the Barczewo Maltans Hospital, Olsztyński Poviat Currently used heating technologyHeating Oil installation/natural gas 2 boilers with oil burner: 0,2 MW and 0,3 MW Primary energy requirements364 kWh/m 2 Currently primary energy requirements by Polish Political at 5 July 2013 for New Multi-Family Buildings 105 kWh/m 2 Total fuel costs - wood chips (170zł/t)49 707 zł/annual Total Investment cost (boilers 2 x 200kW, silo, fuel – wood chips) 262 200zł Additional costs (electricity, management, etc.) 25 000 zł General cost over 20 year period1 746 675 zł 1 EURO = 4,2 zł Source photo:, access

11 Project titleChanging the heating system in the Grazymy Social Welfare House, Olsztyński Poviat Currently used heating technologyHeating Oil installation 2 boilers: 0,17 MW and 0,225 MW Primary energy requirements382 kWh/m 2 Currently primary energy requirements by Polish Political at 5 July 2013 for New Multi-Family Buildings 105 kWh/m 2 Total fuel costs - wood chips (170zł/t)56 885 zł/annual Total Investment cost (boilers 2 x 100kW, silo, fuel – wood chips) 98 080zł Additional costs (electricity, management, etc.) 25 000 zł General cost over 20 year period1 292 042zł 1EURO = 4,2 zł Source photo:, access

12 RES - based heat and power production: 1,8MW (3,646 MWh/a) Biomass and type mobilized: 1,037 tonnes, mainly wood chips and sawdust Employment created: no change employees – because this investments are small and current employment is sufficient Performance indicators – Impacts Achieved by Polish

13 Investments in bioenergy costs 0.269 million Euros Renewable energy production triggered 313 toe/year Primary energy savings 404 toe/year CO2 year reduction of green house gas emissions 1,207 tonnes CO2/year Performance indicators – perspective based on the Project Experience

14 Promotion local initiatives guarantii bioenergy heatplant investments Source:

15 Promotion of the local initiative - PromoBio Source: „ Bioenergy Development Plan for the Ostróda Poviat and Olsztyn Poviat, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship,Poland” Wnuk, Kloth, Asztemborski, 2013

16 Which tools to use? Source: „ Bioenergy Development Plan for the Ostróda Poviat and Olsztyn Poviat, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship,Poland” Wnuk, Kloth, Asztemborski, 2013

17 How to develop a strategy? Source: „ Bioenergy Development Plan for the Ostróda Poviat and Olsztyn Poviat, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship,Poland” Wnuk, Kloth, Asztemborski, 2013

18 Profits from local biomass the possibility for regions Source: „ Bioenergy Development Plan for the Ostróda Poviat and Olsztyn Poviat, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship,Poland” Wnuk, Kloth, Asztemborski, 2013

19 Thank you, for your attention Bartłomiej Asztemborski – Project Assistant Karolina Loth – Babut – Project Manager Ryszard Wnuk – Senior Expert The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE) Nowowiejska 21/25 St., 00-665 Warsaw Phone: (+48 22) 626-09-10 Fax: (+48 22) 626-09-11

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