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A Showcase of Adult Education Programs Implementing BurlingtonEnglish Daphne Lagios San Mateo Adult School Diana Batista Oxnard Adult School Lori-Leanne.

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Presentation on theme: "A Showcase of Adult Education Programs Implementing BurlingtonEnglish Daphne Lagios San Mateo Adult School Diana Batista Oxnard Adult School Lori-Leanne."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Showcase of Adult Education Programs Implementing BurlingtonEnglish Daphne Lagios San Mateo Adult School Diana Batista Oxnard Adult School Lori-Leanne Parris/Julie Feferman-Perez Hayward Adult School Miranda LaBatt BurlingtonEnglish Daphne Lagios San Mateo Adult School Diana Batista Oxnard Adult School Lori-Leanne Parris/Julie Feferman-Perez Hayward Adult School Miranda LaBatt BurlingtonEnglish

2 Background of the Program San Mateo Adult School in San Mateo, CA 13 morning classes (LLB- HA), 14 evening, 2-3 afternoon Open Computer Lab from 12 – 1 pm 3 Computer labs, 2 dedicated to ESL classes, but 3 rd used during EL Civics unit Began Burlington 2 years ago with two teachers, later launched in morning/evening classes, supplement in afternoon classes Use Burlington once/week to supplement subject/grammar that needs attention

3 Background of the Program Use ICL to prep the lesson & prepare students for lab Use BE worksheets to review BE lessons and homework ¼ students use BE at home Students are engaged so don’t check Progress in lab that much, mostly for students working at home

4 Successes for Students: Standardized Username/Password Continuing Burlington as they progress through levels creates confidence Students appreciate working at their own pace Students love recording themselves! Successes for Teachers: Initially small number of teachers started out (and now support the others) Now use Burlington for ALL levels EL Civics units With ample training and support, teachers are more excited/confident about the program

5 3 Best Practices (aka Here’s what YOU should try!) “Chunked” training is the way to go! (Adding students, Using BE in classroom, etc.) Modeling flexibility and “rolling with the punches” in the case of problems! Having a support person in the lab was crucial to help teachers feel successful! Having one person dedicated to management of the seats is best! Introducing BE during EL Civics was great way to get all teachers introduced to the program!

6 Background of the Program Hayward Adult School in Hayward, California 5 levels ESL (Literacy – Int High), afternoon transition classes (Workplace Skills and CTE, ABE, GED, Independent Study for HS Diploma) Dedicated ESL computer lab, both labs and carts Introduced BE in Vocational ESL Multi-level class (focus on digital literacy, computer skills, workplace readiness, etc.) Students used EIA or EE initially then progressed to Career Extensions

7 Background of the Program When developing Workplace Skills course, Career Pathways was the perfect match for curriculum VESL classes use Burlington two afternoons/week in lab CTE classrooms, use Burlington once/week in lab Students work self-paced in lab, so monitoring is limited by teachers

8 Successes for Students: Students advance through ESL and into GED/CTE, yet still work in Learning Lab on BE Students have attendance over 2 years Students feel they are learning faster, improving pronunciation, vocabulary, listening Students feel more confident! Successes for Teachers: Invaluable in multi-level ESL setting BE Career Pathways mirrors Workplace Skills class (soft skills, workplace comm., professionalism, job readiness) BE Career Extensions very useful scaffolding for new job, college track, apprenticeship training

9 3 Best Practices (aka Here’s what YOU should try!) Program allows flexibility for diverse levels and interests, so don’t limit the program Be available to train teachers across programs, also ABE and CTE Give students both specific courses/modules to complete but also give them freedom to explore!

10 Background of the Program Oxnard Adult School in Oxnard, CA, Ventura County Computer lab and 4 carts (COWs) Students can also use BE in after-school class and at home Began Oct 2015 with CASAS Prep & Feb 2016 began with EIA for EL Civics

11 Background of the Program Oct 2015 began CASAS Prep training for In-Class Lessons only Feb 2016 began complete integration of English in America for Education unit with all BE blended materials and students logging in Many teachers use BE CASAS Prep each day Teachers match BE lessons to their content/subjects Teachers monitor Progress during class Most students work on BE at school

12 Successes for Students: Students love the program! (repeating language, mastering vocabulary, immediate feedback, topics related to their daily lives, clear learning goals) Students are much more tech-savy! (Computers were previously scary and now students are very familiar with laptops and look forward to computer time) Students are more confident using English in other lessons because of pronunciation practice in BE


14 Successes for Teachers: BE creates self-directed learners More time for teacher-student on individual basis Allows students to study outside of lesson All vocab and lesson content directly related to testing BE is interactive & activities relate well to real-life online experiences Teachers have become more collaborative


16 3 Best Practices (aka Here’s what YOU should try!) Prep students with lesson in class before lab work, especially for pronunciation activities! Use the ICL and project lessons before lab and use games and vocabulary quizzes/activities after individual practice! Students should check Progress at beginning of computer time, right after they sign in! Use computer time to work individually with students!

17 Contact Information: Lisa Dolehide, San Mateo Adult School Lori-Leanne Parris/Julie Feferman-Perez, Hayward Adult School / Diana Batista, Oxnard Adult School Miranda LaBatt, BurlingtonEnglish Lisa Dolehide, San Mateo Adult School Lori-Leanne Parris/Julie Feferman-Perez, Hayward Adult School / Diana Batista, Oxnard Adult School Miranda LaBatt, BurlingtonEnglish

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