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EEE 2056 Physical Electronic Graphene and its application

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1 EEE 2056 Physical Electronic Graphene and its application
Name : Tan Wan Jia ID : Major : Electronic

2 What is Graphene? In Year 2004, the first crystal of graphene was found Found by using an ordinary scotch tape - used to clean a graphite stone. The man who first discovered graphene : Kostya Novoselov and Andre Geim Noble Prize for Physics 2010 First material which is two dimensional in the world It is a single layer of Graphite (pure crystalline carbon)  It is also a hexagonal array of sp2- bonded carbon atoms Andre Geim Graphite -ene Graphene Kostya Novoselov

3 Draw and describe the structure of Graphene.
crystalline structure with honey-comb lattice (hexagonal lattice) 2-dimentional crystalline allotrope of carbon. One-atom thick planar sheet of carbon atoms Zero band gap semiconductor with 2 linearly dispersing bands

4 Properties of Graphene
Strongest compound : times stronger than steel Thinnest nanomaterial : described as a “one-atom thick layer of graphite” Bendable and Stretchable : stretching can up to 20% of its original length Excellent conductor of heat and electricity : heat conductivity can conduct up to 3000W/(m k) and electron mobility of graphene can up to about cm2/V

5 Zero-overlap semimetal : Electrons move much quicker in graphene
Perfect barrier : not even helium can pass through it Versatile : properties are founded when graphene is combined with other elements Transparent material : it absorbs only 2% of light that passes through Light weight : 0.77 milligrams per square metre

6 What Graphene can do? Superconductor : graphene can conduct electricity with almost no resistance Ultrasensitive gas sensors : boron atoms in graphene lattice will interact with ammonia and nitrogen oxide molecules and this can sense the dangerous gaseous Improved lithium ion batteries : increasing the lifespan of lithium ion battery Doped into a transistor , make it smallest transistor : will not be using any metal or dielectric-stacked gate (graphene junction field-effect transistor (G- FET))

7 Barrier : water filtration - improve agriculture and pharmaceutical
Photonic devices : allow the dispersion of low energy band structure in zero electron rest mass operational wavelength is broader than mid-infrared wavelength higher speed due to its wavelength is boarded flexibility, lightness and transparency Barrier : water filtration - improve agriculture and pharmaceutical Medical industries : transportation of medicine systems, tissue engineering and biological agents Microstructure geometries such as pillars : 3D shape can be use in bio-sensing devices which can be used in conforming human skin and other biological systems

8 THE END Is Graphene dangerous?
toxic to human body in cellular levels : has sharp edges and easily pierce any kind of cell membrane in our body damage to the entire respiratory system hazardous in non-watery areas THE END

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