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Public Speaking By: K E Y C L U B MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee 2011-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Public Speaking By: K E Y C L U B MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee 2011-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public Speaking By: K E Y C L U B MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee 2011-2012

2 APPEARANCE Dress Up- appropriate attire for appropriate audience Confidence- the way you stand, the way you walk First Impressions- entering the room, greeting audience Smile! K E Y C L U B

3 BEHAVIOR No ‘pee-pee’ dance - you may be nervous…but once you start dance…you’re making other nervous Magnetic Wall- you are not attracted to the back wall, move around Watch the time - don’t go over or under *Hand gestures- can be good for expression, but may be distracting [triangle hands] K E Y C L U B

4 BEHAVIOR Engage the audience- talk TO them, not AT them Eye contact- don’t have a staring contest, but take a look at those lovely eyes in the audience Interactive- bring up volunteers, ask audience questions, make it FUN World is your stage- utilize the space that you are given K E Y C L U B

5 VOICE Project!- if front row can’t hear you, back row is sleeping *Vocal inflection- monotony is NOT the answer [brown bear] *Enunciate- speak clearly so information is not misunderstood; don’t trail off [pencil trick, tongue twisters] Speed- too fast, too slow, just right K E Y C L U B

6 CONTENT Repeating KEY points!- more likely to remember Professional language No fillers- ‘um,’ ‘err,’ ‘uh,’ ‘okay,’ ‘like’ Stutter- Practice! [James Earl Jones] K E Y C L U B

7 Q & A Repeat back the question- for clarification Take your time- gather your thoughts Be honest- Don’t know? It’s OKAY. – Never say ‘I don’t know, next.’ – Be respectful and helpful, ‘I am not sure, however, I’ll get back to you.’ K E Y C L U B


9 And… That is all. QUESTIONS? K E Y C L U B MRS Information and resources provided by the District Members Relations Committee 2011-2012

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