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Unit 2 Text A International Trade Theories. International trade takes place within the framework of agreements worked out by countries in the World Trade.

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1 Unit 2 Text A International Trade Theories

2 International trade takes place within the framework of agreements worked out by countries in the World Trade Organization (WTO), formerly known as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Over the last 50 years trade barriers have been coming down and free trade, open borders and deregulation ( 放宽管制 / 撤销管制 ) now form the ideal for almost all nations, even if the situation is far from one of complete laisser-faire( 放任政策 ), with no government intervention. Protectionism is no longer the order of the day in most places; even if some developing countries argue that protectionist measures are the way to get their economies going, they avoid using the term.

3 What is international trade? Questions : 1. Think of some of the things you own (for example, shoes, car, laptop , mp4, mobile phone). Which are imported? Where were they made? 2. What are our country’s major imports and exports? Do you think products made in our country are better than products made in other countries? 名言引用: “It is not the employer who pays wages; he only handles the money. It is the product that pays wages.” Henry Ford (1863-1947) American Industrialist

4 3. Do you agree or disagree with these statements? Give reasons for your answers. a. Using animals to test new products is wrong. b. Multinational companies which manufacture products in developing countries help the world economy. c. Companies spend far too much on launching (to introduce to the market) and promoting new products.

5 课文重点词组 Trade: – 贸易( the business of buying and selling goods for money ) free trade 自由贸易 barter trade 易货贸易 transit trade 转口贸易 bilateral (trilateral, multilateral, unilateral) trade 双边(三边,多边, 单边)贸易 trading company 贸易公司 – 交易 (buy and sell) They trade mainly in textile products. – 行业,手艺( occupation, employment needing a high degree of skills ) the trade of carpenter 木匠行业 He is tailor by trade. 他是干裁缝这一行的。

6 Trade surplus : (economics 经济 ) a situation where a country exports more goods than it imports. 贸易顺差,贸易盈余,出超(一国出口值高于进口值) 增加进口以减少贸易顺差 to increase imports in order to reduce the trade surplus Trade gap: (international trade 国际贸易 ) the difference between the value of a country’s exports and its imports 贸易差额,贸易逆差 (一国进口超过出口的差额) 例如:上个月贸易逆差继续扩大。 The trade gap continued to widen last month.

7 Trade deficit: (international trade 国际贸易 ) the amount by which the value of a country’s imports is greater than the value of its exports 贸易逆差,贸易赤字 (一国进口商品价值较 出口商品价值高出的金额) 如: 全年共 200 亿美元的贸易赤字 an annual trade deficit of $20billion 减少进口以消减贸易赤字 cut the trade deficit by reducing imports

8 Endow : (finance) to give money or property to a person or an organization to provide a regular income ( 定期或长期 ) 提供资金,资助 这家化工公司将部分盈利用于资助研究中心。 The chemical company used some of its profit to endow a research centre. Endowment: n The charity is funded largely by endowments. 此慈善机构的经费主要来自各方的赞助。

9 Endowment policy : life insurance policy that pays the sum insured on an agreed date or on the death of the person insured 人寿定期保险单 ( 在指定日期或投保人逝世 时付给保险金 ) The endowment policy is payable in 2010. 这份人寿定期保险单到 2010 年赔付。

10 Labour-intensive: (industry 工业用语 ) needing a lot of people to do the work 劳动密集的 如:出版工作的不同阶段需要许多人手,属于 劳动密集型行业。 With many people employed at different stages, publishing is a labor-intensive industry. Per capita : 人均 low/high GDP per capita 最低或最高人均国民生产总值 ( GDP = Gross Domestic Product : the total annual value of a country’s goods and services )

11 Economize on labour: 节省劳动力 economize on costs/manpower/space/fuel 节省成本 / 人力 / 空间 / 燃料

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