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Making the Transition to a Common Core Classroom Jarrod Huntimer & Mark

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1 Making the Transition to a Common Core Classroom Jarrod Huntimer & Mark Kreie @BHSGeometry

2 Friday, 8:30 am Math Class Video - Meerkat Goals for our session: Shed light on how we have transitioned to Common Core classrooms Provide resources, projects, & ideas you can implement into your classrooms *Coaching clinic mindset

3 Where we’ve been... Pre-Calculus Algebra 2 Geometry Algebra 1 CalculusPre-Calculus GeometrySenior Math JarrodMark

4 Where we are now... Geometry Algebra 2

5 Our transition... ~2011-2012 SD DOE module trainings *Standards of Mathematical Practice* Dan Meyer's TED Talk

6 Our transition... Aligned old lessons to new standards Began to identify gaps Look for activities that increase student discovery & inquiry ** Restructured our textbooks & found supplementary materials

7 © Pearson 2015 CC Edition


9 Our transition... Attended classes in the summer Provided a wealth of resources & rich tasks Modeling the structure of how to implement task CAMSE / Black Hills State University

10 Our transition... South Dakota State University Sharon Vestal & Chris Larson - Sessions 70, 77, & 83 (Saturday AM) South Dakota Counts CCSS-M Progression Documents

11 Adding to our tool chest... ➔ Dan Meyer @ SDSU ◆ RSS Feeds - send email notifications (@ddmeyer)

12 Adding to our tool chest... ➔ Twitter / Blogs ◆ Andrew Shauver (@hs_math_phys) ◆ Andrew Stadel (@mr_stadel) ◆ Fawn Nguyen (@fawnpnguyen) ◆ Christopher Danielson (@Trianglemancsd) @Desmos @Desmosbank @Mathalicious @NCTM #MTBoS

13 Adding to our tool chest... Continue to engage in professional development opportunities SDCTM ConferenceEdCamp NCTM Regional Conference TIE Conference Summer Classes

14 Final thoughts on the transition itself... 1. You must be willing to change your plans on a whim. Ask “How could this increase learning in my classroom?” 2. Student discussion & collaborative learning should be a focus. Keep the SMP in the forefront of your lesson planning. Certain activities make this easier than others.

15 Final thoughts on the transition itself... 3.Simply adding technology doesn’t make it “Common Core” 4.It’s challenging to make changes when other teachers are involved. Teacher-to-teacher collaboration is necessary 5.Don’t be afraid to fail. Tweak what doesn’t work & try again… GROWTH MINDSET!

16 Tools / Activities We’ve Implemented: GEOMETRY Geometer's Sketchpad Exploragons 3-ACT MARS: Shortest Path Problem Geoboards MirrorsPatty Paper

17 Tools / Activities We’ve Implemented: ALGEBRA 1 / 2 DESMOS (Session #49.5 - 3:30pm) SKETCHPAD (Desmos is taking its place for algebra) TI-NSPIRE + LAB CRADLES (Motion detectors, thermometers)

18 Tools / Activities We’ve Implemented: ALGEBRA 1 / 2 NCTM’s MATHEMATICS TEACHER YUMMY MATH 3 ACT3 ACT- Meyer & Stadel

19 Tools / Activities We’ve Implemented: PRE-CALC / CALC DESMOS (Session #49.5 - 3:30pm) SKETCHPAD NCTM Mathematics Teacher PearDeck?

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