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Ths is me…Sahra. Sahra’s portfolio About me Literacy Numeracy Project based learning Addition subtraction My goals.

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Presentation on theme: "Ths is me…Sahra. Sahra’s portfolio About me Literacy Numeracy Project based learning Addition subtraction My goals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ths is me…Sahra

2 Sahra’s portfolio About me Literacy Numeracy Project based learning Addition subtraction My goals

3 About me My name is Sahra Mohamed I am 12 years old. My birthday is June 28 th. I have 2 sisters and 5 brothers and 4 of my brothers play soccer and 1plays basketball like me. When I grow up I want to be famous and become a basketball player. I have no pets and I don't want any because I don’t like any pets. My best friends are Yusra, Maymun, Mariam, Lauren Tyrian, Muireann and Tikka.

4 Literacy My goals for literacy are getting used to reading more and becoming better at my spelling. I will soon be able to spell really hard words which will hopefully be really challenging. Literacy is one of my weak subjects that I don’t always do well in.

5 Numeracy My goals for numeracy are learning more about fractions and getting quicker at my times tables. Numeracy is one of my favourite subjects and I really enjoy it. My other goals are to learn more strategies.

6 Project based learning sahras infomation on phillip island2.ppt How to Make A Rainforest by sahra.doc Kakadu.doc Anzac -

7 Addition I am starting to understand this. I understand this and know how to do it. I understand this, know how to do it and can explain it to others. EvidenceSign. Solve addition problems by counting on. Solve addition problems by using doubles. Solve addition problems by using near doubles. Solve addition problems by using tens facts. Use written method to add larger numbers without carrying. Use written method to add larger numbers with carrying. Solve and generate word problems using addition.. Add columns of numbers where each has a different numbers of digits. Add larger numbers and columns of numbers using written method. Add decimals with equal numbers of decimal places (including money). Add decimals with unequal numbers of places.

8 Subtraction I am starting to understand this. I understand this and know how to do it. I understand this, know how to do it and can explain it to others. EvidenceSign. Solve subtraction problems by counting on or counting back. Solve subtraction problems by using doubles. Solve subtraction problems by using near doubles. Solve subtraction problems by using tens facts. Use written method to subtract larger numbers without trading. Use written method to subtract larger numbers with trading. Solve and generate word problems using subtraction. Subtract numbers where each has a different numbers of digits. Subtract larger numbers using written method. Subtract decimals with equal numbers of decimal places (including money). Subtract decimals with unequal numbers of places.

9 My goals My goal for this term is to put more interest in my writing and to learn more strategies with maths problems, my other goal is also to become faster at division and so far its working

10 Mini Olympics Our Haig Street Mini Olympics was the best ever especially when we had to control all the kids. When I grow up I had always wanted to become a teacher but ever since our Mini Olympics I regretted everything about my dream of becoming a teacher but thank god I had a back up plan for the future. My second option was to become an accountant. That's because I am good at money and maths and those sorts of things.

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