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Elements of Fiction Scavenger Hunt. Character O The people, animals, or imaginary creatures that take part in the action of a story.

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Presentation on theme: "Elements of Fiction Scavenger Hunt. Character O The people, animals, or imaginary creatures that take part in the action of a story."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elements of Fiction Scavenger Hunt

2 Character O The people, animals, or imaginary creatures that take part in the action of a story.

3 Characters(cont’d) Main Character Minor Character O The character that the story centers around. O The events in the life of this person or animal. O Provide part of the background for the story. O They interact with the main character and with one another. O Help to move the plot along.

4 Character (cont’d) Static Character Dynamic Character O One who changes little, if at all, from the beginning of a story to the end. O Stays the same. O One who changes significantly.

5 Character (cont’d) Protagonist Antagonist O Main character O Good guy O Story centers around this character O Opposes the main character O Bad guy

6 Characterization O The methods that writers use to make their characters seem real.

7 Four Lenses of Character First Second O Show the character in action or conversation. O Express the character’s thoughts.

8 Lenses Continued Third Fourth O Describe his or her physical appearance. O Tell how other characters respond to him or her.

9 Conflict O A problem or struggle between two or more opposing forces. O Conflicts can range from a life or death struggle to a disagreement between friends.

10 Types of Conflict External Internal O Struggle between a character and an outside force, such as another character, society, or nature. O When a character has to struggle within himself or herself, as when making a decision or resolving a problem.

11 Plot O The sequence of events in a story. O Writer’s blueprint of what happens, when it happens, and to whom it happens. O Think of a set of dominoes!!!

12 Elements of Plot Introduction (Exposition) Rising Action O Sets the stage for the story. O Characters are introduced. O Setting is described. O Conflict begins to unfold. O When the plot gets more complex. O Suspense and a feeling of excitement and energy build.

13 Elements of Plot (cont’d) Climax Resolution O Highest point of interest or suspense in a story. O Turning point O Usually results in a change in the characters or a solution to the problem. O Occurs at the conclusion of the story. O Loose ends are tied up and the story ends.

14 Point of View O Who narrates or tells the story. O From who’s perspective the story is told.

15 Point of View First Person Third Person O Narrator who is also a character in the story speaks directly to the reader. O I, me, and we O The story is told by someone outside the story (narrator) O He, she, and they

16 Setting O The time and place in which the story happens. O May be present, past, or future; day or night; or any season. O The place may be imaginary or real.

17 Theme O The main message the writer wishes to share with the reader. O Might be a lesson about life or a belief about people and their actions.

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