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CSDA Research Committee Presents The First CSDA Research Forum Child Support Directors Association of California.

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Presentation on theme: "CSDA Research Committee Presents The First CSDA Research Forum Child Support Directors Association of California."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSDA Research Committee Presents The First CSDA Research Forum Child Support Directors Association of California

2 CSDA Research Forum Welcome and Background Stephen Kennedy - Chair

3 CSDA Research Forum Purpose and benefits of forum? How does this forum differ from other types of data related meetings and forums?

4 CSDA Research Forum Today’s Goals and Objectives 1) Understand core concepts regarding the use of data as a tool for performance improvement. 2) Understand how to apply these concepts to an actual performance improvement project (Interstate Project). 3) Obtain a broad understanding of other county initiatives, and discuss hints to measure performance improvement.

5 CSDA Research Forum Overview of Research Concepts Continuous Quality Improvement Using the “Six Sigma” approach  Traditionally, the Greek Letter “Sigma” σ has traditionally been used to represent the statistical measure of standard deviation, which is a measure of variation  The term “Six Sigma” has evolved to describe a business philosophy, a metric for benchmarking, and a process improvement method.

6 1 2 3 4 6 7 5 CUSTOMER Select Problem /Process Describe Current Process Describe Possible Causes Develop Solution & Action Plan Implement Solution or Process Change Review & Evaluate Reflect and Act on Learnings

7 CSDA Research Forum Current Use of Data Running Queries off of the Data Repository  Reports Outcome Measures. What is the FM3 by county as of Q2 FFY 2010? Where are we with regards to support orders, collections etc.? Can we examine FM3 by caseworker?  Run lists of cases to work on (i.e. case closure, marketing mailer, phone blast, case cleanup etc.).  What is the link between actions and results?

8 CSDA Research Forum Future Use of Data State of Washington Model  “Use statistical models to perform cause and effect analysis (i.e. how caseworker actions affect outcomes).”  “Learn about causal relationships between individual characteristics, timing of life events, and payment of child support (i.e. analyze order amounts to understand the consequences of default orders with imputed income.)”

9 CSDA Research Forum Benchmarking – a feedback method to improve performance  How do we compare?  To other counties  To other states  To the nation  To a prior time period  To a prior process

10 CSDA Research Forum Stratification  What is stratification? Identifying a group of cases bases on common characteristics  All Interstate Initiating Cases  Cases most likely to be delinquent  Cases with a SLMS release  Cases eligible for a downward review and adjustment

11 CSDA Research Forum Use data to understand Cycle Time Reduction – Process Improvement  Can we reduce the duration between case opening date to date of 1 st payment to a CP?  What are the intermediate durations? 1.Between case opening date to date NCP is located. 2.Between date NCP is located to date S&C is filed. 3.Between date S&C is filed to date order is filed. 4.Etc.

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