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Recognizing your Gifts Learning how to share your gifts with others.

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Presentation on theme: "Recognizing your Gifts Learning how to share your gifts with others."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognizing your Gifts Learning how to share your gifts with others

2 CARE Profile Check-in  Divide into teams of three.  In a total of 3 minutes, share your example of how you used the CARE profile information to help you engage in a conversation with someone this past week.  Pick one person from your team to share their example with the large group.

3 Why is it important to know what your gifts are?

4 Importance of Recognizing your Gifts  Networks rely on mutual benefit—you want to add value to your network  First impressions: people will be more likely to listen to you if you act like they should listen.  It also helps people in your network know how to connect you to cool opportunities, internships, jobs, and people.

5 Check in  How many of you know that you have lots of gifts?  How many of you have hidden gifts that your classmates don’t know about?  How many of you are reluctant or shy to share your gifts?  How many of you have a harder time recognizing your talents?

6 Scavenger Hunt  Go around to your classmates.  Find people who want to be good at a gift you already have.  Have them put their initials in the third column.

7 Video Clip

8 Individual Task Take a couple of minutes to write a paragraph about how this video relates to you and how you can apply it to your life.

9 Team Assignment  In your groups, take out a piece of paper and write at least 5 things that you are good at.  Go around the circle and share your top five gifts with your team.

10 Homework Assignment  Share your gifts with others.  Next week, come in ready to share one of your gifts either by showing a picture of you doing it, or by sharing it in class.

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