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慶應義塾大学 理工学部 岡 朋治、他数名. Starburst ? : No SFR=0.3–0.6 M sun /yr (Güsten 1989) 3 Young Massive Clusters Arches, Quintuplet, Central Mass ~ 10 4 M sun Age.

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Presentation on theme: "慶應義塾大学 理工学部 岡 朋治、他数名. Starburst ? : No SFR=0.3–0.6 M sun /yr (Güsten 1989) 3 Young Massive Clusters Arches, Quintuplet, Central Mass ~ 10 4 M sun Age."— Presentation transcript:

1 慶應義塾大学 理工学部 岡 朋治、他数名

2 Starburst ? : No SFR=0.3–0.6 M sun /yr (Güsten 1989) 3 Young Massive Clusters Arches, Quintuplet, Central Mass ~ 10 4 M sun Age = several Myr AGN ? : No L=2x10 33 erg/s = 10 –11 L EDD Supermassive Black Hole : Yes ! M=4.5x10 6 M sun (Ghez et al. 2008) Starburst ? : No SFR=0.3–0.6 M sun /yr (Güsten 1989) 3 Young Massive Clusters Arches, Quintuplet, Central Mass ~ 10 4 M sun Age = several Myr AGN ? : No L=2x10 33 erg/s = 10 –11 L EDD Supermassive Black Hole : Yes ! M=4.5x10 6 M sun (Ghez et al. 2008)

3 Flare Activity (Baganoff et al. 2001; Genzel et al. 2003; Ghez et al. 2004) X-ray, Infrared, submm Tens of minutes Size ~ several AU Direct Measurement (Doleman et al. 2008) Size ~ 0.4 AU R S = 2GM/c 2 = 0.1 AU Flare Activity (Baganoff et al. 2001; Genzel et al. 2003; Ghez et al. 2004) X-ray, Infrared, submm Tens of minutes Size ~ several AU Direct Measurement (Doleman et al. 2008) Size ~ 0.4 AU R S = 2GM/c 2 = 0.1 AU ESO Press Video eso0330 Marrone et al. 2008

4 Ebisuzaki et al. 2001, ApJ, 562, L19 Starburst Dense Clusters Runaway Coalescence Supermassive BH

5 Optical : Impossible Infrared : young, massive ones with moderate A V Optical : Impossible Infrared : young, massive ones with moderate A V Highly Difficult!

6 ASTE Survey CO J=3–2 Comparison with CO J=1–0 R 3–2/1–0 ≥ 1.5 High n(H 2 ) and T k Optically thin Most likely shocked gas ASTE Survey CO J=3–2 Comparison with CO J=1–0 R 3–2/1–0 ≥ 1.5 High n(H 2 ) and T k Optically thin Most likely shocked gas

7 L=1.3° Region Oka et al. 2001, PASJ, 53, 787-791 Tanaka et al. 2007, PASJ, 60, 429-434 9 expanding shells E kin =10 50–51 erg t exp =severalx10 4 yr Isolated SiO clumps Series of SNe Embedded Clusters ? M cl ≥ 10 4 M sun L=–0.4° Region Sgr A Region L=1.3° Region Oka et al. 2001, PASJ, 53, 787-791 Tanaka et al. 2007, PASJ, 60, 429-434 9 expanding shells E kin =10 50–51 erg t exp =severalx10 4 yr Isolated SiO clumps Series of SNe Embedded Clusters ? M cl ≥ 10 4 M sun L=–0.4° Region Sgr A Region

8 Peculiar to the CMZ Isolated Associated with GMCs Compact (<5 pc) Large  V (> 50 km s –1 ) Short expansion time Enormous kinetic energy Peculiar to the CMZ Isolated Associated with GMCs Compact (<5 pc) Large  V (> 50 km s –1 ) Short expansion time Enormous kinetic energy

9 Nagai (2008) Ph.D thesis Partly automated 84 HVCCs Nagai (2008) Ph.D thesis Partly automated 84 HVCCs Nagai 2008, PhD thesis, the Univ. of Tokyo

10 Matsumura (2011) Master thesis Fully automated Unsharp Masking CLUMPFIND 270 HVCCs Matsumura (2011) Master thesis Fully automated Unsharp Masking CLUMPFIND 270 HVCCs Matsumura. 2011, Master thesis, Keio Univ.

11 CO 0.02–0.02 E kin =(3-8)x10 51 erg t exp =(3-5)x10 4 yr Emission cavity A group of point-like IR sources Embedded Massive Cluster ! CO 0.02–0.02 E kin =(3-8)x10 51 erg t exp =(3-5)x10 4 yr Emission cavity A group of point-like IR sources Embedded Massive Cluster ! Oka et al. 2008, PASJ, 60, 429-434 Oka et al. 1999, ApJ, 515, 249-255

12 Nagai (2008) Sample M = 10 3-5 M sun E kin = 10 48-51 erg t exp = 10 3–5 yr Cluster Mass M cl = 10 2-5 M sun Six Super Stellar Clusters (SSCs) Nagai (2008) Sample M = 10 3-5 M sun E kin = 10 48-51 erg t exp = 10 3–5 yr Cluster Mass M cl = 10 2-5 M sun Six Super Stellar Clusters (SSCs)

13 CO –0.xx–0.xx CO –1.xx–0.xx Size ~ 3 pc  V ~ 100 km.s E kin ~ 10 51 erg No counterparts ! Velocity Gradient ? Dark Mass Embedded Cluster ? IMBH ? CO –0.xx–0.xx CO –1.xx–0.xx Size ~ 3 pc  V ~ 100 km.s E kin ~ 10 51 erg No counterparts ! Velocity Gradient ? Dark Mass Embedded Cluster ? IMBH ?

14 高励起 HVCCs 膨張シェルを内包 対応天体有り 低励起 HVCCs 規模が小さい 対応天体無し 特異 HVCCs 極めてコンパクト 対応天体無し 回転運動? 高励起 HVCCs 膨張シェルを内包 対応天体有り 低励起 HVCCs 規模が小さい 対応天体無し 特異 HVCCs 極めてコンパクト 対応天体無し 回転運動?

15 Objectives Reveal the Nature of HVCCs Search for Embedded Stellar Clusters Search for Intermediate Mass BHs Examine the Formation/Evolution Scenario of SMBH Objectives Reveal the Nature of HVCCs Search for Embedded Stellar Clusters Search for Intermediate Mass BHs Examine the Formation/Evolution Scenario of SMBH

16 Bands 3, 6, 7 Lines CO J=1–0, J=2–1, J=3–2 HCN J=1–0, J=3–2, J=4–3 Targets Small HVCCs with shell/cavity Without shell/cavity Bands 3, 6, 7 Lines CO J=1–0, J=2–1, J=3–2 HCN J=1–0, J=3–2, J=4–3 Targets Small HVCCs with shell/cavity Without shell/cavity

17 Sample Selection NRO 45m ASTE Highly excited HVCCs ALMA Observations High resolution image Kinematics Mass distribution → SSC, IMBH? Sample Selection NRO 45m ASTE Highly excited HVCCs ALMA Observations High resolution image Kinematics Mass distribution → SSC, IMBH?

18 Matsumura et al. (2011) NRO 45m BEARS On-the-fly mapping Nyquist sampling Matsumura et al. (2011) NRO 45m BEARS On-the-fly mapping Nyquist sampling

19 A number of Embedded Clusters in GC Search for SSCs with ALMA Search for IMBHs with ALMA Examine the Formation/Evolution Scenario of SMBH A number of Embedded Clusters in GC Search for SSCs with ALMA Search for IMBHs with ALMA Examine the Formation/Evolution Scenario of SMBH


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