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1 National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and.

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Presentation on theme: "1 National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and Computer Engineering National Technical University of Athens School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Technical Student (BE-ABP-HSL) Emmanouil Trachanas

2 Path Manager: A powerful Simulation Tool 6/6/2016 2 Code Development and Maintenance Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN

3 6/6/2016 Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN 3 Travel and PathManager (GUI): Challenges: How we will apply the physics to a programming code? How are we going to solve the problems that may occur? Which Methods should we use?

4 Procedure: 4 Travel Version 4.07 September 2005- Original : A. Lombardi, Arnaud Perrin, JF Amand Travel Fieldmap Processing routines Results Final Beam, RMS and Average Values 6/6/2016 Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN Beam Line File Inputs, Outputs,Accelerating Elements 750 MHz Proton Beam Distribution, Phase, Momenum, Energy State, Mass RFQ field Map Coordinates and Field Values

5 6/6/2016 Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN 5  Goal : Create a new card for the RFQs  Study the beaviour of the code  “Bugs”.  Results Acucuracy.  Sampling Methods for input fieldmap  Simulation Speed  Documentation The basic Pillars of our work 1 A COMPACT HIGH-FREQUENCY RFQ FOR MEDICAL APPLICATIONS M. Vretenar, A. Dallocchio, V. A. Dimov, M. Garlasché, A. Grudiev, A. M. Lombardi, S. Mathot, E. Montesinos, M. Timmins, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland Output phase spaces: 1

6 6/6/2016 Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN 6 RFQ field Routine in Travel Introducing New Routine for Simulating an RFQ through their fieldmap. Use only of the first quadrant of the fieldmap. The code uses the symmetry of the fields evaluates the field at other quadrants. Characteristics:  “More Compact” Field map.  Faster way to evaluate the indexes and the fields.  No magnetic field  Less Memory Allocation  New Velocity interpolation routine  Ability to use a field map with changing step along z

7 The New RFQ Card : Card 71 6/6/2016 7 Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN Number of Cards Field Length Field File Initial Phase Scale Factor for Electric Field Input Field Type

8 6/6/2016 Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN 8

9 6/6/2016 Early-Career Researchers in Medical Applications at CERN 9 Fixed the bugs. Ameliorate the accuracy of the results. We reduced the input field 83 % Speed in our simulations ( The time gain spectrum is approximately to 20 %) Investigate the behavior of the code under various conditions. Manage to have the same results as other codes (Parmteq). Travel has now the possibility to process RFQs throught their fieldmaps PathManager New Release Version 4.08 Conclusions: Thank you !

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