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Individualising Programmes for Relationship, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Individualising Programmes for Relationship, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Individualising Programmes for Relationship, Sexual Health and Parenthood Education

2 Who are we? FPA (Family Planning Association) is the UK's leading sexual health charity. We give straightforward information, advice and support on sexual health, sex and relationships to everyone in the UK. Our mission is to champion people’s right to sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing through advocacy, information, education and campaigning.

3 Background to Autism Project Project born out of FPA Speakeasy course working with parents of young people with ASD Joint bid with Scottish Autism, with aim of delivering work through the newly established One Stop Shops Funded by Scottish Government through Autism Strategy Funded from September 2012 to March 2015 Additional funding awarded to deliver a conference in March 2015

4 Who was involved? 2 FPA part time project workers Close relationship with Scottish Autism, AIS, NASS and the One Stop Shops Educational settings Social work Educational Psychologists Many other organisations

5 What did we do? Young People One to one and small group sessions with young people aged 8-25. Weekly, in depth (but often short) sessions relating to relationships, sexual health and parenting. Person centred, visual and age and stage appropriate. Professionals and Parents One off, awareness raising sessions that shared attitudes, values, resources and practical strategies.

6 Subjects we covered frequently Body parts Puberty Periods Wet dreams Public and private space Masturbation Appropriate touch Consent Sexual relationships How a baby is made Pregnancy and STIs Internet safety

7 Person with ASD ProfessionalsParents Consistency Parents need support as “co-educators” (age and ability appropriate) There is a need for consistent advice to avoid confusion and mixed messages. Information may need reiterated to ensure that it makes an impact

8 How did we do it? Referral form Discussion with parents and professionals with training opportunity (where possible) Initial meeting with young person for assessment and building trust and boundaries Several, regular timed sessions with clear outcomes, resources and outcomes Evaluation sessions Follow up evaluations and impact (where possible)

9 What were the outcomes? Empower young people with a better understanding of the changes happening to their body. Empower young people with a better understanding of how to interact with others in an appropriate way (i.e. consent, touch) Empower young people with the ownership of their own bodies (reducing vulnerability) Increasing confidence and understanding of parents/carers and professionals around RSHP subjects. Creating a more consistent approach to delivering RSHP.

10 What could be done differently? Preventative rather than a reactive programme More time More resources More money! More time to develop programmes for all areas on the spectrum.

11 What are the key practical lessons or principles that can be drawn from your example? ASD affects how we talk about these subjects Consistency of values and language is needed Long term learning The work is in desperately needed and in demand. Young people benefit from input from an early age Good communication between professionals and parent/carers creates consistency and longer term outcomes. Content must be clear, visual and durable.

12 How did the project promote the Strategy Outcomes? A Healthy Life: People with autism enjoy the highest attainable standard of living, health and family life Choice and Control: People with autism are treated with dignity and respect and services are able to identify their needs and are responsive to meet those needs. Independence: People with autism are able to live independently in the community with equal access to all aspects of society. Active Citizenship: People with autism are able to participate in all aspects of community and society by successfully transitioning from school into meaningful educational or employment opportunities.

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