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Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 1 TOP 8 Future Calls ERA-Net/ Cofund.

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Presentation on theme: "Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 1 TOP 8 Future Calls ERA-Net/ Cofund."— Presentation transcript:

1 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 1 TOP 8 Future Calls ERA-Net/ Cofund

2 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 2 ERA-Net CoFund References First discussion at the GA meeting in Palermo (22- 23.05.2014). Session on WP 2016/2016 and ERA-Net Cofund at RPG Meeting on September 17 th 2014 Formulation of an Position Paper of the JPI MYBL for the preparation of the WP 2016/2017 at end of July 2014 (stakeholder/MS consultations) based on results of an electronic inquiry at GA level and SAB/SOAB consultations.  Recommendations: Implement an an ERA-Net CoFund for JPI MYBL dedicated to the topic of “Quality of Life” In parallel set up of a network of national PC delegates (PC1, PC 6, PC ICT, strategic PC) Discussion at GA meeting in Rome (November 18 th, 2014).

3 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 3 EU COM request at PC 1 to MS on suggestions/preferences for Era-Net (Cofunds) in WP 2016-2017 until March 6 th 2015 GA/ national PC 1 delegates mobilisation via secretariat and SC/Matthias R.-P.) with low feedback rate to EU KOM. Request of JPI MS for an ERA-Net Cofund in WP 2017 on QoL (…as a continuation activity of J-AGE II to perform a fourth joint call in 2018) Update on status quo of WP 2016/2017 and ERA-Net Cofund at GA meeting in Vienna Discuss/ decide on further steps to be taken… ERA-Net CoFund References cont.

4 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Excerpt from the 6 th Meeting of the 'Strategic Configuration' of the Horizon 2020 Programme Committee 22 January 2015 4

5 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation PC Meeting agenda (selected topics) An Investment Plan for Europe (update on state of play) Work Programme 2016-2017 – Strategic programming, including next steps European Institute of Innovation & Technology (update on state of play) - Attachment factsheet on EIT KIC “Health” ERA-NETs (presentation of Jörg Niehoff/DG Research & Innovation, ERA Policy and Reforms (B2)) Tentative agenda PC Meeting 5

6 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation An Investment Plan for Europe Payment Appropriations Shortage 6

7 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EU CONTRIBUTION TO EUROPEAN FUND FOR STRATEGIC INVESTMENTS (EFSI) 2015-2018 Horizon 2020: EUR 2.7 billion Connecting Europe Facility: EUR 3.3 billion Unused margin within the Multi-annual Financial Framework: EUR 2 billion TOTAL cash contribution: EUR 8 billion, covering 50% of the EU guarantee of EUR 16 billion 7

8 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation BUDGETARY IMPACT ON HORIZON 2020 Reduction of 3.5% of the overall Horizon 2020 budget The main reductions will be between 2016 and 2018 Reduction in 2015 will be marginal Lower reduction for programmes concentrating on individual researchers (ERC and Marie Sklodowska-Curie) 8

9 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 4. Work Programme 2016-2017 – Strategic programming including next steps 9

10 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation STRATEGIC PROGRAMMING 2016-2017 Paving the way for the second Horizon 2020 Work Programme (WP) Building on experience of 2014/15 exercise Content based on Horizon 2020 Specific Programme Full alignment with 1) the European Council's strategic agenda for the Union in times of change and 2) the political guidelines of the new Commission Input from Member States and consultation through the PC configurations Broad consultation of external stakeholders, including the Advisory Groups 10

11 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation STRATEGIC PROGRAMMING 2016-2017 The Strategic Programming Document includes: An overarching strategic document  Outlining the political context, contributing to the Jobs, Growth and Investment Package and other key EU policy areas  Introducing the key priorities for 2016-2017, including nine focus areas, structured along the political guidelines  Explaining the approaches for the implementation of cross-cutting and other key features; taking full account of 'lessons learned' exercise  Providing a chapeau for all the scoping papers All the aligned scoping papers per work programme part in annex (15 scoping papers in total)  Outlining the main priorities for each Horizon 2020 part, including more elaborated information on focus areas and expected calls, while it does not pre-define any topics The document thus provides a strategic perspective ahead of the preparation of the content of the WP 11

12 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation STRATEGIC PROGRAMMING 2016-2017: NEXT STEPS With the first part of the WP preparation process now ending, the second on preparing the detailed WP content starts On the basis of the final strategic programming document, prepare the detailed WP content Exchange with PC configurations on the basis of draft outlines of WP content Finalisation of WP parts towards adoption and publication 12

13 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation TIMETABLE TOWARDS THE ADOPTION OF THE WORK PROGRAMME 2016-2017 2015 Jan – MayPreparation of draft WP parts, prepared on basis of Strategic Programming Document, including discussion with PC configurations on basis of drafts JuneInter-service consultation JulyOpinions of PC configurations SeptemberAdoption of the WP for 2016-2017 + publication of the calls for proposals 13

14 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation European Institute of Innovation & Technology – state of play 14

15 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EIT – State of Play 2015  2014 Call for KICs — 2 KICs designated on 9 th of December 2014; start-up phase on-going  2015 INNOVEIT – EIT Innovation Forum — EIT Innovation Forum - EIT Awards, the EIT Alumni Connect event, the EIT Stakeholder Forum and the EIT Roundtable — Budapest from 05 to 07 May 2015; registration opens in March 2015 — Opportunity to meet the EIT Community, including EIT Governing Board Members and staff, representatives from the first and the newly selected KICs, students and graduates from EIT labelled educational programmes — Opportunity to meet potential partners for future proposals and innovation stakeholders  2016 Call for KICs — EIT analysing lessons learnt in view of future call 15

16 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation EIT Health aims to:  90 new products/services annually by 2018  70 start-ups per year by 2018  have 1 000 000 students taking part in its educational online programmes per year by 2018  incubate approximately 80 new business ideas in 2016, rising to 140 in 2018. Six Co-location Centres across Europe, with Headquarters based in Munich:  London (UK/Ireland)  Stockholm (Scandinavia)  Barcelona (Spain)  Paris (France)  Heidelberg (Germany)  Rotterdam (Belgium-Netherlands) Partners (50) from Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Spain, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. 16

17 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERA-NET Cofund 17

18 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERA-NET, ERA-NET Plus, ERA-NET Cofund and JPIs calls: total of > Euro 4 Billion by 2016 18

19 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Share per MS of public funding in ERA-NET and ERA-NET Plus calls in 2009-2014 (sample) 19

20 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation The issue of unbalanced commitments should be further analysed together with Participating States. A number of elements seem to be relevant:  The initial commitment of a country to a call is not proportionate to the research capacity of the country in question.  A low number of successful projects resulting from a call does not allow a country to fully use its initial commitment.  A country does not participate in a call, since their high ambitions for funding to achieve critical mass and expected impacts are not matched by financial commitments of others. 20

21 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation ERA-NET Cofund – main features ERA-NET Cofund: implementation of a co-funded joint call for proposals (compulsory, one co-funded call per Grant Agreement)* EU contribution: mainly a proportional contribution to total public funding of the joint call Additional EU contribution to coordination costs on the basis of a unit costs for additional activities including additional calls without top-up funding Stable reimbursement rate: ERA-NET Plus reimbursement rate from FP7 (33%) applies Co-funded calls: proposal evaluation and selection according to Horizon 2020 standards * ERA-NETs based on a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) are no longer possible. Only in exceptional cases it might be considered to support the preparation and structuring of specific emerging P2Ps that demonstrate clear European added value. 21

22 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation A. Implementation of a single joint call (MS contribution in cash)  Call for proposals organised by national/regional funding agencies  Activities: call preparation, implementation and follow-up  Eligible costs: financial support paid to third parties B. Implementation of a single joint call (MS contribution in cash) and additional activities  Call and activities as in A.  Additional joint activities including additional joint calls without Union top-up funding.  Eligible costs: financial support paid to third parties and coordination costs for additional activities (unit costs per beneficiary per year). C. Implementation of a single joint call (Institutional funding, MS contribution in kind) In exceptional cases  Call for proposals organised by governmental research organisations  Beneficiaries carry out the projects resulting from the call themselves  Eligible costs: costs of trans-national projects on the basis of Horizon 2020 rules  In-kind contributions: non-reimbursed expenditure 22

23 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Co-funded call – conditions & deliverables After the end of the evaluation the consortium must submit to the Commission the following: (a)the ranking list(s) of the projects; (b)the observers' report on the evaluation; (c)the joint selection list of the projects to be funded, and (d)from each consortium partner participating in the joint call, a formal and duly signed commitment on availability of funds for the selected projects. In addition: a)After the end of evaluation information on each project selected for funding (data on each participant and abstracts of the project proposal), b)At the end of the action: information on each funded project (data on each participant and overview of results). Important: The conditions for call implementation for the co-funded call do not apply to additional calls without Union top-up funding. 23

24 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Pre-existing consortium Phase 1: call & evaluationPhase 2: Transnational projects implementation Preparation Publication/ Advertising Step 1 Step 2 Planned budget by consortium Selection list Formal financing commitments 2 nd reporting period Final report Funding paid ERA-NET Cofund GA Commitment: planned call budget (initial national commitments) 1 st Pre-financing (10%) 2 nd Pre-financing based on actual requested funding following call evaluation results 80% of EC contribution Payment of the balance on the basis of financial support paid to third parties, according to national funding rules, or costs of implementation of projects by the beneficiaries Evaluation 1 st reporting period Default: 2 reporting periods M36: progress report 24

25 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation New approach well received and well understood by the applicants  Most proposals fully comply with the ERA-NET Cofund requirements.  Many very good descriptions of work received high scores  Some proposals did not fully comply with call requirements and need to be corrected during grant preparation.  All but one proposal foresee additional activities.  Most of the proposals foresee up to 4 additional calls (exception: 2 of the proposals related to JPIs), some of them with substantial indicative financial commitments for the additional calls.  Proposers introduce a wide range of additional activities, with no general difference between ERA-NETs with or without JPI background.  Many proposals include strong international collaboration. 25

26 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation First indications from Horizon 2020 ERA-NETs FP7Horizon 2020 Number of countries per call 1018 Average call budget [Euro million] 8,827,9 Share of EU13 - budget - participation 5% 13% 6% 21% Countries participating in calls 100% > 80% > 60% - - 3 (BE, FR, DE) 3 (BE, ES, NL) 5 (+ PT, NO) 12 (+ AT, FR, DE, IT, PL, RO, UK) 26

27 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Share of public funding per country (H2020 proposals) 27

28 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Next meetings of PC configurations 28

29 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation Meetings of the Strategic configuration Meetings until the end of 2015: 19 March Director-General level meeting on 23 April 2015; chaired by Robert-Jan Smits 18 June (tbc) 16 July 24 September 26 November Other PC configurations - tentative dates sent on 16 January 29

30 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation PC 1 Health, demographic change and well-being 11/2 (deadline for MS feedback on ERA-Net Cofund and JPI support actions: March 6 th, 2015) 29/4 16/6 1/10 10/12 (tbc) PC 6 Europe in a changing world – Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies 23/1 25/3 28/5 22/10 30

31 Policy Research and Innovation Research and Innovation 31 Conclusions/ Recommendations to the GA Set up a task force/ working group consisting of potential ERA-Net Cofund partners dealing with this issue in more detail (preparation of a proposal) Send again an official JPI statement (signed by Chair/SC) after GA meeting in Vienna to DG Connect/DG R&I on Director General/Director level Improve impact of network of national PC delegates (direct contact via secretariat/ SC) Use the RPG as a forum to further exchange on ERA-Net Cofund and lobbying tool towards EU COM and national policy makers (in line with RPG objectives/tasks within J- AGE II on alignment)

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