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In your warm up section, compare the following two images. Warm Up - Wednesday I didn’t know Africa was that colorful? Cartoon 1 Cartoon 2 1.What is the.

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Presentation on theme: "In your warm up section, compare the following two images. Warm Up - Wednesday I didn’t know Africa was that colorful? Cartoon 1 Cartoon 2 1.What is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 In your warm up section, compare the following two images. Warm Up - Wednesday I didn’t know Africa was that colorful? Cartoon 1 Cartoon 2 1.What is the purpose of a political cartoon? 2.What do these two cartoons tell us about Imperialism in Africa?

2 Industrial Revolution / Imperialism Study Guide Test Date: Wednesday 16th!!!

3 Copy the terms below on pages 59 “Industrial Review” Before/After Industrial Rev Mass Production Nationalism Industrialism Militarism Imperialism Berlin Conference Causes of Imperialism Scramble for Africa Sepoy Mutiny Opium War Boxer Rebellion +/- of Great Britain in India Isms Chart

4 Scramble for Africa Map Glue the map of Colonial Africa in your notebook on page 60. With a partner, you will scan the QR codes around the room to find out which African countries were claimed by which European powers. QR Code Example Top line tells you which European country claimed it Next lines give you clues about where to find the country to color Belgium This country is in the middle of Africa. Its first name is after the country that claimed it.

5 Map of Colonial Africa Day two Continue scanning the QR codes around the room and finish adding color to your map. Once you have completed your map, copy the question below and answer it in your notebook underneath your map. What impact did the “Scramble for Africa” have on the continent of Africa?

6 Creating a Political Cartoon Political cartoons are a different and unique way to present an idea. Not only do they express a person’s opinion about an issue, but also they often provoke thought and debate. Your task will be to create your own political cartoon about the Scramble of Africa.

7 How do I begin to create my political cartoon? 1.You must decide why the issue/topic important to you? What message do you want the cartoon say to others? Political Cartoons are designed to send a message, make a point, influence opinion, or make fun of a topic. 2.) The cartoon itself needs to display an obvious or even hidden meaning that reflects your feelings about the topic. Messages to think about: Why should we care?; Who is to blame?; Why is this so important?; What do I want others to know?

8 Final Product You need to create a political cartoon about the Scramble for Africa. Guidelines: 1. Drawn by hand on computer paper. 2. In color. 3. Does not have to be one “big” drawing. It can be in comic strip form.

9 Exit Tix What is the purpose of a Political Cartoon? a.It’s an alternative to a funny cartoon. b.It provides a message about a topic and promotes thought about a topic. c.It describes a political debate d.It is a cartoon drawn in black and white.

10 Exit Tix How would you describe the impact imperialism had on Africa? a.It had no impact; Africa stayed the same. b.It had a positive impact and made Africa rich. c.It had a negative impact because it split the continent up under European control d.The impact is not known because Imperialism has not ended yet

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