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Week 5 People in my classroom Tpack of an idea Online event participation Workshop Communicate your curriculum ideas persuasively. Communicate your reasons.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 5 People in my classroom Tpack of an idea Online event participation Workshop Communicate your curriculum ideas persuasively. Communicate your reasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 5 People in my classroom Tpack of an idea Online event participation Workshop Communicate your curriculum ideas persuasively. Communicate your reasons for choices from a theoretical framework.

2 Who lives in my house? Francis Whiting storyFrancis Whiting story What kind of teachers are in your classroom? Write on a page with two columns - one for notes and one for Writing “What kind of teacher is in my classroom?” Need a twitter master. Need a “last word” person. Who is in my classroom Who is in my classroom? #edc3100 There is a constructionist teacher in my classroom who lets children be active builders of their own intellectual ideas and problems. #edc3100 There is a behaviourist teacher in my classroom who reinforces basic skills.

3 What is learning? Learning as a Change - Change in one’s ability or knowledge. Learning is measured by an amount of change that occurs with an individuals knowledge, performance or behaviour. Expert verses novice behaviour. Learning with and through technology. Text pages 112-128 A problematic statement Seems like a better framework

4 Behaviourism Shape behaviour through stimulus and response – drill and practice software Learning requires small progressive steps – tutorials Behaviour of learners can be seen and measured. Computer based testing?

5 Instructivism 9 steps from “Gaining attention, informing learner of objective. Recall of prior learning, presenting new material, providing guidance, elicit performance etc Sequential and clear instructions Tutorials

6 Constructivism Working on authentic problems Often collaborative Active engagement of the learner - sense of adding to previous knowledge and experience Learning is a personal journey Simulations, problem solving, project planning and management

7 Constructionism Active builders of intellectual structures Construct things that can be used again as building blocks Lego, logo, programming, Sims games Organising socio technical networks Some say Constructivism + technology = constructionism

8 Connectivism Chaotic connections more like a network of people and ideas Decisions based on a changing state – new information, new ideas, constantly shifting ideas and subject matter and how it is interpreted Technology enables the learning. Web-based learning and network learning.

9 Other frameworks What types of teachers are in your classroom? What types of pedagogy is in your classroom? What seems common to all frameworks in your text are Authentic tasks Experiential learning Social learning and sharing Learning phases as expertise grows What seems common to all frameworks in your text are Authentic tasks Experiential learning Social learning and sharing Learning phases as expertise grows #edc3100 ICT and Pedagogy FB Page


11 Tpack Model

12 My online event or activity idea:

13 Choose a small but significant area from the Australian Curriculum which could be the context for an online event. Select an online event or activity idea. Use the TPACK model to make notes about the idea, clearly articulating the learning goals and pedagogical suggestions in the national curriculum documents, as well as your learning goals and pedagogical decisions. Make notes on the technical tools you need and what qualities of the tools enable your event to be useful to students and meet curriculum goals. Make notes on the qualities of the event design that meet your needs and note any potential online strategies you might use. What curriculum skills/knowledge? What Digital literacy/citizenship skills/knowledge?

14 A brief outline of a curriculum idea involving an online event The context – about the class, its age level, access to computers in the classroom etc The key idea in a short paragraph or a couple of sentences Describe the curriculum goals. Lists are fine Describe the event List or describe the technology tools used online Briefly outline the core activity sequence A description of the product students will develop.

15 Extent barometer Is it a good curriculum idea? Suggest how creative/innovative or intriguing the idea is. Would it engage students? Make a suggestion to improve the idea.

16 Describing the idea in terms of TPACK

17 Homework Bring idea along to tut and be prepared to workshop it in depth. Analysis of strategies inside of events at the tut Read text pages 112-128 Online module at our class blog about TPACK Participate in two events plus yours. Practical workshop Movie s in 5 steps

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