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AIAA Aerospace Sciences Group TC Chair Presentation AIAA AVIATION 2015 Dallas, TX 22-26 June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "AIAA Aerospace Sciences Group TC Chair Presentation AIAA AVIATION 2015 Dallas, TX 22-26 June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Group TC Chair Presentation AIAA AVIATION 2015 Dallas, TX 22-26 June 2015

2 2 Overview Introductions Topics  AIAA  Technical Activities Committee (TAC)  Aerospace Sciences Group (ASG)  Technical Committee (TC) Questions & Comments Welcome Aboard Peggy Williams-Hayes, new ASG Deputy Director

3 AIAA Topic: Conference Attendance U. S. Government attendance  Restrictions are still in place for government travel  Paperwork has grown as compared to 5 years ago  Some improvement this year. – Office of Personnel Management will defer acceptable conference to agencies – drops-conference-review- process/?utm_source=AN%2BDaily%2BNews&utm_medium=email&ut m_campaign=20150507%2BThursday drops-conference-review- process/?utm_source=AN%2BDaily%2BNews&utm_medium=email&ut m_campaign=20150507%2BThursday General Accountability Office (GAO)  Engagement on Scientific Conferences  What effects, if any, has DOD’s policy for the oversight and approval of conference sponsoring and attendance had on the DOD science and technology enterprise?  Released report in March 2015 3

4 AIAA Topic: GAO Conference Attendance Start 2014 4

5 5 AIAA Topic: GAO Conference Attendance Final 2015

6 AIAA Topic: Ongoing Operations Financial Results 6

7 AIAA Topic: March YTD FY15 Results Operations performed better than budget by $1,053K  SciTech revenue 10% better than budget – Expenses also better due to credits for hotel issues  Publications sales remain strong – Revenue +10% due to strong Archive Sales & Technical Paper subscriptions  Defense Forum held for first time – Revenue down12% over estimated budget but hit direct margin target  NACA 100 th Anniversary – Unbudgeted financial boost  Labor & Fringe +4% better than budget – Delayed hiring of open positions – Expect FY16 budgeted labor will be higher than FY15 results 7

8 AIAA Topic: Estimate at Completion (EAC) for FY15 8

9 AIAA Topic: Governance See Jim Albaugh’s comments in AIAA 2014-2015 Annual Report “Governance” is how we run the Institute Not to be confused with Government An overall governance evaluation began with the establishment of a Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) in January 2014 that was tasked with  Examining the efficacy of the AIAA governance structure  Benchmarking it against our peers in the not-for-profit sector  Recommending appropriate improvements to the Board of Directors 9

10 AIAA Topic: Governance The Board established a Governance Working Group (GWG) composed of a subset of the Board and other invited stakeholders to identify the tangible steps toward change. The GWG’s first task was  to establish specific Performance Requirements that would be necessary to support a more strategic and visionary organization. The Performance Requirements were derived from a projection of what the organization’s attributes should be to function effectively in the current and future environment. 10

11 AIAA Topic: Governance Current Board of Directors (BoD) is ~37 people  Other institutes are around 12 to 24 BoD members  Smaller boards can react faster – Strategic versus tactical – Difficult to teleconference with 37 people AIAA Constitution and By-laws tell us what we can and cannot do.  To alter constitution, need 15% of voting members to participate  2/3 of voters must approve a change 11

12 12 AIAA Topic: Voting Participation & Governance

13 AIAA Topic: Membership (FY2010, FY13 dues increase years)

14 TAC Topic: Forums The dates and locations for the upcoming forums.  AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition 4-8 January 2016 Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego, CA  AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 13-17 June 2016 Washington Hilton Washington, DC  AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum and Exposition 27-29 July 2015 Hilton Orlando Orlando, Florida  AIAA Space and Astronautics Forum and Exposition 31 August - 2 September2015 Pasadena Convention Center Pasadena CA  The AIAA Defense and Security Forum and Exposition. – Johns-Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory – March 2016? 14

15 TAC Topic: 2016 and 2017 Venues Update DEFENSE  DEFENSE 2015 was successful at the Applied Physics Laboratory and is being looked at for a 2016 event in mid- March. SPACE  2016: 13-15 September, Long Beach Convention Center, Long Beach, CA  2017: 11-14 September, Orlando Hyatt Regency 15

16 TAC Topic: Virtual Product Innovation Initiative (VPII) TAC seeks ideas for experiments to explore innovative concepts for virtual content through the Virtual Products Innovation Initiative (VPII). The VPII has three goals:  Obtain data on demographics of participants, their satisfaction with various virtual products, and feedback to enhance product value  Gain experience in organizing and executing virtual products, events, and activities  Explore potential new products of unproven value The Technical Committees and Program Committees (TC/PC) are invited to submit proposals for virtual experiments to achieve those goals. 16

17 TAC Topic: VPII Proposal Outline Concept  Event type: State whether the product/event is a workshop, mini-conference, etc.  Intended audience: Identify the target attendee community  Strategic objective: Describe how the event supports one or more AIAA Strategic Imperatives (develop and expand our community, strengthen our existing community, deliver exceptional results).  Attendee experience: Describe how attendees will register, submit content (if applicable), and interact before, during and after the event. 17

18 TAC Topic: VPII Proposal Outline Implementation  IT resources: Describe social media and IT resources to be used. List both organizer resources and attendee minimum requirements. Assume AIAA IT resources will not be available.  Work plan: Describe work to be done to organize and execute the event (e.g., a work break-down structure). Identify who will do which task. Assume AIAA staff will not be available.  Data collection: Describe how attendee demographic and satisfaction data will be collected.  Advertising: Describe how the target audience will be informed of the product/event. 18

19 TAC Topic: VPII Proposal Outline Expenses and Schedule  Expenses: Provide rough cost estimate and describe basis of estimate (BoE) tied to IT resource needs and work plan.  Schedule: Provide timeline of major milestones toward implementation and for providing deliverables (see Section 4) to TAC. Proposals may involve virtual delivery of  known product types or completely new events, activities, or products.  Known product types include workshops, courses, and pre-recorded content (e.g., pod-casts).  TAC encourages exploration of new product types directed to new audiences. 19

20 TAC Topic: Forum Structure 20 Executive Steering Committee Forum Technical Chair Forum Organizing Committee Led by Forum General Chair Representatives from TCs/PCs Representatives from co-located symposia, workshops Integration Chair Public Policy Chair Education Chair International Chair Member Engagement Chair Etc. Technical Program Committee Led by Forum Technical Chairs (formerly Conference General Chair)  Forum Technical Chairs from AS, ADS, and IS Groups  Chairs sit on Forum Organizing Committee Representatives from other societies (ASCE, ASME, etc.) 4-6 high-level representatives from industry, gov’t, academia

21 21 ASG Chair Rotation and Schedule for SciTech & AVIATION Note: The same person does not need to be a TCs appointee/volunteer for all 3 years of the SciTech cycle. Aviation 2015: Greg Naterer (TP), LaTunia Melton (FD) ITAR: Katya Casper SciTech 2016: Brad Burchett (AFM), Richard Ruff (MS), Michael White ( PDL) Aviation 2016: LaTunia Melton (FD), Jim Guglielmo (APA), ITAR: Katya Casper SciTech 2017 : Richard Ruff (MS), Subrata Roy (PDL), TBD (TP) Need TC Discipline leads for SciTech 2017 by Jan ASG Topic: ASG Technical Forum Chairs SciTechAVIATION YearTC AIAA Role TC AIAA Role TC AIAA Role TC AIAA Role TC AIAA Role 2014ASETP 2015GNCAFMMSTPFD ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2016AFMMSPDLFDAPA ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2017MSPDLASEAPAAMT/GT ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2018PDLASETPAMT/GTAA ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2019ASETPFDAAAFM ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2020TPFDAPAAFMMS ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2021FDAPAAMT/GTMSPDL ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2022APAAMT/GTAAPDLASE ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2023AMT/GTAAGNCASETP ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2024AAGNCAFMTPFD ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair 2025GNCAFMMSFDAPA ASG Forum Technical Chair (G1) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G2) ASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair (G3) ASG Forum Technical ChairASG Forum Deputy Technical Chair

22 ASG Topic: Replacement of Scholar One Staff team formed last fall to assess potential replacement of ScholarOne Abstracts. Team comprised of:  Technical Papers Coordinator (Ann Ames)  IT Project Coordinator (Michael McGinnes)  Forum Project Manager/Events Team Lead (Carmela Brittingham) 22

23 ASG Topic: Replacement of S1 Status (continued) Staff team did initial review/cut of systems based on requirements  Initially looked at 8 systems based on staff and volunteer suggestions – 3 dropped because more focused on journals, not conferences – 2 dropped because there were deal breakers identified (e.g., system does not integrate with NetFORUM)  Staff team viewed demos for the 3 remaining systems 23

24 ASG Topic: Replacement of S1 Status (continued) Staff team developed an assessment scoring sheet based on identified requirements to compare systems  Staff completed scoring sheet for 3 systems plus ScholarOne Abstracts  Scoring sheet contains a list of items needed to support the process from start to finish – Integration with other systems – Data exports for printed materials Manuscript collection and export for proceedings – Program planning tools Access (staff, session chairs) – Submission functions (abstracts, manuscripts) – Online agenda 24

25 ASG Topic: Replacement of S1 Status (continued) After analyzing the scoring sheet, staff team narrowed down to two systems that might be viable if decide to replace S1A Next steps:  Assess pricing to understand financial impact  Staff and volunteer teams to test systems – Volunteer committee selected to ensure: » Representation across the forums (plus GNC) » Objectivity in terms of systems » Recent experience with S1A – Volunteers include: » Ondrej Doule (SPACE) » Greg Meholic (P&E) » Diane Pytel (AVIATION) » Brett Ridgely (SciTech, GNC) 25

26 TAC Topic: Forum Organization – Forum 360 26 Executive Steering Committee Forum Technical Chair Forum Organizing Committee Led by Forum General Chair Representatives from TCs/PCs Representatives from co-located symposia, workshops Integration Chair Public Policy Chair Education Chair International Chair Member Engagement Chair Etc. Technical Program Committee Led by Forum Technical Chairs (formerly Conference General Chair)  Forum Technical Chairs from AS, ADS, and IS Groups  Chairs sit on Forum Organizing Committee Representatives from other societies (ASCE, ASME, etc.) 4-6 high-level representatives from industry, gov’t, academia

27 TAC Topic: Forum Organization – Forum 360 27

28 TAC Topic: Forum Organization – Forum 360 28

29 TAC Topic: What is Integration Tier/Forum 360? Format  Not envisioned as traditional technical paper sessions but as sessions to allow dialogue and provide information that participants can apply at work  Includes various format types including but not limited to: –Panel discussions focused on lessons learned, best practices, and case studies –Tutorials, seminars, workshops –Joint sessions typical at current conferences when multiple committees have an interest in the same topic 29

30 TAC Topic: How to build a strong Integration Layer Must be a combination of member and staff efforts Program committees have insight into relevant topics in their area Corporate members have insight into industry issues Emerging Technology Committee can help identify new trends in technology Staff has insight into industry wide trends and movements Students/Professors have insight into academic/education topics 30

31 TAC Topic: Outcomes of a well executed Integration Layer Creation of new technical communities in AIAA Creation of new program communities in AIAA AIAA recognized as being on the forefront of industry issues AIAA provides valuable workforce/professional development information to members/attendees AIAA viewed as relevant- attracting more members We all go home from AIAA forums a bit more informed about a wider variety of topics 31

32 TC Topic: Health Assessment How healthy is your TC? TC/PC Self Assessment  otFolder=%2fSC%2fTAC%2fShared%20Documents%2fTAC%20Forms&Folde rCTID=&View=%7bB2E73755%2d3750%2d4BDB%2d8012%2d454F218450F8 %7d otFolder=%2fSC%2fTAC%2fShared%20Documents%2fTAC%20Forms&Folde rCTID=&View=%7bB2E73755%2d3750%2d4BDB%2d8012%2d454F218450F8 %7d  Search for the file “TAC_F_Committee Self Assessment_V02” Major items  Does your TC have a Charter?  Does your TC have a written manual or reference document?  A written process is needed if you select an award (e.g. best student paper, Aerodynamics or Thermophysics award).  How do members and others know what your TC is doing? Web Pages Annual reports to Director and Deputies. Thanks. 32

33 TC Topic: General Reminders Chair-Elect  For new chairs, TCs need to select a vice-chair in a timely fashion  There are two accepted practices for chair-elect timelines (see TAC_P_Chairs Manual_V01) TAC_P_Chairs Manual_V01 – May need to examine “January” elections for the next AIAA year  TC Chair position is for 2 years Member Responsibilities  Maintain current AIAA Membership (must be an AIAA member)  Recruit new TC members  Submit names for AIAA awards  Submit names for AIAA elected offices  Propose membership upgrades  Propose session papers for AIAA journals 33

34 TC Topic: General Reminders Technical Committee size  Maximum of 50 members  35 US Members  International members  Associate members 34 years old or younger  Alumni members  Must get approval of ASG Director or Dep. Director to extend TC member beyond 3 year term  Cost to AIAA when TC meeting attendance goes up – Dinner cost – Audio Visual (AV) and speaker system – Reason for limitation on number of “visitors” to TC meetings.  Number of dinners per year is still limited 34

35 35 ASG Topic: TC Funds No TAC Group Directors given annual funding for FY15  Hopefully will be restored in FY16 – To be decided at August/September BoD meeting  AIAA finances are starting to improve – Probably need another year of data before significant changes are proposed

36 36 Flight Sciences Deputy Directors Rob Vermeland Robbie Robertson Applied Aerodynamics Martiqua Post / Carl Tilmann Astrodynamics Al Cangahuala / TBD Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Rick Lind / TBD Guidance, Navigation, and Control D. Brett Ridgely / Lesley Weitz Modeling and Simulation Steven Beard / Daniel Cartmell ASG Topic: Aerospace Sciences Group Leadership Team Jim Keenan – Director Technical Fluid Sciences Deputy Directors John Schmisseur Peggy Williams-Hayes Aeroacoustics Jeff Mendoza / Stewart Glegg Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Paul Danehy / Steven Beresh Atmospheric and Space Environments Justin Likar / TBD Fluid Dynamics Brian Smith / David Williams Ground Test Steve Dunn / Wink Baker Meshing, Visualization, & Comp. Env. Carl F. Ollivier-Gooch / Nick Wyman Plasmadynamics and Lasers Jonathan Poggie / TBD Thermophysics Eric Silk / Alina Alexeenko

37 Questions & Comments Other topics? 37

38 38

39 TC Topic: Web Pages Web Pages…  Each TC needs a web master and a back-up/helper  Great location to share information – (e.g. minutes, charter, award process, photos)  This is your face to the outside world for new AIAA & TC members  Improvement to ASG TC web pages. Thanks!  When was the last time your TC updated its webpage? Keep up the good work! TAC web site   Provides numerous documents (e.g. Chair manual, Self-Assessment) ASG web site   Has links to the various TCs and needs improvement 39

40 Organizers: SciTech 2016 Executive Steering Committee  Robie Samanta Roy, Lockheed Martin Corporation  Richard Christiansen, Sierra Lobo, Inc.  John Tracy, The Boeing Company  George Lesieutre, The Pennsylvania State University  General Chair: Mason Peck, Cornell University Forum 360 Chair: Ann Zulkosky, Lockheed Martin Corporation Forum Technical Chairs:  Brad Burchett (ASG), Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology  Jeanette Domber (ADSG), Ball Aerospace  Misty Davies (ISG), NASA Ames 40

41 Organizers: DEFENSE 2016 Assessing organizing structure used for DEFENSE 2015  Will probably use similar structure for 2016, which includes a Forum Organizing Committee and Technical Program Committee Looking to get some senior level corporate, and government participation on Forum Organizing Committee Identifying government organizations we want to engage in the planning  Missile Defense Agency, Navy, etc. Will need a Forum Technical Chair and Technical Discipline Chairs to be identified soon to allow for more time on technical program development than in 2015 41

42 Organizers: AVIATION 2016 Executive Steering Committee  Tom Edwards, NASA Ames Research Center  Todd Zarfos, The Boeing Company  Michael Bragg, University of Washington  General Chair: Robert Gregg, The Boeing Company Forum 360 Chair: Samantha Magill, Honda Aircraft Company Forum Technical Chairs:  Cees Bil (AASG), RMIT University  LaTunia Melton (ASG), NASA Langley Research Center 42

43 Status of ScholarOne Abstracts Assessment TAC Executive Board Meeting 5 May 2015

44 Status Staff team formed last fall to assess potential replacement of ScholarOne Abstracts. Team comprised of:  Technical Papers Coordinator (Ann Ames)  IT Project Coordinator (Michael McGinnes)  Forum Project Manager/Events Team Lead (Carmela Brittingham) 44

45 Status (continued) Staff team did initial review/cut of systems based on requirements  Initially looked at 8 systems based on staff and volunteer suggestions – 3 dropped because more focused on journals, not conferences – 2 dropped because there were deal breakers identified (e.g., system does not integrate with NetFORUM)  Staff team viewed demos for the 3 remaining systems 45

46 Status (continued) Staff team developed an assessment scoring sheet based on identified requirements to compare systems  Staff completed scoring sheet for 3 systems plus ScholarOne Abstracts  Scoring sheet contains a list of items needed to support the process from start to finish – Integration with other systems – Data exports for printed materials Manuscript collection and export for proceedings – Program planning tools Access (staff, session chairs) – Submission functions (abstracts, manuscripts) – Online agenda 46

47 Status (continued) After analyzing the scoring sheet, staff team narrowed down to two systems that might be viable if decide to replace S1A Next steps:  Assess pricing to understand financial impact  Staff and volunteer teams to test systems – Volunteer committee selected to ensure: » Representation across the forums (plus GNC) » Objectivity in terms of systems » Recent experience with S1A – Volunteers include: » Ondrej Doule (SPACE) » Greg Meholic (P&E) » Diane Pytel (AVIATION) » Brett Ridgely (SciTech, GNC) 47

48 Status (continued) Once pricing assessment and testing are complete staff will be able to provide a recommendation to either stay with S1A or move to a new system and the timeframe and cost to do so  Status update: 1 August 2015 48

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