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EEI Refresher Objective Writing. Bellwork 0 Take two minutes to write down one activity you will be doing with your classes in the next week.

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Presentation on theme: "EEI Refresher Objective Writing. Bellwork 0 Take two minutes to write down one activity you will be doing with your classes in the next week."— Presentation transcript:

1 EEI Refresher Objective Writing

2 Bellwork 0 Take two minutes to write down one activity you will be doing with your classes in the next week.

3 Objective 0 By the end of this workshop session, all staff members will be able to write an instructional objective for their content area by including learning and behavior.

4 What Is An Objective? 0 It states exactly what the students will learn (learning) 0 It states how and when the students will learn it (behavior) 0 It is observable and measurable 0 It is NOT an agenda

5 New Blooms Taxonomy

6 2 Part/4 Part Objectives 0 2 Part Objective: 0 Behavior (verb) – the how 0 What will be learned (noun) – the what 0 4 Part Objective: 0 Condition 0 Learning (Blooms + specific content area) 0 Behavior 0 Performance Level

7 Congruency 0 Define what congruency means to you… 0 Your teaching should be congruent to your objectives. 0 This provides consistency for both you and your students. 0 The learning and behavior must be congruent.

8 Example – 2 Part Objective 0 You are going to be teaching students how to create a chocolate cake with a recipe. 0 Learning – Create a chocolate cake 0 Behavior – Following a recipe Objective: Students will be able to create a chocolate cake by following a prescribed recipe.

9 Now You Try 0 Take a look at the examples given. 0 Circle the Blooms behavior (verb) and underline the learning (noun). 0 What do you think of the non-examples?

10 Let’s Practice 0 Take your activity from your bellwork. 0 Practice writing a two part objective.

11 Partner Share 0 Take one minute to share your objectives with a partner. 0 What went well? 0 What did you struggle with?

12 Questions

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