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Do Now: Creative Constellations 1. Draw your own constellation on the paper provided by connecting the dots 2. Create a myth describing your constellation.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Creative Constellations 1. Draw your own constellation on the paper provided by connecting the dots 2. Create a myth describing your constellation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Creative Constellations 1. Draw your own constellation on the paper provided by connecting the dots 2. Create a myth describing your constellation


3 Objectives Identify the main classification of stars Use the HR Diagram in your ESRT to determine a star’s temperature, luminosity in relation to our Sun Explain how stars generate their energy

4 What is a star? Large ball of gas held together by gravity that produces LARGE amounts of energy and shines Star is born as a cloud of gas and dust called a nebula & then becomes a protostar Our sun is the closest star and dominant gravitational force


6 Nuclear Fusion- combining nuclei of small elements to make nuclei of bigger elements + energy Hydrogen (H)  Helium (He)

7 Star Formation  Stars exist because of gravity  Two opposing forces in a star are Gravity – contractsGravity – contracts Nuclear fusion – expandsNuclear fusion – expands  Determine stage in star’s life cycle Nuclear Fusion Gravity

8 ESRTs p15

9 What is luminosity? Actual brightness of a star compared to the sunActual brightness of a star compared to the sun Do all stars have same luminosity?Do all stars have same luminosity? Does distance affect the luminosity of a star?Does distance affect the luminosity of a star?


11 Break Activity…2 min Make a list of foods you eat or have eaten Categorize how they taste and their nutritional value –Tastes good, moderate, bad –Healthy for you, moderately healthy, unhealthy for you



14 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram aka Luminosity and Temperature of Stars Diagram – NOT A MAP  DIAGRAM IS A USEFUL WAY TO FOLLOW CHANGES THAT TAKE PLACE AS THE STARS LIVE OUT THEIR LIVES  Diagram is made by plotting (graphing) each star's LUMINOSITY (brightness) and TEMPERATURE (as reflected by color) COMPARED TO THE SUN

15 Schematically, stars fall into regions shown below with respect to the sun.

16 How do stars compare in temperature? Hotter stars = blue Cooler stars = red

17 ESRTs p15


19 All planets compared to Our Sun No longer considered a planet



22 What type of star is our Sun classified as? ESRTs p15 Circle where it is on the chart

23 Identify 2 Stars Hotter than our Sun Identify 2 stars that are brighter than our sun ESRTs p15 Identify 2 Stars Cooler than our Sun Identify 2 stars that are dimmer than our sun

24 Orion What color are the stars in the constellation Orion? RED –Betelguese is RED BLUE –Rigel is BLUE ESRTs p15

25 Star Types & HR Diagram 90% of stars in the Main Sequence –Run upper left to lower right –Currently fusing H into He –Our sun! Above the main sequence –Giants (10-100X) and supergiants (100x+) Below the main sequence –Dwarfs

26 HR Diagram Online

27 Life Cycle of Stars & the HR Diagram

28 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Star Evolution Giants (or red giants)Giants (or red giants) Very luminousVery luminous Low TemperatureLow Temperature Late evolution of medium-sized main sequence stars when they greatly expand in sizeLate evolution of medium-sized main sequence stars when they greatly expand in size


30 Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram Star Evolution Super GiantsSuper Giants Very few starsVery few stars Late evolution of stars more massive than the sun.Late evolution of stars more massive than the sun. Usually explode in a supernova eventUsually explode in a supernova event

31 H-R Diagram – Star Evolution White dwarfs Small (approximate the size of Earth) Hot Low in luminosity (due to their small size) Planetary nebula: The resulting glowing halo of gases that forms when a white dwarf’s layers give off visible light Black dwarfs – dead stars

32 Life Cycle of Stars – Depends upon their original mass After they spend their life as main sequence star ….After they spend their life as main sequence star …. Sun size > expand to red giant in about 5 billion years > white dwarf > black dwarfSun size > expand to red giant in about 5 billion years > white dwarf > black dwarf Super giant > supernova >Super giant > supernova > very high mass – black hole very high mass – black hole high mass – neutron star high mass – neutron star Evolution of a Star like our Sun

33 Black Hole Movie

34 Exit Ticket 1. Which star is cooler and many times brighter than Earth’s Sun? a)Barnard’s Star b)Betelgeuse c)Rigel d)Sirius Put your name, date at top of blank piece of paper Answer the following question Turn it in

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