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CHAPTER 1 To Hell with Gravity. A theory describes a specific realm of knowledge and explains how it works. (page 6)

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 1 To Hell with Gravity. A theory describes a specific realm of knowledge and explains how it works. (page 6)"— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 1 To Hell with Gravity


3 A theory describes a specific realm of knowledge and explains how it works. (page 6)

4 Applied disciplines are realms of study and practice that are fully understood through their use in the functioning world. (page 6)

5 Applied Disciplines are Stuck Not fully integrated with practice Over interpretation of partial theories Celebrates rock star practitioners Toleration of opinion over inquiry

6 Theory Building to the Rescue Existing theory building methods are: Incomplete Inappropriate Overwhelming

7 Swanson, R.A. & Chermack, T.J. (2013). Theory building in applied disciplines. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler, p 8.

8 Challenges Facing the Theory Building Process First things first. Taking a closer look.

9 Conclusion The challenge for gaining high integrity and effectiveness in applied disciplines is to discover what works and how it works.

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