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Textual analysis of the Bourne identity By Sian Perrier.

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1 Textual analysis of the Bourne identity By Sian Perrier

2 Bourne identity mise-en-scene Tells the audience that the film starts on a boat The weather tells the audience that it is stormy which could reflect the state that Bourne is in. The weather makes people think negative thoughts so bad this happen in dark thundery storms. It is dark so is night time which reinforces the negative thoughts in the audience mind that bad stuff will or have happened. Also peoples identity are hidden with in the night so the night could reflect Bourne’s mental state. Close up of Bourne's face tells the audience how he’s feeling. His clothes are too big for him suggests they aren’t his own and they are very dirty also suggests that he was given them from someone. The fact that they aren’t his own close tells the audience that he has no identity. This gives the audience an idea of Bourne's whereabouts. Bourne is looking around with his eyes wide as if he is searching for something or if he’s willing something to come back. It’s said the eyes are the windows to the souk which suggests that the is trying to get his identity back that way. Makes the audience suspicious about Bourne and ore curious, makes you want to know why that thing was in his hip and what it is. It connotes that Bourne does someone illegal an secret. The first setting in The Bourne Identity is the ocean which will add mystery to the film and will make the audience curious about why it is set there.

3 cinematography This shot starts as an extreme long shot of Bourne walking towards the camera then turns to a mid shot of him this shows the audience that he is it’s main focus. It gives a clear view of the mise-en-scene (costume/props/body language/facial expression). I believe the director used a wide shot so the audience could see a lot of the background and it empathised Bourne’s loss of memory and the fact that he doesn’t know who he is or where he is going. This establishing shot shows you where the film is starting and gives you a clear view of the mise-en-scene. The POV from the fisherman doctor gives you lots of detail and shows you what he is looking at. There are lots of close ups when the of the doctor working on Bourne this empathises the intricate work that he is doing The close ups give the audience lots of detail When Bourne wakes up he is dizzy and the camera sways and rocks with him so the audience feels uncomfortable and get a sense of him panic and dizziness

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