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South Ayrshire Council Criminal Justice Social Work Service Breaking the cycle of re-offending.

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Presentation on theme: "South Ayrshire Council Criminal Justice Social Work Service Breaking the cycle of re-offending."— Presentation transcript:

1 South Ayrshire Council Criminal Justice Social Work Service Breaking the cycle of re-offending

2 Community Payback What happens after court ?

3 Court Team: Three court report writers and two Criminal Justice Assistants Service users are interviewed directly after their court appearance by the Criminal Justice Assistant. It is important to confirm that they have a clear under- standing of the nature of the court outcome. Before leaving court individuals are given their first appointment and a map to attend their first contact with the community based team.

4 Health and Safety: Duty of Care It is essential that all individuals attend and complete an induction as the first practical step of any order where unpaid work is a condition. Induction is held at the Community Payback Workshop twice weekly. We deliver this in partnership with East Ayrshire.

5  Each individual is allocated a case manager, who at the initial contact will work through a risk assessment process to explore the following: * what are the issues/needs that may be contributing factors in conflict with the legal/social systems? * what are the skills/interests the individual has that may be expanded/developed through community payback? * informs the action plan to support desistance Meet the case manager

6 Compliance: person centred and transparency The purposes of promoting compliance include: To ensure that an individual subject to an order pays back to society in accordance with requirements imposed by the Court In the interests of justice and to maintain the credibility of the Order, disciplinary procedures must reflect the legislation and be reasonable, clear and enforceable. They should be capable of being upheld in a court of law and also capable of swift implementation

7 Other Activity Requirement Other activity requirement: can involve a range of activities that are educational, develop skills and support desistance Input from addiction services, including residential detox Women’s Programme: Intensive support for female service users with complex needs provided in partnership with SHINE and Ayrshire Partnership Women’s Service. Turnaround: 12 week group-work programme focusing on offending behaviour linked with addiction and includes community integration Transition to Employment Project: lottery bid stage 2

8 Community Payback: Unpaid work Developing Individual placements across South Ayrshire: Charity Shop, Golf Course, Manpower Services, Care and Share, Leisure Centres Workshop placements operate six days per week and offer 15 places per day to those subject to CPO unpaid work Community Projects ongoing - Painting Project across South Ayrshire Leisure Services, Girvan Garden project

9 New venture - Plot given by Leisure Services to be utilised to create allotment garden.

10 Can it be achieved ? Yes it can in 2012-13 the team developed an abandoned plot at Auchincruive into a viable vegetable production site

11 The Aviary: Repair and rebuild aviary wall and mesh enclosure

12 Community Payback Unpaid Work 2015 Unpaid Work engages in community commitments :  Church and nursery gardens maintained across South Ayrshire  Landscaping and general upkeep at Sheltered Housing across South Ayrshire  Painted and new containers at Dalmilling Primary School  Rozelle changing rooms painted  Burnside pathway clearance from Annbank to Mossblown  Community woodland walk way signage  Shore front shelters across South Ayrshire  Golf course pathways  John Pollock nursery garden and planters  Underpass clearance at Gordon Terrace  Blackfriars community group clearance  Ayr Flower Show build

13 Troon Sheltered Housing: making the garden safe and user friendly for our older community residents

14 Female Service users within Community Payback From 2011 there has been a steady decline in the high numbers of non compliance within community payback orders for female service users. Feedback form this client group confirms that the development of specific female focused interventions has been significant in reducing non-engagement: 12 week female group work programme in partnership with Turnaround Scotland Twice weekly, unpaid work crafts/community gardens and development of linked offence focused sessions, where guest speakers are invited along to discuss relevant issues, eg Gaye Taylor from Caledonian Team (Domestic Violence)

15 Community Payback Crafts: raising funds for local charities The continuing develop- ment of crafts in 2014 saw Community Payback raise £663. Discussion with service users nominated the Malcolm Sargent Charity for children as this year’s charity to receive the raised funds.

16 Victim Support – Fund Raising/Charity Shop Community Payback annually assist Victim Support with goods collections/sorts in preparation for a week’s Charity Shop fund raising. The Charity Shop offers those subject to Community Payback a full week placement to work alongside volunteers. In 2014-15 the shop raised £1384.26.

17 Contact Details Nancy McNeil Service Manager Criminal Justice Team Contact details: Telephone: 01292 612783 Helen Lavelle Team Leader Criminal Justice Team Contact details: Telephone : 01292 289749

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