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Running Head: Impacts of the Tech Act Annette Jones EDU 620 Meeting Individual Needs With Technology Instructor David Quinn March 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Running Head: Impacts of the Tech Act Annette Jones EDU 620 Meeting Individual Needs With Technology Instructor David Quinn March 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Running Head: Impacts of the Tech Act Annette Jones EDU 620 Meeting Individual Needs With Technology Instructor David Quinn March 23, 2015

2 Assistive Technology Act  Assistive technology act was first passed by congress and signed by the president as th technology- related assistance act of 1988.  It is often referred to as the tech act. (Edyburn,2013).

3 Tech Act Continued  Tech act was intended to promote people ’ s awareness of, and access tp, assistive technology devices and services to people with disabilities, so they can full participate in education, employment, and daily activities on a level playing field with other people of their communities. (NICHCY,2008)

4 Tech Act  Was designed to increase the ability of individuals with disabilities of all ages to secure and maintain possession of assistive technology devices as such individuals make transition between services offered by educational or human service agencies or between settings of daily living.

5 Tech Act  Was designed to increase involvement of individuals with disabilities and if appropriate their family members, guardians, advocates and authorized representatives, in decision related to provision of assistive technology devices and services.

6 Impact of AT On Education  AT in the schools help students with disabilities do things more quickly, easily and independently.  Funding for AT has helped schools better support students with disabilities.

7 Impact of AT On Education  Teachers use AT devices to assist and enable disabled students to be a part of their learning process as well as all students in class.  “ The current teacher certification standards in many states involve completion of a three credit course in educational technology ” (Edyburn, 2013).

8 Influence of AT On Children With Disabilities  Due to early intervention programs and the expansion of disability categories, special education programs now compromise a significant portion of student population in many countries throughout the state (Horn & Tynan, 2001)

9 Influence of AT On Children With Disabilities  Ensuring that these students with disabilities receive instruction designed to meet his or her educational environment to maximum extent appropriate, continues to be the goal of special education teachers throughout the country (Idol, 2006)

10 Influence of AT On Children With Disabilities  The integration of technology and media into regular classroom instruction has tremendous potential to facilitate the successful inclusion of students with disabilities into regular classroom settings.(Barnes,1997)

11 Influence of AT On Children With Disabilities  The use of assistive technology in the classroom stands as an example of one of the most widely used resources and can enhance the learning experiences for students with disabilities, computer reading machines, a type of assistive technology, allows students with learning disabilities to read at a level more commensurate with their cognitive abilities.(Elkind,1998)

12 Influence of AT On Children With Disabilities  Quennervile (2001) reported the most significant tasks in the introduction of technology to the general education classroom are shared responsibility for participation and decision making and shared accountability for student outcomes.

13 Explain My Position on Fostering AT to Promote Full Inclusion of Students With Disabilities in Education, Employment, Daily Activities, and in Their Communities.

14 In Education  Having assistive technology for students with disabilities will help me assist them in becoming successful in tasks which otherwise they might not achieve.

15 In Education  It allows for students to be actively involved and supports a variety of learners.  These technology devices will help me to be able to include students with disabilities more and ease the burden of finding ways to teach them and help them become successful in comprehending and doing the work required.  I also must have an attitude of willingness to use these assistive devices to help these students be conducive for learning.

16 In Employment  As an employer it is their duty tp provide reasonable accommodations to disabled employees they hire.

17 In Employment  They must provide ramps, bathroom facilities and adequate spacing to accommodate wheelchairs for disabled employees.  For employees with low vision, employers must provide magnification programs for computer screens or hand magnifiers to magnify text and graphics which appear in programs.

18 In Daily Activities  Assistive technologies to foster inclusion of the disabled would be to provide or have provided non- slip materials to hold things in place.

19 In Daily Activities  Adaptive devices and positioning devices to make using materials and everyday items easier to maneuver to have control of their environment.  In hygiene the use of self wipe toilet aids for assisting in toileting and bathroom supports low shelving and or moveable shelves to help in getting materials. Digital textbooks for reading.

20 In Their Communities  In the community assistive technologies can be fostered by having accessibility for wheelchair accommodation, electronic systems which allow and enable the disabled with limited ability to control the various appliances, telephone, light in their room.  Buildings could have constructed ways for the disabled to get in and out of so they won ’ t feel trapped or hindered.

21 Evaluate How AT Act Will Impact Changes to Your Teaching and Learning  The impact of assistive technology act will not have a real impact on my teaching, because I don ’ t have children in my class with any disabilities, However I still use technology with my preschoolers, like the smart board and or computer for recognizing, comprehension and cognitive knowledge and development of basic numbers, shapes, colors, letters and some words.

22 Evaluate How AT Act Will Impact Changes to Your Teaching and Learning  In my learning, knowing how AT assists and help students with learning is rewarding to know in case I ever get disabled students who would need or benefit from these devices. So keeping up with these innovative technological devices will prove vital to my career.

23 References  Barnes, S. (1997). Integrating technology and media. into regular classrooms to facilitate inclusion: Pre-. service/ in-service training of rural educators. Edyburn,D.L. (2013). Inclusive technologies: Tools for helping diverse learners achieve academic success, San Diego, CA, Bridgepoint Education Inc.

24 References Elkind, J. (1998). Computer reading machines for poor readers, Perspectives, 24(2). 4-6. Horn, W., & Tynan, D. (2001). Revamping special education, Public Interest, 144,36-53. Retrieved Tuesday, March 20,2007, from the Academic Search Premier database.

25 References Idol, L. (2006). Toward inclusion of special education students in general education. Retrieved Tuesday March 20, 2007, from the Academic Search Premier database. National Information Center for Children and Youth with disabilities (1989, 1996). Assistive Technology. NICHY News Digest. Quennerville, J. (2001). Tech tools for children with learning disabilities: Infusion into inclusive classrooms. LD Online, Washington, D.C.: WETA. Retrieved January9, 2007, from

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