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Hosted by Saler Axel 100 200 400 300 400 Disabilities and Special Ed IEPsParent/Family Collaboration Learning Disabilities 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Saler Axel

3 100 200 400 300 400 Disabilities and Special Ed IEPsParent/Family Collaboration Learning Disabilities 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 Result of conditions or impairments What is a disability?

5 1,2 Equipment (devices) or services to help compensate for an individual’s disabilities. What is Assistive Technology?

6 1,3 Term that refers only to genetic differences in people. What is race?

7 1,4 A disability of unexpected underachievement typically involving reading that is resistant to treatment. What are learning disabilities?

8 2,1 Children whose performance deviates from the norm, either below or above, to the extent that special education is needed. What are exceptional children?

9 2,2 Describes each level of special education services as being more restrictive and coming in a lock-stepped sequence. What is a continuum of services?

10 2,3 The concept of a homogenized United States in which cultural traditions and home languages are abandoned for the new American culture. What is a “melting pot?”

11 2,4 When poor school performance cannot be explained by other abilities or potential. What is a unexpected underachievement?

12 3,1 Students and individuals without disabilities. What are typical learners?

13 3,2 The educational setting that most closely resembles a regular school program and also meets the child’s special educational needs. What is the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)?

14 3,3 Students learning English as their second language. Who are English Language Learners (ELL)?

15 3,4 The old criterion required for learning disabilities identification. What is IQ/Achievement discrepancy?

16 4,1 Originally passed in 1975 to guarantee a free appropriate public education for all students with disabilities; the special education law. What is the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA)?

17 4,2 Management tool to identify and organize needed services. What are Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)?

18 4,3 Assessment that accounts for cultural and linguistic diversity. What is non discriminatory testing?

19 4,4 Being able to understand and respond appropriately in social situations. What is social competence/popularity?

20 5,1 Passed to bar discrimination in employment, transportation, public accommodations, and telecommunications. It is an antidiscrimination legislation guaranteeing basic civil rights to people with disabilities. What is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)?

21 5,2 Evaluating students’ performance by collecting data frequently and directly on academic tasks. What is a curriculum based measurement (CBM)?

22 5,3 Allowing those exceptional in any one of the eight areas to be indentified as gifted. What is multiple intelligence?

23 5,4 A systematic method of teaching with emphasis on proceeding in small steps, checking for student understanding, and achieving active and successful participation by all students. What is explicit instruction?

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