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生物及解剖學科 陳 瀅 18749 Cerebral cortex 生物及解剖學科 陳 瀅 18749

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1 生物及解剖學科 陳 瀅 18749
Cerebral cortex 生物及解剖學科 陳 瀅 18749

2 Study Goals The topography of cerebral hemisphere
White matter of the cerebral hemisphere Histology of cerebral cortex Functional localization of cerebral cortex

3 Cerebral hemispheres

4 Cerebral hemispheres opercular part triangular part orbital part
Left (A+B) = Broca’s Area – motor speech area inferior parietal lobe : supramarginal + angular gyrus – receptive language area occipital lobe : vision

5 Cerebral hemispheres Taste and smell extend into insula
nociceptive and viscerosensory lentiform nucleus Autonomic nervous system

6 Cerebral hemispheres

7 Cerebral hemispheres Parolfactory area =subcallosal gyrus
(part of septal area)

8 Limbic lobe – subcallosal、cingulate、 parahippocampal、uncus
(A) uncus

9 Anterior perforated substance

10 White Matter Association fibers Commissure fibers corpus callosum
Projection fiber internal capsule

11 Histology of the cerebral cortex
Efferent neuron : red Excitatory : Pyramidal cell, stellate cell (4th layer) A:axon

12 Histology of the cerebral cortex

13 Histology of the cerebral cortex
Sensory cortex 4th thick Motor cortex 5th thick less than 6 layers

14 Histology of the cerebral cortex
Primary visual cortex calcarine sulcus outer line of Baillarger also called striate area

15 Functional localization of cerebral cortex
1861, Paul Broca – speech area (Broca’s area) in inferior frontal gyrus 1864, Hughlings Jackson – motor area in precentral gyrus 1870, Gudden – eye removal that found occipital lobes 1873, Ferrier – ear  temporal lobes 1916, Dusser de Barenne – sensory  postcentral gyrus 1909, Brodmann’s numbered map  52 areas  200 areas

16 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – general somatic sensation
3 1

17 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – general somatic sensation

18 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – general somatic sensation

19 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – general somatic sensation
sensory  spinothalamic and trigeminaothalamic tracts  medial lemniscus  ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus  thalamocortical fibers  posterior limb of the internal capsule  corona radiata  primary somesthetic area (postcentral gyrus)

20 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – general somatic sensation
2nd somesthetic area  spinothalamic, trigeminaothalamic tracts, and reticular formation  intralaminar and posterior nuclei of thalamus  involved in the less discriminative aspects of sensation

21 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – general somatic sensation
somesethetic association cortex superior parietal lobe Brodmann’s area 5 and 7 from 1st somesthetic area lateral posterior nucleus and pulvinar

22 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – vision
Visual associate cortex

23 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – vision
striate area Visual associate cortex (18 and 19)

24 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – vision
1st visual cortex Brodmann’s area 17 lateral half of the ipsilateral retina and medial half of the contralateral retina  lateral geniculate body  occipital lobe left half of the field  the right hemisphere

25 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – vision
Corticotectal fibers connect visual and association cortex with the superior colliculus of the midbrain, which controls the CN 3, 4, and 6 (frontal eye field) for fixation of gaze and for tracking of a moving object

26 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – hearing

27 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – hearing

28 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – hearing
spiral organ  medial geniculate body mainly from the opposite low frequencies  anterolateral part high frequencies  posteromedial part

29 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – taste
inferior end of the postcentral gyrus  insula and anteriorly to the frontal operculum taste bud  gustatory nucleus in the brain stem  central tegmental tract (ipsilateral)  medial division of ventral posterior nucleus

30 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – olfaction
olfactory tract end most in the limen insula and the uncus some in the entorhinal cortex integration of the taste and olfaction

31 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – vestibular
vestibular nuclei  crossed and travel near the medial lemniscus  medial division of ventral posterior nucleus

32 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – primary motor area
source other motor areas somesthetic cortex posterior division of the ventral lateral thalamic nucleus (from cerebellum) efferent fiber pyramidal system 30%  area 4 30%  area 6 40%  parietal lobe Aproxia

33 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – supplementary and cingulate motor areas

34 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – prefrontal cortex
Brodmann’s areas 9-12 connection with the parietal lobe the temporal lobe the occipital lobe also connect with the amygdaloid body in the temporal lobe the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus prefrontal lobotomy Egas Moniz in 1935 Nobel Prize in 1949

35 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – language areas
(44, 45) (22)

36 Functional localization of cerebral cortex – language areas
LEFT Area 44 (pars opercularis & pars triangularis)  Broca aphasia with impaired right motor function Wernicke aphasia (receptive aphysia) Wernicke area : supramarginal (area 40) + angular (area 39) clinical Wernicke area : area 22 + some area 21

37 Vasculature of the cerebral cortex

38 Vasculature of the cerebral cortex

39  lack of knowledge  ignore the left side color face medial occipitotemporal gyrus sounds voices and music

40  no motivation  unable to coordinate  unable to write

41  two areas both injury (ICA or MCA)
 can repeat words  unable to read and write  two areas both injury (ICA or MCA)  can’t repeat words

42 近年國考考題 下列何者阻塞時,最可能造成右側肢體無力及運動型失語症(Broca’s aphasia)?
前大腦動脈 ■中大腦動脈 後大腦動脈  椎動脈 感覺型失語症(receptive aphasia, sensory aphasia)其病灶部位最可能在: 左側Broca area  左側耳蝸神經核(cochlear nucleus) ■左側Wernicke area 左側arcuate fasciculus

43 Reference Haines DE: Fundamental Neuroscience for Basic and Clinical Applications, 4th edition, 2008. Kierma JA: Barr's the Human Nervous System, 8th edition, 2010.

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