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Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual Approach Teterboro Users Group (TUG) Gerald Lynch, Eastern Service.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual Approach Teterboro Users Group (TUG) Gerald Lynch, Eastern Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented to: By: Date: Federal Aviation Administration Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual Approach Teterboro Users Group (TUG) Gerald Lynch, Eastern Service Center, Operations Support Group April 20, 2016

2 2 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration TEB Rwy 19 Quiet Visual al History  Initially presented during a Teterboro Airport Noise Abatement and Advisory Committee (TANAAC) due to concerns regarding the flight path impacting the Hackensack Medical Center Area.  The airport flying community submitted a draft design to the Flight Procedures Office a proposed visual approach to avoid the Hackensack Medical Center Area and potentially reduce aircraft noise.

3 3 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration TEB Rwy 19 Quiet Visual al Status  FAA developed and completed the final procedure design, which passed flight inspection on February 2016  Procedure was published March 31 st  Test period not to exceed 180-days began April 4 th  FAA will use the test results to assist in the noise analysis in conjunction with additional environmental review to determine if the proposed procedure can be charted permanently

4 4 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration TEB Quiet Visual Rwy 19  Charted 31 Mar 2016  We identified radial charting error, R-197 vs. R-017 (NOTAM issued)  We also initiated several refinements to the graphics and procedure  A Flight Check night evaluation resulted in the procedure being NA at night (NOTAM issued)

5 5 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration  Correct TEB R-197 to R-017 (FDC NOTAM’d)  Remove flight tracks STRAD-SKUBY-SLANE  Depict to scale (Geo-reference)  Refine track depiction, does not follow route description  Add TEB 11 DME ARC at ARRTY (R-360/11)  Add TEB 4.2 DME at ESSON  Improve graphic depiction of landmarks TEB Quiet Visual Rwy 19 Chart Refinement

6 6 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration  Route description update (including changing the initial heading from 175 degrees to 165 degrees)  Add ABC Antenna “Caution” note  Change Rejected Landing from, “proceed direct TROVA at 1500’ then direct MORNS INT at 3000’ and hold” to “Climbing right turn to 1500’ via heading 205 and the TEB R-278. Crossing TEB 4.7 DME (TROVA), climb and maintain 3000 or as directed by ATC”  Create new visual reference and waypoint (PARAM) at Paramus Park Mall TEB Quiet Visual Rwy 19 Chart Refinement (cont.)

7 7 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration Chart Refinements (w/o full amendment)  STRAD-SKUBY-SLANE tracks removed  Refine track depiction  Improved graphic landmark depiction

8 8 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration Side-by-side Comparison of Charts

9 9 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration  Not suitable for night operations  Difficulty identifying visual landmarks, Westfield Garden Plaza, Mahwah Hotel  Area around ESSON is visually saturated  FDC NOTAM 6/7112, Change plan view depiction of TEB VOR/DME R-197 to read TEB VOR/DME R- 017. Change NOTES section TEB/VOR DME R-197 to Rwy 19 to read TEB VOR/DME R-017 to Rwy 19. Procedure NA at Night  “Procedure valid for day use only” (pending further evaluation) Flight Check Night Evaluation Results

10 10 Teterboro Runway 19 Quiet Visual April 20, 2016 Federal Aviation Administration Questions?

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