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Quick Breads. Lesson Objectives Improve the quality of whole-grain rich quick breads. Improved the variety of whole-grain rich quick breads. Improve the.

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Presentation on theme: "Quick Breads. Lesson Objectives Improve the quality of whole-grain rich quick breads. Improved the variety of whole-grain rich quick breads. Improve the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quick Breads

2 Lesson Objectives Improve the quality of whole-grain rich quick breads. Improved the variety of whole-grain rich quick breads. Improve the appeal of whole-grain rich quick breads. 2

3 Quick Breads: Important Terms All-purpose Flour* Conventional Oven* Convection Oven* Culinary* Culinary Technique* *Discussed in a prior lesson 3

4 Important Terms (Cont.) Just-In-Time Preparation* Leavening Agent* Mise en Place (meez-un-plahss)* Nutrients* Self-rising Flour* *Discussed in a prior lesson 4

5 Culinary Techniques Dry ingredients should be weighed; liquid ingredients should be measured. Weighing is more accurate. Follow the yeast bread recipe exactly. Measure ingredients in the largest container – Why? 5

6 Activity Review Mise en Place: Measure ingredients carefully found in Participant’s Workbook. Demonstration: Measure and weight of 1 cup of flour. 6

7 Menu Planning Tips Reduce up to half the fat in quick bread by using fruit or bean purees. Applesauce is the favored substitute due to availability and cost. Replace white flour with whole wheat flour. Avoid hydrogenated oils/fats which may contain trans-fats. 7

8 Types of Quick Breads 1.Pour batter for pancakes and waffles. 2.Drop batter for muffins and biscuits. 3.Soft dough for rolled and cut biscuits and scones. 8

9 Ingredients Flour: – Major ingredient in most recipes. – Contains protein called gluten. – Gluten and liquid form strands that capture air for leavening. Gluten development less desirable in quick breads. Mixed very little so less gluten develops. 9

10 Ingredients (cont.) Fat: – Keeps proteins from sticking together. – Provides flavor and tenderness. – Improves “keeping quality.” – Yogurt used to replace fat in some recipes. 10

11 Reducing Fat in Quick Breads Fruit or vegetable purees Applesauce Banana Prunes Pumpkin Carrots Sweet potatoes Bean purees Cooked white beans Cooked black beans 11

12 Ingredients (cont.) Leavening agent: – Baking powder, baking soda, beaten egg whites. – Breads rise due to carbon dioxide gas and steam. Too much, bread loose and crumbly. Too little, bread heavy. 12

13 Ingredients (cont.) Liquid: – Provides moisture, tenderness, and flavor. – Types include water, milk, buttermilk, juice. – Mixture should have a lumpy appearance. 13

14 Ingredients (cont.) Sugar: – Not all quick breads contain sugar. – Provides sweetness. – Helps with browning and tenderness. – Improves “keeping quality.” 14

15 Ingredients (cont.) Spices and flavoring: – Adds flavor. – Measure carefully. 15

16 Activity Demonstration: How to blow up a balloon using leavening. 16

17 Activity Refer participants to USDA Cornbread recipe found in Participant’s Workbook. – What are the preparation steps? 17

18 Video: Muffins 18

19 Activity Review What Happened to the Quick Bread? handout found in Participant’s Workbook. 19

20 Activity Refer participants to USDA Baking Powder Biscuits recipe found in Participant’s Workbook. – What are the preparation steps? 20

21 Video: Biscuits 21

22 Activity Review the Quality Score Card for Quick Breads found in the Participant’s Workbook. 22

23 National Food Service Management Institute 800-321-3054 Thank You!

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