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Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Construction Construction Economy Unit 1 Structure of the Construction Industry.

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1 Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Construction Construction Economy Unit 1 Structure of the Construction Industry

2 Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Construction Aims Learning Outcome 2 Know the contribution the construction industry makes to our social and economic wellbeing nts/BTEC%20Firsts%20from%202010/BF 021800-Firsts-Construction-Issue3.pdf nts/BTEC%20Firsts%20from%202010/BF 021800-Firsts-Construction-Issue3.pdf

3 Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Construction Objectives To define the term economy To examine how the construction industry contributes to the UK economy To undertake research into the regeneration of East Manchester. To calculate the percentage increase of property over a period of time. To examine local and national factors can contribute to the economy To continue with your assignment

4 Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Construction Introduction The Construction Industry is a huge part of the UK economy In pairs define the term economy and provide as many examples of how the industry contributes to the wealth of the country. You will be invited to the front of the class to discuss your examples Economy

5 Economic benefits of construction The UK construction industry makes a valuable contribution to the UK economy. Constructing the built environment creates jobs before (in the planning stages) and during construction. Once the works have been completed, more people are able to move into an area. The construction of factories and retail units also provides business opportunities. The construction industry employs over 2 million people in many different roles and uses a great number of suppliers for materials and plant, along with many different specialist subcontractors. It is a massive economic operation.

6 Construction contribution to the economy Sketch a graph to illustrate the information What does this information tell you?

7 Workforce Examine the data in the table What year were most people employed in the industry? How many people lost their jobs between 2012 and 2013?

8 Sectors within the construction industry What do the statistics published for quarter 1 2013 tell you? Why do you think private industrial projects are so low?

9 Inner-city regeneration Many of our urban centres have been run down with little or no investment as large retail parks have been developed and constructed outside the city centre. This has led to a decline in the take-up of shops, office space and housing developments in city centres. With the injection of regional enterprise funding from Europe and the Government, many inner cities are experiencing a new lease of life.

10 East Manchester

11 Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Construction Student Activity Individually choose and research one case study: Your report must include the following: A description of the location A description of the project (with images) A comparison of how the project contributes to the economy of the area.

12 The housing market and property wealth From the late 1990s to 2008, in the UK, the boom in housing brought about by the low cost of finance, coupled with the substantial rise in the average price of a house, produced wealth for many individuals and developers. The housing boom slowed considerably in 2009 as the global economic situation changed.

13 House prices YearPriceIncrease 1980£12,000 1987£20,000 1993£45,000 2000£75,000 2004£150,000 2012£161,000 2 Bedroom terraced house prices/detailMatching.html/svr/1713;jsessionid=8CEAE5C48C7 2F4A3BDB8FD7A3C221405?prop=36478385&sale=47560034 &country=england 67% 125% 67% 100% 7% http://www.percentagecalculator.net

14 Local and national contributions Locally, the construction industry provides employment through projects, and creates a market for local plant and materials suppliers and all of the ancillary service areas that are required, such as waste skips and accommodation for workers. Examples are a bathroom refurbishment in a residential building or the Olympic stadium in London.

15 New Bathroom DescriptionCosts Demolition£500 Materials£3500 Labour£3000 Decoration£200 Skips£300 Total£7500

16 Olympics Nationally, the construction industry undertakes work on infrastructure projects such as motorways and railway upgrades, sports stadia, for example, the Olympic Stadium, and contributes through the tax system to the wealth of the UK economy £9.3 billion of public sector funding Read through the following article s/uk-23370270 s/uk-23370270 How did the Olympics contribute to the economy?

17 Assignment work Edexcel BTEC Level 2 Diploma in Construction

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