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ERASMUS+ Study Period Information for students leaving in winter semester 2015/2016 27/10/2015 Brno Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová.

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Presentation on theme: "ERASMUS+ Study Period Information for students leaving in winter semester 2015/2016 27/10/2015 Brno Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERASMUS+ Study Period Information for students leaving in winter semester 2015/2016 27/10/2015 Brno Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová

2 page 2

3 Nomination The nomination to an Erasmus study period is binding. Cancellation possible only for serious reasons: 1.You deliver the form "Notification of Cancellation" to int'l officer of your faculty, who refers it to institutional coordinator (IC) 2. Letter of apology to the coordinator abroad (by e-mail, copy to with explanation of cancellation Withdrawal from nomination – affects potential future nomination page 3

4 After nomination If foreign university approves the nomination, it sends the Letter of Acceptance (to inst. coordinator or student) Or an e-mail message confirming acceptance Either must contain dates of stay: from - to After acceptance, you arrange other issues related to the study period page 4

5 page 5

6 Before departure Fill in and send the Application Form You most: 1) find out the application deadline on partner university website 2) check whether the university has its OWN application form (in such case you do not use MENDELU application) 3) Check language requirements of the university abroad (certificate of language competence shall be issued by the faculty int'l officer) 4) fill in and send the application: A - of MENDELU, B - of partner university page 6

7 A – MENDELU application Completed application (sometimes incl. LA) is confirmed by faculty international relations office Departmental coordinator: Vice-Dean for International Relations of your faculty; (at FBE for Study Affairs) Institutional coordinator (IC) : Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová The STUDENT sends the application with annexes to the institution abroad (FAO institutional or departmental coordinator in line with instructions from university abroad) page 7

8 B - application form of partner university 1. Partner institution requires only on-line applications 2. Partner institution requires both on-line and paper applications 3. The institution abroad requires only paper applications In case the institution abroad requires also "Transcript of Records, the list of subjects passed at MENDELU, it is obtained at the faculty Registrar's Department. Fill in the application on a computer and make a COPY before you send it off! page 8

9 page 9

10 On-line language testing Compulsory on-line language testing before and after study period. You shall also be notified of the results. Language support is provided for the working language, not language of the country. You must specify the working language in Learning Agreement. Applies to mobilities with English, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch as working languages. Applies to all mobilities starting after 1 January 2015. page 10

11 On-line language support (OLS) On the basis of language test result, you may be granted a free license to participate in on-line language course. If you accept, you must complete the course. More information at The license is granted by Erasmus+ MENDELU coordinator according to criteria defined by the European Commission. page 11

12 Learning Agreement (LA) Information about offer of study courses: – websites of the institutions abroad – sent directly to students by certain universities Subjects: their content must corresponds to your study programme. You select 3 specialized subjects in the minimal amount of 18 ECTS per semester. (In the LA in advance upon approval) Doctoral students work on dissertation (or upon agreement and faculty requirements). Conditions of the faculty must be met.;downl oad=137381;z=1 page 12

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17 Learning Agreement: Procedure 1.You have the Learning Agreement approved by faculty IRO 2.YOU send LA for confirmation to partner institution (most often FAO institutional coordinator) 3.You bring the LA confirmed by all parties on the occasion of signing the Financial Agreement. You must use the MENDELU form! page 17

18 page 18

19 How to arrange accommodation Some institutions do not provide accommodation; in such case you find private lodgings. Information about accommodation can be found on website of partner institution. Accommodation costs differ; in more expensive countries they may reach the amount of monthly grant. Good source of practical info about accommodation and costs: DATABASE OF MENDELU FINAL REPORTS DATABASE OF MENDELU FINAL REPORTS page 19

20 Before signing Financial Agreement 3 weeks prior to planned departure: 1. You have the study period registered in UIS by the faculty int'l relations officer (according to data in Letter of Acceptance, icon bank connection for int'l stay) 2. You enter your Euro account in UIS (Student Portal) 3. You arrange Travel Proposal (2 printed copies to be confirmed at the faculty, 1 left at the faculty, 1 for the cashier) 8;download=116358;z=1 8;download=116358;z=1 pay for insurance (cash register – Building A, 2 floor, 8.00- 13.00) 4. You make appointment for FA signature at the Rectorate Educational Department (RED) with Mgr. Kuzdasová, no later than 2 weeks before departure, must be signed in person. page 20

21 Financial Agreement specimen Study the text of the FA before signing it. You can find it at: (Study period administration - Procedure before departure - Financial Agreement conclusion) page 21

22 Travel Proposal: Procedure e-Agenda →Zahraniční cesty→Nová cesta Uživatel, Výjezd jako and Pracoviště appear automatically Continue in completing: Stát: select from scroll-down menu (e.g. Dánské království) Přijímající organizace: type name of receiving institution (e.g. University of Copenhagen) page 22

23 Druh cesty: select relevant type of mobility (in case of study period and work placement type "výukový pobyt") Účel: type purpose of mobility (e.g. study period, work placement) Odkdy: type starting date (incl. travel) Dokdy: type end date (incl. travel) Program mobility: select the program from scroll-down menu (e.g. CEEPUS, ERASMUS etc.) Specifikace: select relevant type of mobility (e.g. studijní pobyt, pracovní stáž) Projekt: none (do not fill in) page 23

24 page 24

25 Click on "Založit a přejít dál na financování cesty" Dates and destination must be filled in again Od: type starting date (incl. travel) Do: type end date (incl. travel) Stát: select from scroll-down menu (e.g. Dánské království) Místo pobytu: do not fill in Jízdní výdaje: do not fill in Ostatní: do not fill in Stravné: do not fill in Ubytování: do not fill in page 25

26 Click on "Přidat pobyt" The stay shall appear in the table "Pobyty ve státech a náklady" page 26

27 Click on "Přejít na zadání financování cesty" page 27

28 Druh zdroje: from scroll-down menu select "Vlastní prostředky" page 28

29 Click on "Přidat nový zdroj" page 29

30 In Tabulka zdrojů financování fill in: Ubytování – 0 Kč Jízdní výdaje – 0 Kč Stravné – 0 Kč Pojistné – type the amount that has been calculated, e.g. 2990 Kč Ostatní – 0 Kč page 30

31 Click on "Uložit financování cesty a přejít dál" page 31

32 Fill in: Ubytování – not required Jízdní výdaje – not required Stravné – not required Ostatní – not required page 32

33 Click on "Uložit zdůvodnění výdajů a přejít dál" page 33

34 Print out Travel Proposal in 2 copies before sending it: click on "Vytisknout návrh cesty" page 34

35 Now you can send Travel Proposal: click on "Podat návrh cesty" page 35

36 Signature of Financial Agreement: 1. Letter of Acceptance + confirmation of Welcome Days, Orientation week or language course at the recipient institution of outside (if you have a receipt, it shall be included into the costs of the mobility) (copy) 2. Original or copy of Learning Agreement confirmed by both parties (you keep 1 copy!) (in case you have not LA confirmed you may sign the FA; however, the scholarship shall be paid only after all documents are complete) 3. Receipt of insurance payment (from cash register) 4. Printscreen of OLS language test results page 36

37 Insurance Must be arranged at MENDELU CZK 2,990 for 1 mobility lasting 2-12 months All information at: Enquiries regarding insurance: ERV pojištovna, a.s. tel. 221 860 880 Assistance service: 24/7 EuroAlarm Assistance Prague tel. +420 221 860 606, fax +420 221 860 600 page 37

38 Duties before departure Contact IRO officer about requirements of the faculty ENROLL TO THE SEMESTER in which you depart page 38

39 How will you get money Euroúčet u KB a.s. / closest Merhautova 1, Brno EURO ACCOUNT IN KOMERČNÍ BANKA MUST BE USED 2-3 weeks before the departure visit RED to sign Financial Agreement (info about stay abroad and EUR account details must be entered in UIS + required documents) Your personal presence is necessary on the date of appointment Money are paid no later than on 1 st day of the mobility page 39

40 Calculation of grant amount Exact duration of the mobility is specified in FA and forms the basis for grant calculation. If the duration is not exactly per months, the grant is allotted according to No. of days of the last month as follows:  1 month = 30 days  mobility from 1 Feb to 15 May 2014  = 3 months x monthly grant + 14 ×1/30 page 40

41 Scholarship amounts for 2015/2016 page 41

42 Special scholarships http://www.naerasmuspluscz/cz/mobilita-osob-vysokoskolske- vzdelavani/informace-pro-studenty-s-tezkym-handicapem- nebo-specifickymi-potrebami / http://www.naerasmuspluscz/cz/mobilita-osob-vysokoskolske- vzdelavani/informace-pro-studenty-s-tezkym-handicapem- nebo-specifickymi-potrebami / vzdelavani/studenti-ze- znevyhodneneho-socio-ekonomickeho- prostredi/ vzdelavani/studenti-ze- znevyhodneneho-socio-ekonomickeho- prostredi/ page 42

43 Off you go... page 43

44 page 44

45 After arrival abroad Changes to Learning Agreement form: Changes to original LA page 45

46 Changes to Learning Agreement LA is a preliminary study plan, which may be modified upon arrival through Changes to original Learning AgreementChanges to original Learning Agreement Procedure: 1.First send the proposal for changes on the form Changes to LA to your faculty (int'l officer); upon approval, the faculty shall send it back confirmed and signed. 2.You shall submit the confirmed changes to the institution abroad for approval and when confirmed by all the parties, send it back to the IRO of your faculty and in a copy to Mgr. Kuzdasová at RED – 3.Changes must be finalized within 30 days of the mobility beginning. page 46

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50 Change in mobility duration If longer than 2 weeks, notify the faculty IRO and the IC. Amendment to the FA shall be signed, concerning the difference in the duration and funds If the mobility is longer, no automatic entitlement to provision of additional funds arises (zero-grant) If the mobility is shorter by 1-5 days inclusive, there is no Amendment or reduction of scholarship If shorter by more than 5 days, Amendment is signed and funds settled Amendment is signed after return from abroad with Mgr. Kuzdasová on the basis of the Confirmation of Study Period (original) page 50

51 Upon return home 1.Deliver all documentation to Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová at RED 2.If applicable, sign the Amendment to FA 3.Enter the Final Report to: a)UIS (Student Portal): Evaluation of international mobility: dobi=418;studium=56459 dobi=418;studium=56459 b)EC database (your e-mail password) 4.Take language test again (OLS) 5.Ask for recognition of subjects studied at the faculty page 51

52 Documents upon return 1.Confirmation of Study Period - confirmation of the length of study (ORIGINAL, confirmed by coordinator abroad no later than 1 week before the end of study period), submit within 14 days after the end of study period, copy to the faculty - in case the length of mobility differs from the period mentioned in FA, accounting of the scholarship and appointment to sign Amendment to the Financial Agreement must be arranged with Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová,, tel. 545 135 104) Transcript of Records - Transcript of Records (i.e. list of subjects studied and credits obtained at the institution abroad in COPY) no later than within 6 weeks after return, original to the faculty page 52

53 Tricky points Allow enough time for paperwork. Check whether you deliver complete documents. Meet deadlines for the documents (LA – for FA signature within 2 weeks of beginning of mobility, Changes – within 30 days of beginning of mobility, TR – within 6 weeks after end of mobility, Confirmation – within 2 weeks after end of mobility) LA or Changes must correspond to Transcript of Records. Retain copies of all documents. Paperwork must be completed within 6 week after return. page 53

54 Conditions for return of scholarship Proportionate part: if you fail to obtain the required 18 credits (minimum) and at the same time to successfully pass 3 specialized subjects Entire scholarship: a)if you fail to deliver the required documents by the deadline determined by MENDELU b)if you fail to take the OLS language test before and after mobility c)if you fail to complete the Final Report (EU Survey + MENDELU database) d)if you fail to fulfil duties stated in the Financial Agreement page 54

55 Coordinators at faculties AF: Ing. Daniel Falta, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for international relations tel.: 545 133 214, e-mail: Officer: Bc. Alena Hooperová, tel.: 545 133 398 FFWT: Dr. Ing. et Ing. Miroslav Kravka, Vice-Dean for international relations tel.: +420 545 134 093, e-mail: Officer: Ing. David Sís, tel.: 545 134 007, FBE: Ing. Marcel Ševela, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for study affairs tel.: 545 132 503, Officer: Ing. Šárka Braunerová, tel.: 545 132 799 page 55

56 FRDIS: prof. Dr. Ing. Libor Grega, Dean tel.: 545 136 305; Officer: Hana Kališová, tel.: 545 136 112 FH: Ing. Ivo Ondrášek, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for international relations tel.: 519 367 242, e-mail: ivo.ondrasek @ mendelu.czivo.ondrasek @ Officer: Ing. Jana Nečasová, tel.: 519 367 224 page 56

57 Abbreviations, explanations IC – institutional coordinator – Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová Faculty coordinator – vice-dean for international relations of your faculty (at FBE for study affairs) RED – Rectorate Educational Department LA – Learning Agreement TR – Transcript of Records Confirmation of Study Period – confirmation of duration of mobility FA – Financial Agreement page 57

58 Most frequent mistakes Wrong academic year Your signature is missing Wrong sending institution (MENDELU is correct) Deletions in LA or Changes More than 1 form for Changes LA (Changes) does not correspond to TR Signature date of coordinator abroad is older than date of mobility end Late delivery of documents Failure to take language test, to complete Final Report page 58

59 More details https:// page 59

60 Where to find this presentation? 1. ktuality ktuality 2.Faculty websites page 60

61 Contact to Rectorate Educational Department: Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová Tel.: +420 545 135 104 Fax: +420 545 135 100 page 61

62 page 62

63 Have a good mobility! page 63

64 Thank you for attention Mgr. Hana Kuzdasová Erasmus+ institutional coordinator page 64

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