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Basic Computers 101 Created by Beashua Spearman Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art.

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Presentation on theme: "Basic Computers 101 Created by Beashua Spearman Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basic Computers 101 Created by Beashua Spearman Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art

2  After completing this lesson, students will be able to…  Explain what a computer network is  Identify the key terms related to computer networking.  Understand the terminology associated with computer networking

3  Local Area Network (LAN)  Wide Area Network(WAN)  Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)  Workstation/Workgroups  Wireless Area Network(WLAN)  Wi-Fi  Clusters

4  Clients  Hosts  Servers  Network interface Cables  802.11 a  802.11 b  802.11 g  802.11 n

5 Computer Networks Part I: The Mystery of Computer Networks… How They Work!

6 Network  A Network is a system of two or more computers that are connected through a series of cables  Examples: Infrared light beams, satellite connections, wireless towers, or telephone lines Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art

7 Local Area Network (a.k.a) LAN The Local Area Network (a.k.a) LAN is a…  Smaller network limited to a geographic setting.  The computers are connected through cables.  Examples: 1 Home or 1 School computer lab Screen shot Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art

8 Wide Area Network(WAN) The Wide Area Network(WAN) is…  Any area over 30 miles  It connects a larger geographic area  Examples: Arkansas, the United States, and the Global World  Includes global networks (e.g. The Internet) Source: Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art

9 MAN  The MAN network is the Metropolitan Area Network.  It has a span of 30 miles  Its reach is about 2 buildings Screenshot Courtesy of:

10 Workstation  A Workstation is a personal home computer  It can be a desktop computer used in a business.  It connects human beings together through the use of the desktop computer.  E.g. A Tokyo stockbroker communicates with a Wall Street stockbroker through email communication.

11 Node  A Node is a device that is connected to a computer  Example: Printer, Scanner, Server, Laptop  The Internet is not required within a network  Most Common Node: Desktop Style computer(Workstation)

12 Cluster  A Cluster is a group of server operating systems.  Computers connected to be viewed as a “Single System”  Within a Local Area Network (LAN)  Runs on its own operating system Screenshot Courtesy of Cluster Computing

13  Client:  Client: A Part of the network that receives the data.  Host:  Host: A part of the network that gives the data. Host  The data is accessed from the Host

14  Server:  Server: The same data or information different users receive.  E.g.  E.g. Five different people in various countries search for the word Red Rose in the Google Search Engine and they all receive the same results.  Network Interface Cables (NIC):  Network Interface Cables (NIC): A card that is installed in a computer that allows wireless or Ethernet cable usage to access the internet.


16  We learned the components of a wired computer network…What are they? Local Area Network(LAN Wide Area Network(WAN Metropolitan Area Network(MAN)  A Local Area Network(LAN) is a small area, a Wide Area Network(WAN) is a large area, and a Metropolitan Area Network(MAN) is a mid-size area, for example, a city.  ClientsHosts  Clients are the receivers of data and Hosts are the givers of data.  Complete Part I Handout Complete Part I Handout Complete Part I Handout

17  Computer Networks Part II: The Mystery of Computer Networks… How They Work!: A Wireless World

18  The Wireless Network (WLAN) is the…wireless version of the local area network  A Person can use a mobile device (e.g. smartphone, tablet, or laptop) can use a LAN through a wireless connection. Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art Image Courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art

19  Wi-Fi is another name for the wireless local area network. Image courtesy of

20  802.11 a, 802.11b  802.11 a, 802.11b are the first regulations within the wireless networking standards.  802.11g, 802.11n  802.11g, 802.11n are the recent Wi-Fi regulations within the original Wi-Fi 802.11b 11  The 11 represents the speed of the network connection.


22 WLAN  A WLAN is a wireless area network  It is a wireless version of a local area network Wi-Fi WLAN  We learned the key term Wi-Fi is another word for WLAN 802.11…  The 802.11… numbers are the regulations within the wireless networking standards  Complete Part II Handout Complete Part II Handout Complete Part II Handout

23  Microsoft 2007 Clip Art-Images  Cluster Computing- Cluster Diagram Cluster Computing- Cluster Diagram  StarBucks Wi-Fi Logo- Image StarBucks Wi-Fi Logo  Florida Center for Instructional Technology(University of South Florida) Florida Center for Instructional Technology(University of South Florida)  –Wireless/Networking –Wireless/Networking  You Tube –thenewboston user: Computer Networking Video You Tube –thenewboston user: Computer Networking Video  You Tube –thenewboston user: Networking Basics Video You Tube –thenewboston user: Networking Basics Video  Wikipedia-Wireless Network Wikipedia-Wireless Network  Learn-Networking- Screen capture Learn-Networking  Wikipedia-Computer Networks Wikipedia-Computer Networks

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