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Dark Matter Research Cluster based on Computational Science 2016. 1. 30 ~ 2. 4 Kihyeon Cho(KISTI) and Ki-Young Choi(KASI) KIAS-NCTS Joint Workshop on Particle.

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Presentation on theme: "Dark Matter Research Cluster based on Computational Science 2016. 1. 30 ~ 2. 4 Kihyeon Cho(KISTI) and Ki-Young Choi(KASI) KIAS-NCTS Joint Workshop on Particle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dark Matter Research Cluster based on Computational Science 2016. 1. 30 ~ 2. 4 Kihyeon Cho(KISTI) and Ki-Young Choi(KASI) KIAS-NCTS Joint Workshop on Particle Physics, String theory and Cosmology High1 resort, Jeongseon, Korea

2 차례 1 2. Dark Matter Research Cluster 3. What we need for Dark Matter 4. Summary 1. Why Dark Matter?

3 Why Dark Matter? 2

4 Standard Model  Quark  Baryon (qqq): proton, neutron  Meson (q qbar): pion, kaon  Lepton  Point particle What is world made of? 3

5 July 4, 2012 4

6 What is next?  Standard Model  Matter  Neutrino mass = 0  Beyond Standard Model?  Neutrino mass ≠ 0 2015 Nobel Prize  New Physics 5

7 What is next?  Unification forces?  Why these masses?  Origin of dark mass and dark energy?  Matter and anti- matter asymmetry  … 6

8 The Universe Today 7 Standard Model

9 distance (light-year) rotation velocity (km/s) 8

10 9

11 Dark Matter Search 10 KASI ⇒ Astronomical Data KISTI (GSDC) ⇒ Collider Data Prof. J.C. Park Indirect Direct Collider

12  Dark Matter Research Cluster  From Collider to Astronomy Evolution of Universe Origin of MatterStandard Model KASI ⇒ Astronomical Data KISTI (GSDC) ⇒ Collider Data Components Dark Matter Universities (Students)

13 P5 Report (2014.5.22) 12 Energy Frontier Intensity Frontier Cosmic Frontier HiggsNeutrino Mass Dark Matter Dark Energy The Unknown SMBeyond the Standard Model KASI KISTI

14 Dark Matter Research Cluster 13

15 Project 14 TitleDark Matter Research Cluster LeaderKihyeon Cho Host InstituteKISTI Partner InstitutesKASI and 13 Universities Fund50,000,000 won/year * 2years Period2015.9.23~2017.9.22 SponsorNST (National Council of Science and Technology)

16 Organization Dark Matter Research Cluster Kihyeon Cho Experiment/ Observation Division Youngjoon Kwon Dark Matter Theory Division Ki-Young Choi Steering committee Ki-Young Choi 15 KISTI, KASI, Yonsei U., CAU, CNU, SNU, KNU, Soongsil U, GSNU, Korea U, SNUST, Gwangju E.U., KIAS, Chonbuk U, Hanyang U (15 institutes 32 persons)

17 Goal  To make a national project where most of Korean research community working in the field of dark matter  To make synergies and collaborations among the participating groups for searching dark matter in experiments and theories.  To study the plausible dark matter candidates and the evolution in the Universe  to support and analyze the experiments for its detection 16

18 Enabling discovery on Dark Matter - Observation - Theory - Simulation -Experiment -Theory -Simulation Accelerator Cosmology Supercomputer, GSDC, KREONET, GLORIAD Infrastr ucture (KISTI) (KISTI) GoalGoal 17 Observatory Infrastr ucture (KASI) Infrastr ucture (KASI) KISTI BigDataBigData Belle/Belle II Date, MC simulation, Astronomical Data, etc. ContentContent Computational Science Universities KASI Fusion Research

19 Dark Matter Search 18

20 Simulation 4 19 (physics) We focus on MadGraph & Geant4.

21 To find signal  To find a needle in the hay  All hope is not a loss if our needle is VERY BIG! 20

22 In real world … 21

23 Vision for Dark Matter Simulation  To have a massively parallelized particle transportation engine  To comply with different architecture (GPU, MIC and etc.)  To draw community interests for collateral effort 22

24 KISTI supports:  Supercomputing  Supercomputer, GSDC, PLSI  KREONET, GLORIAD  Homepages  Geant4,DPF of KPS, Dark Matter  Information  HEP Open Access (SCOAP3)  Digital Library, NTIS  Remote Control Room  SeeVogh (KISTI community), Polycom, etc. 23

25 Dark Matter Research Cluster hosts:  Seminar and Meeting (every month)  Dark Matter Research Cluster Kick-off workshop  Date: October 27, 2015, 2:00-6:00 PM  Place: KISTI, Daejeon  Homepage:  Home pages   ⇒ Dark Matter 24

26 What we needs for Dark Matter 25

27 From Experiment  Person Power:  Dedicated team/scientists for DM search for HW/SW  Networking  Networking for both Korea experimentalists in local and international institutions in DM search experiments (in Indirect, Direct and Colliders)  Regular workshop including international workshop  Enhancement communication between experimental and theoretical community ⇒ brain-storming to new ideas  Computing resources for big data :  HPC (High-Performance Computing) for MC  Storage for experimental data and theoretical model 26 Prof. H.D. Yoo. Y. Kwon

28 From Theory  Rapid update & sharing of information  Key point summary DB site by specialists  Regular meeting, Network Feedback between experimentalists and theorists ⇒ Through a (new) center  Rapid & Easy comparing check of theoretical model  Development of new numerical package  Computing power and Person power ⇒ new jobs  Cross check with astrophysics (theoretical model)  N- body simulation  Discussion with DE survey group 27 Prof. J.C. Park

29 Suggestions  Model DB and Simulation Parameter  To develop DM System based on computational Science  Experimental results supports to constrain parameters of theory.  Theories enhance the accuracy of expected values.  Automated tools (computing+ manpower) supports rapid and accurate results  The development of S/W  To support various measurements in Indirect, Direct and Collider 28 Prof. S.C. Park Dark Matter Research Management System

30 Schedule  2016.4.21-22 Dark Matter Workshop  KISTI, Daejeon  2016. 8 Report  Current Status of Dark Matter  2017. Proposal  NST, MISP, etc.

31 Summary 30

32 Plan  Dark Matter Community ⇒ Multi-Dark  Report ⇒ Proposal ⇒ NST, MISP  Computing Cluster ⇒ GSDC ⇒ MISP 31 천문연 -KISTI 융합연구 클러스터 IBS-Axion 사업단 IBS- 지하실험사 업단 중앙대 서울대, 충남대 연세대 IBS- 이론사 업단 …… Mass Cross Section ⇒ Network Building ⇒ National Dark Matter Research Center Prof. K. Y. Choi

33 32 Dark Matter Research Cluster based on Computational Science BSM ( ⇒ Dark Matter) Theory-Experiment-Simulation Enabling Discovery What is the world made of? Method Infra- structure Goal Output Outcome

34 “You are welcome to join Dark Matter Research Cluster.” Thank you. 33

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