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1 Chapter Five Federalism: Review Questions. 2 Enduring Questions What is sovereignty? Where is it located in the United States system of government?

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Presentation on theme: "1 Chapter Five Federalism: Review Questions. 2 Enduring Questions What is sovereignty? Where is it located in the United States system of government?"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Chapter Five Federalism: Review Questions

2 2 Enduring Questions What is sovereignty? Where is it located in the United States system of government? How has that changed since the first days of our Republic?

3 3 What are definitions and examples of: Confederal government? Unitary government? Federal government?

4 4 What are definitions and examples of the following types of federal power : Enumerated powers? Implied powers? Inherent powers?

5 5 What are definitions and examples of the following types of state powers? Enumerated? Reserved?

6 6 What are examples of powers prohibited to: The federal government? The state governments? Both levels of government?

7 7 Concurrent powers Definition? Examples?

8 8 Revenue Sharing Categorical grants Block grants

9 9 Devolution Definition? Examples? Partisan differences?

10 10

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