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Chapter 1 Introduction to Government. What is a “state” and what is a “nation?” State= an independent political community that occupies territory and.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Introduction to Government. What is a “state” and what is a “nation?” State= an independent political community that occupies territory and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 Introduction to Government

2 What is a “state” and what is a “nation?” State= an independent political community that occupies territory and has an organized govt. with the power to make laws. –Close to 200 states worldwide Nation= is any sizable group of people who are united by common bonds –Race, Language, Custom, Tradition Also means an independent state or country.

3 What are the 4 essential features of a state? Population-You have to have people to have a state –States whose people share common beliefs about the state are the most successful. Territory- A state must have established boundaries –This can often be a source of conflict for nations. Ex- Israel/Palestine Sovereignty- This means that the state has ultimate authority within its boundaries to make laws, foreign policy, etc. –This means that every state SHOULD have equal power worldwide Government- Govt. is the way that a state maintains peace and stability and enforces laws on the citizens of the state

4 Purposes of Government Maintaining Social Order Providing Public Services Providing National Security Making Economic Decisions

5 Section Two- The Formation of Government SSCG19 The student will compare and contrast governments that are unitary, confederal, and federal; autocratic, oligarchic and democratic; and presidential and parliamentary.

6 How did the state come to be? Theories of the Origin of State Evolutionary Theory- Developed because large family units (like Abraham’s from the Bible) needed organization. Force theory- Govt. emerged when all people in an area were brought in together forcibly. Divine Right Theory- The idea that the rich and powerful were born rich and powerful because God had chosen them to rule the state. Ex- Louis XIV from France Social Contract Theory- People give up some rights to a government or other authority in order to receive or maintain social order. –Two main supporters influenced American government

7 Social Contract Theory Thomas Hobbes State of Nature (no government) = “nasty, brutish, and short.” *People give up a few rights in exchange for protection from the govt. John Locke People naturally have the right to life, liberty, and property. *If the govt. doesn’t protect you, the people can revolt and create a new government.

8 Another important old dead man… Montesquieu – -Wrote the Spirit of Laws -His ideas included separation of powers (dividing powers of government between the branches) -Would also be important because he was a scholar of democracy and how it should function -Influenced the FF when writing the Constitution

9 Government Systems Three different ways the national govt. and the smaller govt. divisions can interact with another. –UNITARY System- gives all powers to the national or central govt. Central govt. can then give some powers to state/local govts. –FEDERAL System- divides the powers of govt. between the natl. govt. and the state govts. –CONFEDERAL System- A weak or loose organization of states agrees to follow a powerful central government. Strong state power, less central power. States can choose to follow or not follow the orders of the central govt.

10 Constitutions Plan that provides the rules for government Sets ideals that the people bound by the constitution believe and share It establishes the basic structure of government and defines the government’s powers and duties –In the U.S. it tells job descriptions and the relationship between federal and state government Provides the supreme law for the country “Constitutional Governments” are limited governments

11 Section 3 Types of Governments

12 Major Types of Governments 3 Major Types- –Autocracy –Oligarchy –Democracy

13 Autocracy Power is in the hands of a single individual –Oldest and most common form of Govt. Several forms –Absolute (totalitarian) dictatorship- A single leader is glorified –Monarchy- Inherit their power through birth. Absolute-complete and unlimited power to rule their people. Constitutional- Share governmental powers with elected legislatures or as just as ceremonial leaders of state

14 Oligarchy Any system in which a small group holds power Power comes from: –Wealth –Military –Power –Social Position –Religion

15 Democracy Any government in which the people rule 2 forms –Direct Democracy- The people govern themselves by voting on issues individually as citizens. Very rare. –Representative democracy- People elect representatives and give them the responsibility and power to make laws and conduct government. Republic- Voters are the source of the government’s authority. The United States is a republic

16 Make 2 study aids: On one- –Draw the charts to help tell the differences between unitary, confederal, and federal government systems One the other –Draw a picture that represents the 3 types of govt. (autocracy, oligarchy, and democracy) –Tell me about that government system- definition, who has power, etc

17 Characteristics of Democracy Individual Liberty- Equal opportunities for everyone to live their lives to their best capacity Majority Rule with Minority Rights Free elections- “One person, one vote.” Competing Political Parties.

18 Democracy works best when there is…. Active citizen participation A favorable economy Widespread education A strong civil society A social consensus

19 Section 4 Economic Theories

20 Economics The study of human efforts to satisfy unlimited wants thru limited resources 3 Roles of Economic Systems – –What/How Much to make – –How we should make them – –Who gets what we make?

21 Capitalism (aka- Free Enterprise) 5 Characteristics – –Private ownership and control of property – –Free enterprise – –Competition among businesses – –Freedom of choice – –Possibility of profits Adam Smith described Capitalism in his book The Wealth of Nations – –Came up with term Laissez-faire

22 Socialism The government owns/controls econ 3 Goals – –Equal distribution of wealth/econ opp. for all people – –Society’s control of all major decisions about production – –Public ownership of almost all land, factories, etc Democratic Socialism- Govt. owned means of production but free elections, etc.

23 Communism Developed by Karl Marx- The Communist Manifesto, Das Kapital Believed that in industrialized nations there are 2 groups – –Bourgeoisie (the rich) – –Proletariat (the workers) Believed that the workers (proletariat) would eventually overthrow the Bourgeoisie Believed that eventually one class of workers would arise and all property, etc. would be held in common

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