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Student Rocket Program Summary United Launch Alliance (ULA) and Ball Aerospace have created a unique educational program whereby they sponsor an annual.

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2 Student Rocket Program Summary United Launch Alliance (ULA) and Ball Aerospace have created a unique educational program whereby they sponsor an annual launch event for large high power sport rockets. The rockets will launch in July 2012 near Pueblo, CO and will fly to between 4000 and 10,000 feet above the ground. The rockets will carry payloads designed and built by high school student teams. Payloads are objects, simple or complex, that are carried by the rockets high into the sky, and then deployed (if desired) from the rocket. A payload can be almost anything a team can dream up. Program involves interns at ULA & Ball, and high school students from Colorado or other states - ULA interns will build the rockets - Ball interns will build four large payloads - 16 high school teams will have an opportunity to provide payloads - All participants are encouraged to attend and participate in the launch Program objectives are to: - Give students design, analysis, test, and hands-on fabrication experience - Allow students to be involved in launching the largest civilian rocket in the state of Colorado - Provide a fun and enriching experience that motivates students to pursue a technical career - Design and build payloads (Satellites AKA our robot)

3 1.Payloads can be electrically and functionally active or passive. They can be simple or complicated. They can be or do almost anything you can dream up - Exceptions: see #2 below. 2.Payloads may not include live animals (except insects), explosives, flammable liquids, bio-hazards or nuclear materials. Small pyrotechnics for device actuation are permissible. 3.Class A, B, C, D, and E Class payloads will be deployed/jettisoned from rocket. Class F and G payloads can be deployed or remain in rocket (payload choice). If Class F or G payloads are not deployed their length can increase by 3” over length specified. Payload Requirements

4 Payload Requirements (cont) 4.Estimated maximum acceleration during flight (except at jettison) = 10 g’s. Estimated maximum acceleration during payload jettison = 100 g’s. - In Other Words - make your payload sturdy. A good test to see if your payload is sturdy enough is to drop it from a height of 36 inches onto a medium thickness carpeted floor so it lands vertically on the end that will be adjacent to the ejection piston in the rocket. - If it survives this drop test, it should survive the jettison/ejection event in flight. - If your payload will not be jettisoned from the rocket, a drop test from 6 inches (in flight orientation) is sufficient

5 5.Each payload team will be provided a Fit Check Tube. - If your payload fits in the Fit Check Tube, it will fit in its assigned rocket payload compartment. 6.Each payload team will be provided a Payload Tube. - A Payload Tube is a phenolic-reinforced cardboard tube that matches the maximum dimensions specified for each class of payload, i.e. 6” long x 3.9” diameter for a Class G payload. This is the largest possible tube that will fit inside your Fit Check Tube. 7.The Payload Tube can be used in several ways: 1) It can be used as the outer structure of the payload, i.e. items can be installed inside or attached to the inside of Payload Tube, 2) the Payload Tube can be split into two 180 degree half shells that surround payload and protect it during jettison, then fall away from your payload after jettison, 3) or you don’t need to use the Payload Tube. Payload Requirements (cont)

6 8. A parachute or other provision shall be used to ensure that payload does not descend at more than 20 mph. 9. Payload maximum allowable dimensions must include a payload parachute if applicable, i.e. a Class G payload compartment (6” long x 3.9” diameter) can accommodate a 5.25” long x 3.9” diameter payload plus a 0.75” long x 3.9” diameter packed parachute. 10.Payloads installation in the rocket must be complete with no further access at least 60 minutes (preferably 90-120 minutes) prior to launch. - Lesson Learned: Test your payload if applicable to ensure it has adequate battery life and/or memory - Lesson Learned: Test your payload to ensure it does not auto-power-off after 60 minutes or less of inactivity, darkness, quiet, etc. Payload Requirements (cont)

7 Flight Profile Liftoff T+0 sec Altitude = 0 feet AGL Altitude = 5400 feet MSL Velocity = 0+ mph 1 st Stage Jettison T+8 sec Altitude = 2300 feet AGL Velocity = 240 mph 2nd Stage Engine Ignition T+9 sec Altitude = 2600 feet AGL Velocity = 210 mph 2nd Stage Engine Burnout T+16 sec Altitude = 5700 feet AGL Velocity = 310 mph Apogee – Drogue Chute Deployment T+30 to T+37 sec Altitude = 8400 feet AGL Fast Fall Under Drogue Small Payloads Deploy T+40 sec to T+55 sec Velocity = 45 mph Nose Cone, Large Payload, and Main Parachute Deployment T+60 sec Velocity = 45 mph Altitude = 6500 feet AGL Nose Cone Payload & Parachute Deployment T+65 sec Velocity = 80 mph Altitude = 6000 feet AGL Touchdown of Modules T+200-600 sec Velocity = 10-20 mph 1 st Stage Chute Deployment T+15 sec T+40 T+43 T+46 T+49 T+52 T+55 T+40 T+43 T+46 T+49 T+52 T+55 Photos by Ray LaPanse

8 1 Section View A-A High School Payload Installed in Rocket Class G Payload 3.90” dia x 6” long (max) Tethered Ejection Piston Ejection Cylinder (3.90” inner diameter) 0.66 Gram Black Powder Explosive Charge Rocket Airframe Cover Plate Parachute AA 2 3 4 Ejection Sequence 1.At specified time in flight, small explosive charge fires 2.Pressure from charge pushes against piston & payload 3.Cover plate breaks free of rocket 4.Payload flies free of rocket 5.Parachute deploys 5 Class G Payload Accommodations And Ejection Sequence Tape

9 Vendors that sell parts that could be used to build payloads. You are not limited to these sources, but they are a good place to start. Misc parts, fasteners, materials: Airborne Cameras: Timers and Altimeters: Parachutes: National Assn of Rocketry Website: Misc Electronics: Misc Electronics: Additional Information Send questions, comments to: Jeff Dunker United Launch Alliance Stars “N” Stripes rocket fires retro rockets on its fin tips to limit its altitude Photo by Ray LaPanse Show SimRock FUTURE flight And A,V & P plot 2009 Launch Video: 2010 Launch Video: 2011 Launch Video:

10 The acronym of KISS and it’s meaning All Engineers fall victim to this temptation and those of you who think like them too! What I am talking about is the tendency to make this more and more complicated To do more interesting things to you Unfortunately this also allows more and more things To be wrong or not quite right. The customer wants It to do what they asked for first. KISS – is the term to remind us of this Keep It Simple Stupid

11 Key aspects we want to keep in mind What the Flight duration is? Why? How much acceleration will it see? Why? How much vibration? Why? What is the environment in the payload tube going to be like? Why? It has two stages see acceleration profile The rocket and your payload are loaded well before launch. The rocket is laying on its side and is then erected to the vertical position. The time before loading and erection as wild cards and they only offer general intentions of when things occur

12 Future Rocket answers 1 I have the 2011 Rocksim file 2 Height will be 25 feet +/- 3” 3 Rocket will have two stages. Booster stage will have two N2000W engines clustered. Upper stage will have one N2000W. 4 Outer diameter of rocket will be 11.6”. 5 Total liftoff weight is expected to be between 280 and 300 lbs depending on weight of all the payloads. 6 Small payloads should not exceed 3 lbs. If more than 3 lbs is desirable, coordinate with us and we can work with you.

13 More information Max G’s during boost phase will be less than 10g’s, probably closer to 5g’s. Other high load events will be parachute deployments. I did not put the parachute data into Rocksim so you won’t be able to get that data. Drogue chute opening G’s should not exceed 5g’s, but main chute loads could be higher. I’m hoping main chute loads won’t exceed 10g’s, but it would be good to be able to measure up to 20g’s or so. With a range up to 250g’s it may be hard to see the single digit g levels in the data, but anything I can get will be better than what I have now.

14 Additional questions If the team is planning on having a barometer as part of the payload. Which means we need to have opening on the outside wall of our payload package. Is this okay any restrictions we should know about? –Yes, we can drill a hole in the cover plate over your payload so that it senses external pressure. If we have an accelerometer on board so the payload will need to be oriented with respect to the thrust axis. Is their any means to key the payload to insure its orientation? –Yes, I’m sure we can come up with something (tape, glue, set screw, pop rivet, etc.). Plan to bring the payload to the rocket a couple weeks before launch and we can rig up a way to fix its orientation.

15 Additional questions (cont) If the team chooses a camera which also means that the outside wall may be desired to be clear or have a small protrusion to allow a diagonal prism to look down. Again is there any problem with this and any restrictions we should know about? –No problem. You can modify the cover plate over your payload just about any way you want. Small protrusions are not a problem. We can give you the cover plate to modify yourself if you want, but the cover plates won’t be built until about 3 weeks before launch. FYI – the cover plate will be the material we cut out of the airframe when we cut holes in the side of the rocket. The cover plates will bear against the payload ejection tube inside the rocket and be flush with the external surface of the rocket. The cover plates just tape around the perimeter to hold them on. The cover plates will be solid carbon fiber laminate, about 4.25” diameter, and about.10” thick.

16 Decisions We are using an Arduino same as last year Do we get deployed from the rocket (last year we decided not to) Detect lift off sensor (Baro or Accel, or LO switch) What data does this payload collect for the flight? –Acceleration (did last year 1-axis) –Rotation –Vibration (can see this with an accelerometer if frequency range is right) –Air pressure (did last year) –Acoustic (had a microphone on board last year but didn’t record it) –Temperature (was on one payload last year) –Light (we are in an enclosed compartment) –GPS data –Video IE look outside by some method (keep in mind some thing substantially increase the cost and complexity of the task) –Other?

17 Decisions (cont) Time CPU or external reference How are we collecting the data on-board (same as last year SD and EEPROM) off board would mean a new RF part. Maybe both incase one doesn’t work. Power supply – 9 volt battery – big enough? ON indicator- Arduino on board LED? Running and status indicators (LED’s or Audio) by Freq, color, pattern? On Off switch Mounting of parts for easy access Mounting survive flight environment If we have enough team members maybe we can do two payloads like last year also.

18 Suggested answers Mr. B. Garbee guest speaker has offered up several answer for us. What size hole is needed for the barometer to work correctly – one about 3/16” in center of outer wall. Q = C d* A*sqrt[2*d p /p]. Q (flow rate) C d (discharge coeff) d p (press difference) p (air density at 20 o C) Solving for A (area) which is pi*(D/2) 2 equations show allows 6 cubic inches of air to vent. I have a spreadsheet I made for this. Is the Ardunio on board ON indicator? He used a speaker to hear the health and operation of his boards. He had LED but are very visible when in the payload. But very helpful in test on the work bench Running/status indicator use LEDs? Yes How many? Two Use color and/or pattern? Yes to both Need to collect data for liftoff thresholds for barometer and accelerometer. Used accelerometer for liftoff detection most responsive, used barometer as backup

19 Suggested answers (cont) He used RF link to send the data down but had used EEPROM in the past, his recommendation was to watch for amount of data to be save and the amount of memory you have He average the barometer data on the ground processing S/W. In flight record only raw data for both barometer and accelerometer. Barometer data is very noisy and slower to notice any changes. Pre launch operation average the accelerometer data (filtering 10 measurements) for detection of lift-off, then he saved the data used. Change the sample rate based on the flight profile. For accent sample rate of 100/per second, but for coast slow down to 10 or even 1 per second. Our power flight time is 17 seconds. Coast to apogee 14 seconds. 5.1 minutes parachuting down. Data from the simulation




23 Requirements Have access to a computer with a USB port and okay to install IDE on. Strongly recommend considering purchasing an Arduino starter kit from Sparkfun Or one from ADAFRUIT

24 Class assignments –Purchase your own Arduino kit (or rotate class board) –Go on-line and look for other payloads and report of those designs –Go on-line and look for our sensors so we can compare –We will decide next time what we are flying! –Suggestions for who is on team one and team two –The cost is a function of the payload parts cost divided by the number of people –For instance say the parts cost $300 per team, that works out to about $35 per person.

25 Special action items We have a collision with the April 24 class and another STEM activity. To solve this we’ll move this meeting. Is 4/23 or 4/25 a better date? The means to share class information area, Drop box, PTC wind-chill, Google docs, academy web site

26 Power budget ItemVoltageCurrent 9V battery Ardinuo Barometer Accelerometer Led's Total

27 Weight Budget 3 lb’s ItemWeight 9V battery Ardinuo Barometer Accelerometer Led's Board Total

28 Sensor AccelerometerPressureCameraTime Liftoff detection? Why is it needed? Does it satisfy Payload assignment? Is it a KISS item Cost range What sensitivity is needed What range is needed power supply needed Is its size Okay Is its weight okay How much data does it generate Data type Analog or Digital

29 What other things are needed Other partsMicroprocessorData storageBatteryBoardRecovery Why is it needed? Does it satisfy Payload assignment? Is it a KISS item Cost range What sensitivity is needed What range is needed power supply needed Is its size Okay Is its weight okay How much data does it generate

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