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Who is involved? Jews Palestinians (Arabs) Ok, but who are they?

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Presentation on theme: "Who is involved? Jews Palestinians (Arabs) Ok, but who are they?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who is involved? Jews Palestinians (Arabs) Ok, but who are they?

2 Where is this happening? Israel, formerly Palestine


4 Key Historical Events Growth of Zionism (1900s) In response, Anti-Semitism grown in Middle East Balfour Declaration (1917) British promise to establish “national home” for Jews British Mandate of Palestine (1920-1948) British control Palestine as a colony Allow Jews to return to Palestine Jewish population grows 84,000 to 445,000 in less than 20 yrs

5 Key Historical Events UN Partition Plan for Palestine British gives up control Country divided into two states Arabs did not accept the plan Arab-Israeli War- 1948 6 Arab nations invaded Israel US supports Israel with $100 million in assistance Israelis defeat the Arab armies 750,000 Palestinians are forced to leave their homes as refugees

6 1967 – Six Day War Nationalism, Superpower involvement and arms buildup lead to conflict Surprise attack by Israel against Egypt and Syria Israel takes West Bank and Golan Heights – swift victory

7 Key Places Jerusalem After 1948 war, Jerusalem was split Israel controlled West, Palestine controlled East (where most important religious sites are located)

8 Key Places Jerusalem After 1948 war, Jerusalem was split Israel controlled West, Palestine controlled East (where most important religious sites are located)

9 Key Places West Bank 59% officially under Israeli civil and security control 23% under Palestinian civil control, but Israeli security control 18% under control of Palestinian National Authority Israeli Settlements a/israel-palestine-conflict-zone/?ar_a=1

10 West Bank Barrier Construction began in 2002

11 Key Places Gaza Strip Controlled by Egypt after its creation Israel captured control after Six Day War Israeli troops left in 2005, still control airspace, borders, and water 2007: Militant group, Hamas, took control of the strip – broke ties with Palestinian Authority of the West Bank

12 Gaza Strip & Israel Restricted entry to & from Gaza Heavily guarded metal fences along border Blockade of trade Only humanitarian goods allowed in No exports allowed out Lack of economic growth & shortages greatly impact waste management, sewage treatment, and water supplies

13 Gaza Strip & Israel Violence Militants in Gaza fire short-range homemade rockets into Israel’s cities As retaliation, Israel sends air strikes over Gaza

14 Now that you know the facts & have seen the experiences of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, put yourself in the situation. Imagine that you are a teen living in this conflict. Write a journal entry from both the Palestinian and the Israeli perspective. What would a day-in-the-life of a Palestinian or Israeli teen be? What would they think, what would they do? For each, reference 3 things we have discussed in class or seen in the videos Each entry should be ~ 2 paragraphs in length.

15 Two-State Solution Why would it work? Creates independent State of Palestine and State of Israel Each group has their own land, their own laws, etc. Supported by majority of the world (US, European Union, United Nations, Arab League) Why wouldn’t it work? Israeli settlements continue to take land away Fear that Palestinians would not accept State of Israel, would continue to fight for land

16 One-State Solution Why would it work? Creating one democratic nation where everyone is considered equal The two groups could work together to create a system that works for them As time passes, more and more are believing that this is the only feasible option Why won’t it work? Both groups would not get the national self-determination they have fought for Takes away borders; will Palestinians have land?

17 Focus on building a Two-State Solution Occurring between Israeli Prime Minister and Palestinian Authority President Biggest Issues: Where would the border be drawn? Militarization? Where’s Hamas? Gaza Strip will not see any peace talk as legitimate if they are not involved

18 If you were part of the Peace Talks, what would be the most important issue to you?

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