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The Female Reproductive System: two ovaries, two oviducts, the uterus, the vagina and the external genitalia. Ovaries: almond-shaped bodies approximately.

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Presentation on theme: "The Female Reproductive System: two ovaries, two oviducts, the uterus, the vagina and the external genitalia. Ovaries: almond-shaped bodies approximately."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Female Reproductive System: two ovaries, two oviducts, the uterus, the vagina and the external genitalia. Ovaries: almond-shaped bodies approximately 3 cm long, 1 cm wide and 1 cm thick. covered by a simple cuboidal epithelium (the germinal epithelium), tunica albuginea dense connective tissue responsible for the white colour of the ovary. The cortical region lies under the tunica albuginea, where ovarian follicles predominate. The medullary region contains rich vascular network with a loose connective tissue.


3 Ovarian Follicles: oocyte surrounded by one or more layers of follicular cells (granulosa cells). the primordial follicle consists of a primary oocyte enveloped by a single layer of flattened follicular cells. in the superficial layer of the cortical region. The oocyte is spherical with a large nucleus and prominent nucleolus. These are in the first prophase of meiotic division.,Follicular Growth: Primordial follicles pass into four stages of maturation,(FSH) secreted from the pituitary gland. 1. Unilaminar primary follicle: Follicular cells divide by mitosis and form a single layer of cuboidal cells. 2. Multilaminar primary (pre-antral) follicle: Follicular cells continue to proliferate forming stratified follicular epithelium called the granulose layer. Zona pellucida composed of glycoproteins surround the oocyte.

4 3. Antral (secondary) follicle: Liquid begins to accumulate between follicular cells, spaces coalesce to form a larger cavity, the antrum. 4. Mature (Graffian) follicle: -Granulosa cells concentrate at a certain point to form the cumulus oophorus, concentrate on the oocyte to form the corona radiate. - The fibroblasts of the stroma differentiate to form the theca layer, (externa and interna). Secrete estrogen. -The whole process of growth of primordial follicle to mature follicle lasts about 90 days.


6 Ovulation: Takes place in the middle of the menstral cycle, (luteinizing hormone (LH), anterior pituitary in response to of estrogens. Corpus Luteum: After ovulation the follicle collapse, the granulose cells and cells of the theca interna forming granulose lutein cells, and theca lutein cells,. secreting estrogen and progesterone. programmed to secrete for 10-12 days under LH stimulation. degeneration resulting in a decrease of estrogen and progesterone and an increase of FSH(corpus albicans.) placenta will secrete hCG with a similar action to that of LH, ( corpus luteum of pregnancy.)

7 Oviducts (Fallopian Tubes): two muscular tubes 12 cm. The infundibulum, having finger like extension called the fimbriæ, 1. Mucosa: simple columnar epithelium and a loose connective tissue lamina propria. ciliated and secretory. 2. Thick muscularis: inner circular or spiral and outer longitudinal layers. 3. Serosa: Visceral peritoneum. Uterus: pear shaped organ,body (corpus) and cervix. The internal os separates the two. The fundus is a dome shaped part of the body. three layers: serosa or adventitia, myometrium and endometrium.



10 The myometrium, smooth muscle fibers separated by connective tissue. Four poorly defined layers are recognized; first and fourth are longitudinal, the middle layer contain uterine blood vessels. Endometrium: Consists of epithelium and lamina propria containing simple tubular glands, ciliated and secretory simple columnar cells. 1. The stratum basalis: The deepest one adjacent to the myometrium. 2, The stratum functionalis: composed of lamina propria, glands and surface epithelium.



13 Uterine Cervix: Is the lower cylindrical part of the uterus. The endocervix is lined by mucus secreting simple columnar epithelium. ectocervix is bulges into the vagina is covered by stratified squamous epithelium. Cervix has few smooth muscle fibers consisting mainly of dense connective tissue. Mucous cervical glands are extensively branched and do not desquamate during menstruation. At the time of ovulation, cervical mucus is watery, while during pregnancy or luteal phase it is more viscous. Vagina: 1. Mucosa: Stratified squamous epithelium. Under the effect of estrogen, epithelial cells accumulate glycogen which is degraded by vaginal bacteria into lactic acid. The lamina propria: Is composed of loose connective tissue very rich in elastic fibers and very few naked nerve endings responsible for pain sensation. 2. Muscular layer: Longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle fibers. 3. Adventitia: Dense connective tissue rich in elastic fibers.


15 External Genitalia: Consists of the clitoris, labia minora and labia majora and Bartholin's glands. Clitoris is homologus to the penis, consisting of two erectile bodies ending in a rudimentary glans clitoris and a prebuce, all covered by a stratified squamous epithelium. Labia minora are folds of skin with spongy connective tissue fibers. Sebaceous and sweat glands are present. Labia majora are similar to labia minora, containing large quantities of adipose tissue and a thin layer of smooth muscle fibers. The skin is covered by a coarse curly hair and abundantly supplied by sensory tactile nerve fibers.

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