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INFO MGT IN THE 21 ST CENTURY Dr. Rob Hallis Instructional Design Librarian Associate Professor of Library Services University of Central Missouri BME,

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Presentation on theme: "INFO MGT IN THE 21 ST CENTURY Dr. Rob Hallis Instructional Design Librarian Associate Professor of Library Services University of Central Missouri BME,"— Presentation transcript:

1 INFO MGT IN THE 21 ST CENTURY Dr. Rob Hallis Instructional Design Librarian Associate Professor of Library Services University of Central Missouri BME, BM, BA, MM, MLIS, Ph.D.

2 New Century / New Challenge Information is Different We use it differently Academically Personally Students are Different Environmentally Biologically Managing the Chaos Understanding the question Understanding Context Understanding Credibility / Reliability

3 New Century / New Information Amount of Information Format is Different Pace is different Specificity is Different

4 Images from Powers of 10 and Scale of the Universe New Information -From Small [10 -14 ] to Smaller [10 -35 ]

5 New Information -From Large [10 24 ] to Larger [10 26 ] Images from Powers of 10 and Scale of the Universe

6 New containers for information Images from Yahoo.Com

7 New Forms/Forums of Publication

8 New Environments Images from SecondLife

9 Archives Online

10 Archive Materials

11 Tweets

12 Pushed Information Images the App Zite

13 Blogs Homepage from

14 Is Peer Reviewed still the Gold Standard? Accuracy Guardian: Clarity Language Purpose Relevance to the question

15 Is Peer Reviewed still the Gold Standard? Accuracy Guardian: Clarity Language Purpose Relevance to the question

16 Do Students know what is on the Internet Crovitz, L. Gordon.

17 New Sources -MLA 7 th Edition Common Sources Article Book Translations Interview Web Publication Dissertation Government Publication Brochure Proceedings Additional Common Sources Broadcasts: TV/Radio Sound recording Film/Video Recording Performance Musical Score/Libretto Cartoon Advertisement Memo Legal Source

18 New Assignments Pedagogical Methods Inquiry Constructionist New Technologies Mashups Journaling Videoconferencing [Skype]

19 Inquiry / Constructionist Pedagogy Information Management in the Rubric Find 3 scholarly sources; evaluated on Appeared in journal Correctly cited Find three authoritative sources that relate to your topic Credibility of Sources Appropriately related to point of the assignment Appropriately integrated in assignment

20 Google a day



23 Information: Fitting the Pieces Together Overview/ Background [Context] Primary Documents [Spectator] Scholarly Information [Experts] General Information [Accurate & Accessible]

24 New Students Many familiar with rudimentary searching Generally overconfident Generally lacking context Confusing foraging for searching Unaware of What is on the internet Who writes the content How searches arrange information

25 Information Management Skills ACRL SCONUL Managing Chaos Understanding the question Understanding Context Understanding Authenticity Assessing the use, not the source

26 ACRL Standards Determine the extent of information needed Access the needed information effectively and efficiently Evaluate information and its sources critically Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose Understand the economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally (ACRL)

27 7 pillars of SCONUL [Society of College, National and University Libraries] Establishing opportunities for using information literacy skills Identify a knowledge gap and the information needed to fill it Planning and carrying out searches Critically evaluating results, information and sources Communicating and presenting findings accurately and appropriately Reflecting on effectiveness of approach and adapting as necessary Identifying own learning, success and failures, and ways forward


29 Evaluating the Use Information Management in the Rubric Assessing the format of the source Find 3 scholarly sources; evaluated on Appeared in journal Correctly cited Assessing the relevance of the source Find three authoritative sources that relate to your topic Credibility of Sources Appropriately related to point of the assignment Appropriately integrated in assignment

30 Describing your Search- Linking Terms Dog Service Animal Anxiety Useful Information

31 Describing your Search Psychological Journal Peer Reviewed Sociological Journal Peer Reviewed Organizations ADA / Blogs Wikipedia Dog Service Animal Anxiety Useful Sources

32 Wikipedia

33 Common words do not indicate Common content Prehistory [cover of Prehistory: The Making of the Human Mind] Development of Concept When were we aware of events before written record Prehistory [cover of Prehistory of the Mind] Ability What were human ancestors intellectual abilities

34 Understanding the Question Nature of your question determines the information needed to support your conclusion Service dogs are useful in helping PTSD patients People having service dogs for anxiety disorders experience problems bringing their animals ion trips/in buildings etc. There are a shortage of service dogs for those suffering anxiety disorders Intuitive nature of dogs make them ideal service animals for those suffering from anxiety disorders

35 Reliability of the Source First hand account [blogs, Wiki’s, storycorps] Scholarly perspective Informed opinion Homepage from

36 Creating Context

37 Adjusting Rubrics to evaluate Exploring the breadth of available Info Relating the sources to the task Choosing appropriate experts Choosing appropriate formats

38 CREDITS Created by Robert Hallis Design & Graphics Robert Hallis Screens accurate as of 8/2012

39 Bibliography Web.. Accessed 2/09/2012. Association for College & Research Libraries. “Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education.” Association of College & research Libraries, 2000. 29 June 2012. Colquhoun, David. “Publish-or-perish: Peer review and the corruption of science. science The Guardian, 5 September 2011. Web. 25 July 2012. Crovitz, L. Gordon. “Before ‘Wagergate’ Could be Googled.” Wall Street journal, 17 April 2. Web. 27 June 2012. Google. Google a day. Web. Accessed 8/1/2012. History Dectectives. Mystery Crystal Cross. Investigator. Tukufu Zuberi. PBS. Web. Accessed 8/1/2012. Israel Museum. The Digital Dead Sea Scrolls. Web. Accessed 8/1/2012.

40 Bibliography Library of Congress. American Memory. Web.. Accessed 7/31/2012. Linden Research Inc. Second Life Map. Web.. Accessed 7/31/2012. Massachuetts Institute of Technology. MITOPENCOURSEWARE. 7/31/2012. Web. Web. Accessed 7/31/2012. American Institute of Physics. Medical Physics. 39/4 (2012). Print Powers of 10, 1977. Charles and Ray Eames. 1977; Web. Accessed 8/1/2012. Scale of the Universe. Cary & Michael Huang. 2010; Web. Accessed 8/1/ 2012 SCONUL. (1999) Information Skills in Higher Education: A SCONUL position paper, London, SCONUL. Web. ars.html. Accessed 7/31/2012. ars.html

41 Bibliography Smithsonian. Smithsonian CivilWar. Web. Accessed 8.1.2012. Stanford University Libraries. SUOLAIR: Copyright & Fair Use. Web.. Accessed 7/31/2012. State Historical Society of Missouri. Newspaper Collection. Web.. Accessed 7/31/2012. Storycorps. Web.. Accessed 8/1/2012. Wikipedia. Psychiatric Service Dog. Web. Accessed 8/1/2012. Zite. Zite: Your Personalized magazine. Web.. Accessed 8/1/2012.

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