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Cloud, Internet, and Browsers. Filezilla Checklist  ISIS access  COMP101 file on your computer  FILEZILLA installed  Saved passwords and certificate.

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Presentation on theme: "Cloud, Internet, and Browsers. Filezilla Checklist  ISIS access  COMP101 file on your computer  FILEZILLA installed  Saved passwords and certificate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cloud, Internet, and Browsers

2 Filezilla Checklist  ISIS access  COMP101 file on your computer  FILEZILLA installed  Saved passwords and certificate  Set up bookmarks

3 Exercise 1 Move the index.html page  From public_html on ISIS to COMP101 on your computer  From COMP101 on your computer to public_html/COMP101 on ISIS  Repeat the last step

4 The Cloud


6 The cloud is …  Poll Everywhere!  Poll:  Responses Responses

7 Is the cloud ethereal?  Heck no!  Cloud =  Data stored many places  Data easy to access interface

8 The Cloud (A Brief History)A Brief History  Concept as old as computers  First descriptions 1950s  Not interesting until  All people had GOOD access

9 Early Computers  Every company had a “private cloud”

10 Today  Internet and cell phones wide-spread  NOT ubiquitous  Web services  Anything that you want to do is probably on the web  If you store it,  “they” can read it  Anyone can copy it  People sometimes try to block it  But always a way to get around it  It’s probably archived somewhere  And may never go away!


12 Internet

13 What is the Internet?  The machines  The connections  The content

14 The Internet in 1980

15 The Internet Circa 1998

16 What made the Internet succeed?  Early users shared information  Command lines  1993: Browser invented!  Mosaic  Marc Andressen  Brought  Graphical Interface  Easy access  No technical skill needed

17 Browsers

18 Viewing a Web Page SERVER web page repository WEB PAGE instructions stores information and instructions BROWSER retrieves web page and follows instructions Server Web Server Pages Client Browser 1 3 2

19 Viewing a Web Page SERVER web page repository WEB PAGE instructions stores information and instructions BROWSER retrieves web page and follows instructions Server Web Server Pages Client Browser 1 3 2

20 What is http and https?  HyperText Transfer Protocol  Protocol: set of rules  Transfer: move it from one place to another  Hypertext: the essence of the web – the links Hypertext  HTTPS is the secure version  Tells the browser that it has to go to the internet to find it

21 Retrieving a web page  You type the URL  How does your computer find it?  Up to the first slash is the SERVER name  Everything after that is inside of public_html!  Just follow the folders  At the end, get to a file

22 Routing: Getting to the Server  Server names don’t tell me where anything is  They DO tell me who gave them the name   organization that manages edu gave the university unc  Unc gave the department cs  Translate the name to a number called the IP address  Example:  Each value ranges from 0 to 255!  Translation is done through a table called the Comain Name System (DNS)

23 Browser Instructions

24 What do the instructions look like  Open Chrome  We want to look at a page  View Page Source  Only TEXT  Even though the page has a picture on it!

25 Web Instructions: Three Legs HTML Content CSS Presentation JavaScript Behavior

26 Creating HTML  All we have to do is edit a page  CANNOT use a word processor  Word, Pages, Writer  Why? They add all sorts of gorp  Do NOT need special software  We WILL use it: Komodo Editor  It HELPS

27 Using Komodo Edit

28 Exercise 2  Open Komodo Edit  Create a project:  direct access to your COMP101 file  Load index.html  Change the text  Save it  Look at it  Move it back to isis  Look at it there

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