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Making the most of web and data tools Sue Fidler Charity Web and Database Consultant.

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Presentation on theme: "Making the most of web and data tools Sue Fidler Charity Web and Database Consultant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the most of web and data tools Sue Fidler Charity Web and Database Consultant

2 Whatever our job title.. We are all responsible for making the best use of our web and data tools… IT, Database and Web staff have a responsibility to educate our organisations about what we could be doing. Sue Fidler

3 We all hate bad websites and bad data management Sue Fidler

4 Left hand v Right hand Sue Fidler

5 Poor Data Management Sue Fidler

6 Missing Content Sue Fidler

7 - Piss off users - Damage the brand - Puts people off coming back Ruins all the hard work we put in Sue Fidler Effects…

8 Two things we needs to do to improve customer experience: Sue Fidler 1. Think about what they want… not how we work 2. Integrate data and content

9 Think about what they want… not how we work Sue Fidler

10 - What do people come to you for? Sue Fidler - How easy is it for them to find it? - How easy is it for them to do it?

11 Sue Fidler



14 2007 Sue Fidler

15 What these sites have in common is easy navigation and obvious routes to what you want to find Sue Fidler




19 Traditional charity site: Sue Fidler About UsWhat We DoWhere We WorkGet InvolvedDonate LOGO EnewsContact UsSearch News Story Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in News Story Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in

20 Traditional routes through site: Sue Fidler About UsWhat We DoWhere We WorkGet InvolvedDonate Enews Contact Us

21 Active routes through site: Sue Fidler About UsWhat We Do JOIN IN Enews Contact Us DonateCampaignShop

22 - Clear call to action - Clear places to click - Primary position for campaigns and appeals - About us/What we do secondary Sue Fidler

23 Integrate data and content Sue Fidler



26 So how can we improve? Sue Fidler

27 Who are our key Audiences Sue Fidler

28 Audiences Sue Fidler Donors Supporters Campaigners Advocates Activists Clients Beneficiaries Service Users Volunteers Peers Stakeholders

29 What are they looking for? Sue Fidler Most important question No.2

30 Purpose Sue Fidler Provide Service healthcare/ childcare/ education Provide Support sharing/ knowledge/ insight Networking bringing people together Build brand/ fundraising/campaigning

31 Link audiences to purpose Sue Fidler

32 Purpose Sue Fidler Donors Supporters Campaigners Advocates Activists Clients Beneficiaries Service Users Volunteers Peers Stakeholders Provide Service Provide Support Networking Build brand Fundraising Campaigning Audience

33 How do we know what they want? Sue Fidler web stats most visited pages entry and exit pages emails reports most click throughs FAQs – what do you get asked for most survey/questionnaire focus group

34 Tools Sue Fidler

35 What tools suit the audience and purpose? Sue Fidler Most important question No.3

36 Tools: Sue Fidler Website engaging interesting refreshed interactive give benefit STICKINESS

37 Tools: Sue Fidler Email engaging interesting “news” readable give benefit OPEN RATES/ CLICK THROUGH RATE

38 RSS - Really Simple Syndication – information provided by a site and displayed on yours Podcast/Vodcast - an audio/video file that you download WIDGET - Graphic which has live data from a site – such as how much has been raised against a total Sue Fidler Push Technology

39 Sue Fidler Provide Service Provide Support Networking Build brand Fundraising Campaigning Feeding information to a Group to form a sense of community / knowledge Push Technology

40 Tools: Sue Fidler Discussions Chat room real time chat between a live online group Instant Messenger IM real time chat one-2-one group

41 Tools: Sue Fidler Dialogues: Blogs (Web Log) – an updated, chronological publication of personal thoughts and Web links. Forums – bulletin board or list serve WIKI - website (or pages) which anyone can edit, add to comment on and delete, without moderation or censorship

42 Sue Fidler Provide Service Provide Support Networking Build brand Fundraising Campaigning Allowing personal networking and sharing Discussions and Dialogue

43 Tools: Sue Fidler Image Sharing FlickR - is a photo sharing website - an online community platform used as a photo repository YouTube - is a free video sharing website on which users upload, view, and share video clips. image/video gallery

44 Tools: Sue Fidler Social Networking: Bebo/MySpace/Facebook - social networking sites offering user-submitted network of friends, personal profiles, blogs, groups, photos, music and videos. Second Life - one of several online games, that allow people to inhabit alternative virtual worlds as a character of their choosing. These avatars play out their lives in 20,000 acres of digital space

45 Data: Sue Fidler Use data to improve customer experience

46 Data: Sue Fidler Supporters: - Can you offer self management - Can you “remember” their details - Can you bring up their last donation?

47 Sue Fidler


49 Data: Sue Fidler Campaigners: - Can you offer self management - Can you “remember” their last action - Can you display their activism

50 Sue Fidler



53 Data: Sue Fidler Email: - Do the same users always click on the same stories? - Segment the email

54 Management and Moderation Sue Fidler

55 How will you manage it all? Sue Fidler Most important question No.4

56 Management Sue Fidler Time and resources Who is building the tools – costs in-house/freeware, agency/bespoke Who is updating the content – resources staff, volunteers, community leaders Out of date content is worse than none

57 Management Sue Fidler Data and Planning Who is responsible for managing the data? What are the plans for follow up, ongoing comms, upgrades etc (DPA) What are the plans for success and failure?

58 Sue Fidler

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