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Colton Dana & Erik Mohl (5 day Sixth Grade Science Curriculum) Green House Gases & Clean Energy.

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Presentation on theme: "Colton Dana & Erik Mohl (5 day Sixth Grade Science Curriculum) Green House Gases & Clean Energy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colton Dana & Erik Mohl (5 day Sixth Grade Science Curriculum) Green House Gases & Clean Energy

2 The lesson that we have created is aimed towards improving sixth grade science student’s understanding of how green house gases are caused and how to reduce them through clean energy. The main goal is so students can become more aware about the problems on the planet they live on as well as helping other students in the school too. -6th grade -Magnet School blocks - 5 day stretch Introduction and Context

3 Objectives -Students will understand how and why green house gases are produced -Students will analyze the impact of green house gases on the environment -Students will decide how to raise awareness at the school about greenhouse gases by a poster campaign. -This aligns with Next Generation Science Standards through Cause and Effect (MS-ESS2-5)

4 Plan Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5 Complete a lab that helps to understand green house gases HW: Get permission slipped signed and write down observations from the lab that day. Students will share their thoughts on the lab and watch videos about green houses gases. Answer teacher questions in groups HW: Last chance to bring in permission slip. Also bring a pencil and notepad Field trip to the Hartford Science Museum. Students will fill out a work sheet and draw some images of what they see HW: Finish answering questions from field trip. Be ready to turn in the worksheet. Students will create posters promoting clean energy or reducing green house gases in groups of 3 or 4 HW: None Put final touches on posters. Students will present their posters in their groups. Lastly, hang posters up around school and classroom.

5 Day 2 - Connecting the lab to the real world (Overview of lab) - ( ) - Teacher poses questions -What does the video point out about green house gases? -How can we reduce green house gases? -Describe the process of how green house gases are created.

6 -Large pickle jars -Smaller jelly jars -Laboratory thermometers -White cardboard -8 ½ x 11 white paper -Transparent tape -Clear plastic wrap -Rubber bands -Water -Anti-fog solution -Timer/clock -Activity log sheet -Graph sheet -Question and answer sheet -Poster boards - Resources Images of Energy City

7 Evaluation and Poster Examples Creativity 1 No pictures/ word 2 Lacking in either pictures or words 3 Meets expectations of pictures and words 4 Above and beyond with pictures and words Incorporation of Current Unit 1 No understanding of unit displayed 2 Poster has no message 3 Meets expectations of unit 4 Above and beyond incorporating the unit Full Group Participation 1 Only one person did the work 2 Only 2 people contributed 3 Only 3 people contributed 4 Everyone contributed on the poster Presenation 1 Did not talk during presentation 2 Added little to no contribution 3 Contributed a fair amount and met expectations 4 Contributed and spoke a lot, enthusiastic about project

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