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Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting 31 th of January, 2012. ToF-L/R detector HV upgrade Jovan Puzović, Faculty of Physics,

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting 31 th of January, 2012. ToF-L/R detector HV upgrade Jovan Puzović, Faculty of Physics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting 31 th of January, 2012. ToF-L/R detector HV upgrade Jovan Puzović, Faculty of Physics, Belgrade

2 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 2 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team HV System Components 1)Main control unit – CAEN SY527 (10 units – working well – some aging problem) 2) HV Generator modules – CAEN 753 (10 units – working well) 3) HV Distributors modules – CAEN 933 (80 units – lot of problems due aging) 4) PC for control and monitoring (working well)

3 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 3 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team HV System Status 1) Failing rate of HV distributors increase during last year 2) For the period of the November Be run (one month) we lose 4 distributors! 3) 6 broken distributors sent to CAEN for reparation 4) When we get it back, we will have only 4 spares, which is not enough to be safe for this year run

4 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 4 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team System topology

5 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 5 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team Plan for uprade 1) Replace one or two crates in the pit (240 or 480 channels) with the new system 2) Use replaced crates as source of spare parts for the remaining 6 crates QUESTION buy a new system from manufacturer (CAEN,…) or produce a custom made, based on resistor divider

6 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 6 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team CAEN System 1) SY4527 - Universal Multichannel Power Supply System – BASIC5680 EUR 2) A1932AP - SY1527 H.V. channels +3 KV/500 μA Distributor (48 ch) (Double width)6,085 EUR 3) A2932AP - SY1527 H.V. channels +3 KV/250 μA Distributor (48 ch) (Single width) 6,085 EUR 4) SW4536 - SY4527 Control software1,250 EUR

7 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 7 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team Price for CAEN system 1)240 channels (one old crate) (5680+5*6085+1250+2000) ~40000EUR (166 EUR/ch) 2) 480 channels (two old crates) (5680+10*6085+1250+2*2000) ~72000EUR (150 EUR/ch)

8 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 8 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team Custom made system -Distributor made as a passive resistors divider -Setting of HV by hand (choosing R) -Include monitoring of HV by implementing microcontroller inside every distributor! -Use the same connectors on the back as we already use -Made the standard housing (bin) compatible with standard rack

9 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 9 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team Price for custom system - Price for 480 channels expect to be ~25000 EUR (!?) (two crates+20 distributors+4 spare)

10 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 10 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team Pro CAEN: Reliability, well known company, repairing options, support, compatibility, lot of options for settings and monitoring Custom: Perhaps price (!?)

11 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 11 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team Against CAEN: Price Custom: R&D, lot of settings and calibration procedure

12 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 12 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team Proposal -Postpone ordering from CAEN for a month -Immediately order connectors for patch panel -Try to find another company to make hardware, design and software would be by Belgrade group -During May, we can made few more Russian-type (without monitoring) distributors, then will be safe for few months

13 Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade Collaboration board meeting, 31.01.2012. Page 13 out of 13 Jovan Puzović, Belgrade SHINE team THE END

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