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1 These slides are optimized for PowerPoint versions 12 (2007/2008) and 14 (2010/2011). If viewed in earlier versions of PowerPoint, some slides may not display properly. BUILDING VOCABULARY SKILLS This presentation should be viewed in “Slide Show” view to display properly. Use the tab key, space bar, arrow keys, or page up/down to move through the slides. [Mac: Go to “Slide Show” pulldown menu and click on “Play from Start.”] [PC: Go to “Slide Show” tab and click on “From beginning.”] Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved.

2 BUILDING VOCABULARY SKILLS Fourth Edition Sherrie L. Nist Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved.

3 Unit Three Chapter 17 endeavor equate impose indignant defer malicious option passive patron inevitable Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved.

4 Ten Words in Context Unit Three/ Chapter 17 Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved.

5 Ten Words in Context The children showed great respect for their grandmother and deferred to her every wish. When it comes to fixing cars, I defer to my brother’s judgment. He knows much more about auto mechanics than I do. Defer means A. to object. B. to give in. C. to want. Choose the meaning closest to that of the boldfaced word. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 1 defer – verb

6 Ten Words in Context The children showed great respect for their grandmother and deferred to her every wish. When it comes to fixing cars, I defer to my brother’s judgment. He knows much more about auto mechanics than I do. Defer means A. to object. B. to give in. C. to want. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 1 defer – verb One way for the children to show their respect is to give in to their grandmother’s every wish. If the brother knows more about auto mechanics, it makes sense to give in to his judgment on fixing cars.

7 Ten Words in Context Becky endeavored to raise money for Christmas presents by selling candy and cookies door to door. Your company would be wise to hire Jesse. He will endeavor to do his best at whatever jobs you give him. Endeavor means A. to try. B. to pretend. C. to step aside. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 2 endeavor – verb A woman endeavoring to climb the rock face Ru ̈ diger Kratz, St. Ingbert via Wikimedia Commons

8 Ten Words in Context Becky endeavored to raise money for Christmas presents by selling candy and cookies door to door. Your company would be wise to hire Jesse. He will endeavor to do his best at whatever jobs you give him. Endeavor means A. to try. B. to pretend. C. to step aside. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 2 endeavor – verb Selling candy and cookies is a way to try to raise money. If the company would be wise to hire Jesse, it must be because he will try to do his best. A woman endeavoring to climb the rock face Ru ̈ diger Kratz, St. Ingbert via Wikimedia Commons

9 Ten Words in Context It would be a mistake to equate the two teams just because they both have perfect records. One team has played much stronger opponents. Don’t equate all homework assignments with busywork. Homework can increase one’s understanding of a subject. Equate means A. to exchange. B. to consider to be the same. C. to enjoy. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 3 equate – verb 0° on the Celsius scale equates to 32° on the Fahrenheit scale— both are the temperature at which water freezes. Gringer via Wikimedia Commons

10 Ten Words in Context It would be a mistake to equate the two teams just because they both have perfect records. One team has played much stronger opponents. Don’t equate all homework assignments with busywork. Homework can increase one’s understanding of a subject. Equate means A. to exchange. B. to consider to be the same. C. to enjoy. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 3 equate – verb 0° on the Celsius scale equates to 32° on the Fahrenheit scale— both are the temperature at which water freezes. Gringer via Wikimedia Commons If one team has played much stronger opponents, it would be a mistake to say the two teams are equal (the same). A homework assignment that increases one’s understanding cannot be considered the same as busywork.

11 Ten Words in Context Our neighbor pounded on our door as we were sitting down to eat. “I’m sorry to impose on you during dinner,” he said, “but I need to borrow a fire extinguisher.” Roy is always asking favors, yet people never seem to notice how much he imposes on them. Impose means A. to selfishly bother. B. to improve. C. to spy. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 4 impose – verb

12 Ten Words in Context Our neighbor pounded on our door as we were sitting down to eat. “I’m sorry to impose on you during dinner,” he said, “but I need to borrow a fire extinguisher.” Roy is always asking favors, yet people never seem to notice how much he imposes on them. Impose means A. to selfishly bother. B. to improve. C. to spy. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 4 impose – verb The neighbor apologizes for bothering the family during dinner. If Roy is always asking favors, he is selfishly bothering people.

13 Ten Words in Context My mother becomes indignant when she sees parents treat their children with disrespect. When she was falsely accused of stealing a classmate’s gold chain, the student became very indignant. Indignant means A. angry. B. patient. C. amused. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 5 indignant – adjective An indignant man Polylerus via Wikimedia Commons

14 Ten Words in Context My mother becomes indignant when she sees parents treat their children with disrespect. When she was falsely accused of stealing a classmate’s gold chain, the student became very indignant. Indignant means A. angry. B. patient. C. amused. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 5 indignant – adjective An indignant man Polylerus via Wikimedia Commons Seeing parents treat their children with disrespect would make the mother angry. Being falsely accused of theft would make the student angry.

15 Ten Words in Context I am such a chocoholic that if you put a brownie in front of me, it is inevitable that I will eat it. We try so hard to look and stay young, but aging is inevitable. Inevitable means A. unlikely. B. surprising. C. unavoidable. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 6 inevitable – adjective

16 Ten Words in Context I am such a chocoholic that if you put a brownie in front of me, it is inevitable that I will eat it. We try so hard to look and stay young, but aging is inevitable. Inevitable means A. unlikely. B. surprising. C. unavoidable. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 6 inevitable – adjective Being a chocoholic would make eating the brownie unavoidable. Aging is unavoidable.

17 Ten Words in Context Bullies are malicious—they take pleasure in hurting others. Raquel loves malicious gossip. The more spiteful it is, the more she likes it, and the more likely she is to repeat it. Malicious means A. mean. B. ambitious. C. common. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 7 malicious – adjective The two girls on the right appear to be spreading malicious gossip about the girl on the left. zalouk webdesign via Wikimedia Commons

18 Ten Words in Context Bullies are malicious—they take pleasure in hurting others. Raquel loves malicious gossip. The more spiteful it is, the more she likes it, and the more likely she is to repeat it. Malicious means A. mean. B. ambitious. C. common. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 7 malicious – adjective The two girls on the right appear to be spreading malicious gossip about the girl on the left. zalouk webdesign via Wikimedia Commons Someone who takes pleasure in hurting others is mean. Rachel likes mean gossip. The word spiteful is a clue.

19 Ten Words in Context When my overweight uncle was told, “Stop eating so much or you’ll have a heart attack within five years,” he didn’t like either option. Noah thinks a multiple-choice test allows him to choose more than one option. Option means A. an opinion. B. an advantage. C. a choice. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 8 option – noun There are many snack options in this machine. Nenyedi at en.wikipedia via Wikimedia Commons

20 Ten Words in Context When my overweight uncle was told, “Stop eating so much or you’ll have a heart attack within five years,” he didn’t like either option. Noah thinks a multiple-choice test allows him to choose more than one option. Option means A. an opinion. B. an advantage. C. a choice. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 8 option – noun There are many snack options in this machine. Nenyedi at en.wikipedia via Wikimedia Commons The uncle was given the choice of stopping eating so much or having a heart attack. In the second item, the words choice and choose suggest the meaning of option.

21 Ten Words in Context Taylor is very passive. He waits for things to happen instead of making them happen. Students learn more when they take part in class discussions instead of simply being passive listeners. Passive means A. insincere. B. inactive. C. flexible. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 9 passive – adjective A passive student D. Sharon Pruitt via Wikimedia Commons NOT passive students Stephen Murphy, U.S. Navy via Wikimedia Commons

22 Ten Words in Context Taylor is very passive. He waits for things to happen instead of making them happen. Students learn more when they take part in class discussions instead of simply being passive listeners. Passive means A. insincere. B. inactive. C. flexible. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 9 passive – adjective A passive student D. Sharon Pruitt via Wikimedia Commons NOT passive students Stephen Murphy, U.S. Navy via Wikimedia Commons If Taylor simply waits for things to happen, he is inactive. In the second item, being an inactive listener is contrasted with taking part in discussions.

23 Ten Words in Context The punk-rock star was a good patron of the beauty shop. She came in at least once a week to change her hair color. Many of the diner’s patrons were stagehands who worked at the theater across the street. Patron means A. an advertiser. B. an owner. C. a customer. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 10 patron – noun Patrons at an outdoor café © Townsend Press

24 Ten Words in Context The punk-rock star was a good patron of the beauty shop. She came in at least once a week to change her hair color. Many of the diner’s patrons were stagehands who worked at the theater across the street. Patron means A. an advertiser. B. an owner. C. a customer. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 10 patron – noun Patrons at an outdoor café © Townsend Press If the star came into the beauty shop to change her hair color, she was a customer of the shop. The stagehands were customers of the diner.

25 Sentence Check 1 Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17

26 Sentence Check 1 Complete the item with the correct word from the box. A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron 1. When rats are crowded together, it’s __________ they will fight with each other. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17

27 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 inevitable If rats are crowded together, it is unavoidable that they will fight. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 1. When rats are crowded together, it’s __________ they will fight with each other.

28 Sentence Check 1 2. I have only two _________s at work: I can do what my boss asks, or I can be fired. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

29 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 The only choices at work are to do what the boss asks or be fired. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 2. I have only two __________ at work: I can do what my boss asks, or I can be fired. options

30 Sentence Check 1 3. In our society, we too often __________ happiness with money. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

31 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 We too often consider happiness and money to be the same. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 3. In our society, we too often __________ happiness with money. equate

32 Sentence Check 1 4. Mort isn’t a(n) _________ football fan. He actively participates by jumping out of his seat and yelling until he’s hoarse. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

33 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 A fan who jumps and yells is not inactive. The word actively is a clue. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 4. Mort isn’t a ___________ football fan. He actively participates by jumping out of his seat and yelling until he’s hoarse. passive

34 Sentence Check 1 5. I was the store’s most loyal __________ until new management raised the prices, and then I started shopping elsewhere Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

35 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 If the person used to shop at the store, he or she was a loyal customer. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 5. I was the store’s most loyal __________ until new management raised the prices, and then I started shopping elsewhere patron

36 Sentence Check 1 6. Heidi is so __________ that she makes up lies to ruin other people’s reputations. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

37 6. Heidi is so __________ that she makes up lies to ruin other people’s reputations. A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 malicious Someone who makes up lies to ruin the reputations of others is mean. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17

38 Sentence Check 1 7. “I don’t want to __________ on you,” Scott said, “but if you’re going to the post office, would you get me some stamps?” Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

39 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 Scott does not want to take unfair advantage by asking the person to get stamps for him. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 7. “I don’t want to __________ on you,” Scott said, “but if you’re going to the post office, would you get me some stamps?” impose

40 Sentence Check 1 8. When his wife accused him of never helping around the house, Mac was __________. Hadn’t he just built a deck off the kitchen? Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

41 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 If Mac just built the deck, he’d be angry at his wife’s accusation. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 8. When his wife accused him of never helping around the house, Mac was __________. Hadn’t he just built a deck off the kitchen? indignant

42 Sentence Check 1 9. Our instructor doesn’t expect us to __________ to his opinions just because he’s the teacher; he wants us to think for ourselves. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

43 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 If the instructor wants them to think for themselves, he wouldn’t expect them to give in to his opinions. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 9. Our instructor doesn’t expect us to __________ to his opinions just because he’s the teacher; he wants us to think for ourselves. defer

44 Sentence Check 1 10. Many climbers who have _________(e)d to reach the top of Mount Everest have died on the way. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron

45 A. deferB. endeavorC. equateD. imposeE.indignant F. inevitableG. maliciousH. optionI. passiveJ. patron Sentence Check 1 Mountain climbers would attempt to reach the top of Mount Everest. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 10. Many climbers who have ____________ to reach the top of Mount Everest have died on the way. endeavored

46 Chapter Review Try to define each of the words from this chapter. The words will appear one at a time as you advance the slides. Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17

47 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17

48 inevitable Sure to happen; unavoidable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17

49 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose

50 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose To take unfair advantage of; to selfishly bother

51 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate

52 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate To consider to be equal, the same, or similar

53 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive

54 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive Being acted upon without acting in return; unresisting; inactive

55 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option

56 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option A choice; alternative

57 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron

58 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron A customer, especially a steady one

59 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer

60 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer To give in to someone else’s wishes or judgment; yield out of respect

61 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer endeavor

62 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer endeavor To make a serious effort; to attempt; to try

63 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer endeavor malicious

64 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer endeavor malicious Showing great ill will; mean; deliberately harmful

65 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer endeavor malicious indignant

66 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer endeavor malicious indignant Angry because of some insult or injustice

67 inevitable Chapter Review Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved. Unit Three/ Chapter 17 impose equate passive option patron defer endeavor malicious indignant

68 Unit Three Chapter 17 endeavor equate impose indignant defer malicious option passive patron inevitable Copyright © 2015 Townsend Press. All rights reserved.

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