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NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY April Meeting 2016. SPRING SERVICE FORMS  Seniors must submit forms and pictures no later than April 18 th  Failure to do so.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY April Meeting 2016. SPRING SERVICE FORMS  Seniors must submit forms and pictures no later than April 18 th  Failure to do so."— Presentation transcript:


2 SPRING SERVICE FORMS  Seniors must submit forms and pictures no later than April 18 th  Failure to do so will remove you from NHS meaning no chord or recognition at graduation. This is a very “firm” deadline.  Juniors forms and pictures are due May 13  All forms and photos are due on or before the due date. No exceptions.  Pictures can be emailed to our historian Emma Howard at  Additionally they can be submitted to the NHS GroupMe at group/20250832/MnKbhM  Forms are available after the meeting or on the NHS website.

3 UPCOMING SERVICE PROJECTS  NHS Blood Drive – April 7 th -8 th  Sign up to donate blood in the main office (counts as a service project)  Volunteer slots are filled (except for 1 st period on Friday). Signup on the NHS website.  Stratton/Steele Science Fair Judges  Volunteer signup on NHS website – more volunteers needed!  NHS Induction Ceremony – April 19th  Volunteer signup on the NHS website  High Trails – May 4-6  Filled. Counts as both Spring projects.  Beautification Day – May 14 th  Sign up with Ms. Claybaugh

4 SENIOR CHORDS  Senior chords cost $8  Money can be given to the Business Office beginning April 20 th  Seniors cannot purchase chords before this date, or if there are any incomplete requirements.  Check the Grade Book

5 FINANCIAL REQESTS  Due to the Induction Ceremony and other end-of-year expenditures, financial requests are being postponed to the May meeting.  We currently have three pending requests.

6 NEW OFFICER ELECTIONS  President  Aliza Anderson  Gretchen Gaebler  Lucy Timmins  Vice President  Annaliese Bronner  Aleah Cordoba  Secretary  Devereaux Sadler  Maryfher Villarreal  Treasurer  Kalia Hunter  Historian  Isobel Dickson

7 SEE YOU NEXT MONTH! (EXCEPT SENIORS)  The May meeting is Tuesday, May 10 th  If you have questions contact Mr. Chamberlin in room 222 or any of the current NHS officers

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